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MAEDA Lunchtime Roundtable Panel Discussion Making the Most of the Internet: Examples and Lessons Learned Facilitated by: NTech Collaborative Roundtable.

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Presentation on theme: "MAEDA Lunchtime Roundtable Panel Discussion Making the Most of the Internet: Examples and Lessons Learned Facilitated by: NTech Collaborative Roundtable."— Presentation transcript:

1 MAEDA Lunchtime Roundtable Panel Discussion Making the Most of the Internet: Examples and Lessons Learned Facilitated by: NTech Collaborative Roundtable Panel Participants: Member Agency xCatalyst Users. Auditorium: Suggested for Agencies with 30 or more computers Cafetorium: Suggested for Agencies with less than 30 computers

2 Examples and Lessons Learned The purpose of this roundtable discussion session is to share day-to-day, month-to-month experiences based on real-life examples of xCatalyst member agency Managers and Web Site Administrators. What value has utilizing the Internet provided to their agency? Has it increased the effectiveness and efficiency of their organization? What are these agencies doing differently today as compared to a year ago? Discussion topics will include: enhancing communication, building community, strengthening relationships, simplifying procedures, increasing security and reducing operational costs.

3 Use of the Internet Based on 2001 US Census and the Pew Internet and American Life Project* :  In 2003, 63% of all U.S. adults; 64% of whites, 62% of English speaking Hispanics, and 51% of African Americans used the Internet  Usage by age:  Over 65 – 22%  50 to 64 – 55%  30 to 49 – 73%  18 to 29 – 83%

4 Use of the Internet  80% of users expect to find reliable information online (news, health, e-commerce and government)  From 2000 to 2003, those seeking health information online grew 59%, those seeking religious information grew 94%, those using government sites grew 56%, those doing research or training grew 45%, and those purchasing online grew 63%.  A majority of users now go online first for government services or programs, twice the rate of those who use the telephone.  The greatest predictor of Internet use is income, then educational level. * National eXtension Initiative

5 The Internet as a Communications Tool  Ability to:  Reach largest audience  Faster  More economical  Website Levels 1.Electronic Brochure 2.Communicate Information  newsletters  notices 3.Interaction  Online Action (registration, application, donation, etc.)  Polls, Surveys  Discussion Boards

6  Platform for development and administration of dynamic portal web sites.  Non-technical personnel can manage daily updates and content additions.  Advanced features for webmasters and administrators for site management.  Services that support, manage and customize the delivery mechanism. xCatalyst– What is it ?

7 Commerce Product Catalog A Variety of Functional Solutions Intranet Communication Marketing Community Content Management Course Catalog Online Registration

8 General Overview  Allows for website content updates and additions by staff with MS Word – level skills  Webmaster can pre-define content style and format  Assign admin access and privileges  Edit, approvals, and publishing workflows  Multi-lingual Content ready  Dynamic Navigation  Website template is independent of page content Content Management

9 Content Management Site Administration  Template Design  Style Sheet  Global content sharing  User privilege management Content Editor (staff)  Non-HTML editing  Image & file manager access  Editing in stage environment  Preview changes in stage  Special functionality for  Newsletters  Press releases  Online calendars

10 Total Content Management Workflow Management and creation / editing tools for:  Text  Multi-lingual content  Forms  Registrations  Information Requests  Applications  Surveys  Calendars  Newsletters  News Stories  Polls  Event Registration  Course Catalog(s)  Product Catalog(s)  Profile System (for consultants)

11 Marketing & Communications  Newsletters  News & press release management  Email list management  Dynamic forms for creating:  Information requests  Event registrations  Surveys  Online applications  Online donations and payments  Interactive calendars and automated event notifications  Web polls

12 xCatalyst Communication Module Newsletters Event Notifications E-mail Lists Click in From E-mail Dynamic Form Submit Form Query Data Database Export Custom Auto reply To Submitter Admin E-mail Notification Send Select Create Automated routing to E-mail Lists

13 xCatalyst Community Website All Girl Scouts Sub-communities - Board of Directors - Technology Committee - Studio 2B - Volunteers - Troop Leaders - Staff Website Membership Member-Only Content Online Member Directory Community Overview Member Administration Interactive Features Join / Login

14 For Questions Regarding How Your Agency Can Make the Most of the Internet Contact: John Cory Manager NTech Collaborative 918-295-6626

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