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David Hutchinson. “the ability to take charge of one’s own learning” – Henri Holec.

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Presentation on theme: "David Hutchinson. “the ability to take charge of one’s own learning” – Henri Holec."— Presentation transcript:

1 David Hutchinson

2 “the ability to take charge of one’s own learning” – Henri Holec

3 take responsibility for their learning have their own goals understand themselves as learners know and use a variety of strategies critically evaluate what is taught

4 Learners can focus on their own needs Learn at their own pace Improved motivation Active participation Engage in the culture through their interests


6 Encourage independence Help students reflect Teach and practice strategies and skills Show the students opportunities to use the language Complement self-study

7 Where are you from? How do you spend your free time? What’s your major? 1. Meeting someone for the first time 2. Talking to someone you know 3. Follow-up questions 4. Saying more than “yes” or “no”. Did you do anything on the weekend? How’s school? How do you spend your free time? I like hiking … Where have you gone hiking?

8 Terror word: a word that a learner is reluctant to use because of (perceived) difficulty in pronunciation.

9 Avoid using them Say them softly or mumble

10 Identify them Practice them Speak them loudly

11 Vocabulary notebooks Writing example sentences Word webs Comparing similar words

12 Hot Meaning 덥다 뜨겁다 맵다 Part of Speech adj. Phrases hot pink hot air hot potato Inflections hotter hottest Derived Words hot- blooded hothouse

13 Meaning Part of Speech Phrases Inflections Derived Words Work

14 WordMeaningExamples win (p.t. won) verb; win a game, etc. but not win a team. e.g. Korea won the soccer match. Korea won England. Korea won against England. defeat as noun: means loss. as verb( 타동사 ): win, object is losing team. The game ended in England’s defeat (=England lost). Korea defeated England (=Korea wins, England loses). victory noun (no verb form)Korea’s victory advances them to the semi-finals.

15 WordMeaningExamples



18 Genre writing Glossing while reading Selecting words to learn Shadowing Communication strategies

19 1. Do you teach any strategies in class? 2. What strategies do you use to learn languages? Are they teachable? 3. Do you have any other ideas for strategies you could teach your students?

20 David Hutchinson Email: Website:

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