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Unit 4/Renaissance and Reformation Vocabulary Review- Quiz tomorrow!

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1 Unit 4/Renaissance and Reformation Vocabulary Review- Quiz tomorrow!

2 1. Which vocabulary term best describes ‘the assembly’ in the excerpt below? In 1521, Martin Luther was tried by an imperial assembly presided over by Charles V. Luther was summoned to renounce or reaffirm his views at this assembly.

3 2. The picture below best describes which vocabulary term?

4 3. Which vocabulary term best describes the excerpt below? John Tetzel sold these “short-cuts to heaven” in Germany, much like a shopkeeper selling vegetables. These signed pieces of parchment claimed to absolve people’s sins and guarantee them a place in heaven.

5 4. Which vocabulary term best describes the quote below? “God preordained, for His own glory and the display of His attributes of mercy and justice, a part of the human race, without any merit of their own, to eternal salvation, and another part, in just punishment of their sin, to eternal damnation.” - John Calvin

6 5. The picture below best describes which vocabulary term?

7 6. Which vocabulary term best describes the new German Bible from the excerpt below? While hiding in Wartburg Castle, Martin Luther translated the New Testament from ancient Greek into German to make it accessible to all people of the Holy Roman Empire.

8 7. Which vocabulary term best describes ‘entrance into heaven’ in the excerpt below? Medieval Christians bought holy relics to please God and decrease their time in purgatory. Indulgences were signed by the Pope and pardoned your sins and guaranteed release from Purgatory. Completing pilgrimages were also ways to decrease your time in purgatory. Relics, indulgences and pilgrimages are all examples of the medieval concern with ‘entrance into heaven.’

9 8. This building can be described as the opposite of which vocabulary term?

10 9. The quote below can best be described by which vocabulary term? “It appeals to man as man. It seeks to liberate the universal qualities of human nature from the narrow limitations of blood and soil and class and to create a common language and a common culture in which men can realize their common humanity.” – Christopher Dawson

11 10. The map below shows percentages of different Christian denominations in the United States. Which vocabulary term does this map highlight?

12 11. Which vocabulary term best describes the amount of money in the excerpt below? All medieval brides brought a sum of money to the marriage. The possessions included items such as pots, cloth, linen and farm animals. It was usually the girl’s portion of the family inheritance. Peasant girls often married later because their family had to wait until their parents had enough money or land or even had to raise the money themselves.

13 12. The picture below is a perfect example of art from which time period?

14 13. Which vocabulary term best describes the excerpt below? The biggest accomplishments of the Medici were in the sponsorship of art and architecture. Giovanni di Bicci de’ Medici aided Masaccio and commissioned Brunelleschi for the reconstruction of the Basilica of San Lorenzo, Florence in 1419. Another Medici, Lorenzo the Magnificent, funded the art of both Leonardo da Vinci and Michelangelo Buonarotti.

15 Don’t forget about the word stems!!! TermStemMeaning (of stem) Reformation Reaffirm Theocracy Humanism Preview

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