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Section 1:Prehistoric Peoples.  What basic needs do all humans share?  What do people need to advance beyond simple survival?

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1 Section 1:Prehistoric Peoples

2  What basic needs do all humans share?  What do people need to advance beyond simple survival?



5  Tswbat:  Explain how scientist study “pre-history”  Describe the advances Neandertahl and Cro- magnon peoples  Explain the important changes caused by the Neolithic agricultural revolution

6  Hominids  Artifacts  Culture  Limited evidence  Nomads  Agriculture  Domestication  Hunter-gatherers

7  Scientists use the skeletons and other artifacts which remain to study early hominids and their cultures  Use advanced technologies to date artifacts  Use the limited evidence provided and their knowledge of geography and climate to make an educated guess about the prehistoric world.

8 Humans ancestors began in East Africa 1. Mary and Louis Leakey found tools and a skull 2. Donald Johansson found “Lucy,” one of the oldest skeletons (3.2 million yrs, 3.9 feet, 60 pounds, and 25 years of age)Lucy 3. Video question: Summarize two reasons Lucy was significant.

9  Traveled in bands living as nomads  Hunter-Gatherers  Used animal skins for clothing  Animism: believe spirits live in animals, objects, or dreams

10 As time passed, humans moved out of Africa, tools progressed, and physical appearance changed

11  Read the section on page 8 on Neanderthal people and Cro-Magnon people  What important advances did each group make in the development of humans?

12  As climates changed(end of the ice age) and people migrated, nomads moved together for mutual support and to live on little resources  Develop agriculture and domestication of animals  Permanent settlements established

13  Agriculture (Farming)  Growth of Cities  Job Specialization  Trade  Writing and Math

14  1.How do scientists study pre-history?  2.List three of the advances of Neanderthal and Cro-Magnon peoples.  3.Explain how the Neolithic agriculture revolution changed early people’s lives?  Textbook, page 10, questions 2,4  Vocab. worksheet  Due Tuesday(end of class)8 th hour  1 st hour beginning of class on Thursday

15  Section 2: The Foundations of Civilization

16  What makes a civilization?  Describe the best spot to start a civilization.

17  Civilization  Irrigation  Divisions of labor  Artisans  Cultural Diffusion

18  Identify the 4 main regions of early civilizations  Explain the main characteristics of a civilization

19  Task: You and your group members will be responsible for researching and reporting to the class on your civilization  You will be creating a group power point (30 points)  Due: Monday, September 16  Civilizations to choose from: ◦ 1.Egyptians ◦ 2.Indus River Valley ◦ 3.Mesopatmia ◦ 4.China ◦ Form groups(3-4) 7-8 total ◦ Choose topics

20  For your assigned topic, your report should include information from the following categories:  Location (map) and time frame of civilization  Defining characteristics of the civilization

21  Use your textbook for the remainder of class and tonight to begin gathering information. (take notes on your civilization)

22  Civilization: highly organized social order and complex culture  All started near rivers 1. Drinking 2. Farming 3. Transportation The Nile River


24 1. Food Surplus-(agriculture-based) 2. Organized government 3. Complex religion 4. Job specialization 5. Social classes 6. Arts & architecture 7. Public works 8. Writing-Calendars 9. Use of Metals

25  City-states: political unit that included a city and its surrounding lands and villages  All polytheistic: many gods  Social structure: 1. Ruling family, high priests 2.Lower priests, merchants and artisans 3.Peasants (most people)

26  Read section 2 and answer questions 1-4, also complete the guided reading strategies 1.2 sheet. Due Friday

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