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21/04/2017 IT Infrastructure Library (ITIL)   Part 3 – Configuration – Change - Release CONNECTING BUSINESS & TECHNOLOGY 4/21/2017

2 Agenda Service Support Model Configuration Management
Change Management Release Management Changer titre 2 Ajouter un slide participants 2

3 Service support process model
Présente les processus et leur relations. Un élément technique nécessaire et fédérateur = CMDB Le rôle du service desk comme lien avec les users/customers La mise en place peut être partielle ou incomplète selon le stade et la taille de chaque entreprise. Mais respecter le modèle permet l’évolutivité du système. Et simplifie la mise en œuvre. Permet un discours commun des acteurs, un cadre de référence.

4 Agenda Service Support Model Configuration Management
Change Management Release Management «   Goals of Configuration Management: account for all the IT assets and configurations within the organisation and its services provide accurate information on configurations and their documentation to support all the other Service Management processes provide a sound basis for Incident Management, Problem Management, Change Management and Release Management verify the configuration records against the infrastructure and correct any exceptions» Changer titre 2 Ajouter un slide participants 4

5 Configuration Management – Scope
« Configuration Management » definition Configuration Management covers the identification, recording, and reporting of IT components, including their versions, constituent components and relationships Major activities Planning. Planning and defining the purpose, scope, objectives, policies and procedures, and the organisational and technical context, for Configuration Management. Identification. Selecting and identifying the configuration structures for all the infrastructure's CIs (allocating identifiers, version numbers, labelling in the CMBD). Control. Ensuring that only authorised and identifiable CIs are accepted and recorded, from receipt to disposal. Status accounting. The reporting of all current and historical data concerned with each CI throughout its life cycle. Verification and audit. A series of reviews and audits that verify the physical existence of CIs and check that they are correctly recorded in the Configuration Management system. Configuration Management interfaces directly with systems development, testing, Change Management and Release Management to incorporate new and updated product deliverables It should be clear that Configuration Management is not synonymous with Asset Management, although the two disciplines are related. Asset Management is a recognised accountancy process that includes depreciation accounting. Asset Management systems maintain details on assets above a certain value, their business unit and their location. Configuration Management also maintains relationships between assets, which Asset Management usually does not. Some organisations start with Asset Management and then move on to Configuration Management

6 Configuration Management – Concepts (1)
Configuration Management Planning the strategy, policy, scope and objectives of Configuration Management the organisational context, both technical and managerial the policies for related processes (Change, Release…) the relevant processes, procedures, guidelines, support tools, roles and location of storage areas Configuration Identification and CI Configuration Identification is the selection, identification and labelling of the configuration structures and CIs, including their respective 'owner' and the relationships between them CIs may be hardware, software or documentation (services, servers, environments, equipment, network components, desktops, mobile units, applications, licences, telecommunication services, and facilities)

7 Configuration Management – Concepts (2)
Configuration Control It ensures that no CI is added, modified, replaced or removed without appropriate controlling documentation e.g. an approved Change request Configuration status accounting porting of all current and historical data concerned with each CI throughout its life-cycle ('development', 'test', 'live' or 'withdrawn‘) Configuration verification and audit Configuration verification and audit comprises a series of reviews and audits that verify the physical existence of CIs and check that the CIs are correctly recorded in the CMDB and controlled libraries Configuration baseline is the configuration of a product or system established at a specific point in time, which captures both the structure and details of a configuration. It serves as reference The Configuration Management system should be able to save, protect and report on a configuration baseline, its contents and documentation

8 Configuration Management – Concepts (3)
Configuration Management Database, examples of uses : Release contents, including component CIs and their version numbers Component CIs and their version numbers in the test and live environments CIs affected by a scheduled (authorised) Change all Requests for Change (RFCs) relating to one particular CI CIs purchased from a particular supplier within a specific period CI history equipment and software at a given location, for example to assist in an audit CIs that are scheduled to be upgraded, replaced or decommissioned Changes and Problem records associated with a CI all CIs affected by a Problem. The CMDB should hold the relationships between all system components, including Incidents, Problems, Known Errors, Changes and Releases. The CMDB also contains information about Incidents, Known Errors and Problems, and corporate data about employees, suppliers, locations and business units. the CMDB is often used for Service Level Management to hold details of services and to relate them to the underlying IT components. The CMDB is also used to store inventory details of CIs, such as supplier, cost, purchase date and renewal date for a licence. An additional bonus is the use of the CMDB to cover the legal aspects associated with the maintenance of licences and contracts.

9 Configuration Management – Concepts (4)
Software and document libraries A controlled library is a collection of software or document CIs of known type and status Definitive Software Library the library in which the definitive authorised versions of all software CIs are stored and protected Licence Management to monitor and control software licences, from purchase to disposal

10 Configuration Management – Benefits
Providing accurate information on CIs and their documentation Controlling valuable CIs Facilitating adherence to legal obligations. Enabling the organisation to reduce the use of unauthorised software Helping with financial and expenditure planning Contributing to contingency planning Supporting and improving Release Management Improving security by controlling the versions of CIs in use Allowing the organisation to perform impact analysis and schedule Changes safely, efficiently and effectively Providing Problem Management with data on trends The real value of IT assets is generally much greater than their capital value because of the part these assets play in supporting the provision of quality IT services. The consequential loss to the organisation if these services are not provided can be very great.

11 Configuration management – Activities (1)
Configuration management planning purpose, scope and objectives of Configuration Management related policies, standards and processes that are specific to the support group Configuration Management roles and responsibilities CI naming conventions the schedule and procedures for performing Configuration Management activities: configuration identification, control, status accounting, configuration audit and verification interface control with third parties, e.g. Change Management, suppliers Configuration Management systems design, including scope and key interfaces, covering CMDB, locations of data and libraries, interfaces … housekeeping, including licence management, archiving and the retention period for CIs

12 Configuration management – Activities (2)
Configuration identification, examples of components : hardware (including network components) system software, including operating systems business systems - custom-built applications packages - commercial off-the-shelf packages, standard products, and database products, physical databases environments configuration baselines software releases configuration documentation (specifications, licences, maintenance agreements, SLAs, …) other resources e.g. Users, suppliers, contracts other documentation (IT business processes, workflow,…) Service Management components and records such as capacity plans, IT service continuity plans, Incident, etc. It is important to consider the degree of granularity that is required. Is it sufficient, for example, to merely register a PC at 'PC' level or to go deeper so as to consider the monitor, the base unit, the keyboard and the mouse - or even register the network card, the type of hard disk, and so forth. The same question can be applied to software (on module, submodule, or whatever level). Besides discussing the level of granularity required, a lot of discussion in practice is about scope: are telephones included, should SLAs, and so forth

13 Configuration management – Activities (3)
Configuration identification, structures : Configuration structures should describe the relationship and position of CIs in each structure Typical CI types are: software products, business systems, system software, servers, mainframes, workstations, laptops, routers and switchs

14 Configuration management – Activities (3)
Configuration identification Relationships between CIs : 'parent/child‘ (software module is part of a program) ‘Coneected to’ (a desktop computer is connected to a LAN) ‘uses another CI’ (a business service uses an infrastructure server) Physical and electronic software libraries Configuration baselines Release records (current, past and planned) Other Change records (current, past and planned) the state of system and its documentation when a Change is approved and when it is applied the state of a system and its documentation when a package Release is applied hardware and software - standard specifications Naming conventions Labelling CIs Physical and electronic software libraries should be uniquely identified with the following information: contents, location and medium of each library conditions for entering an item, including the minimum status compatible with the contents of the library how to protect the libraries from malicious and accidental harm and deterioration, together with effective recovery procedures conditions and access controls for groups or types of person registering, reading, updating, copying, removing and deleting CIs.

15 Configuration management – Activities (4)
Control of CIs Register all new CIs and versions Update CI record with regard to status Changes (e.g. development to test, test to live…) updating attributes changes in ownership or roles relating new versions of documentation licence control Linking CIs to related Incidents, Problem, Change and Release records Update RFCs with related CIs, status and implementation details update and archive of CIs and their associated records when are deleted/decommissioned protect the integrity of configurations update the CMDB after periodic checking of the existence of physical items against the CMDB. Registration of new CIs and versions The process of registration begins with items being ordered or with development being commissioned. Some organisations use their procurement process to ensure that CIs are added when they are ordered. Software developed in house For software developed in house, the point of 'receipt' is normally the point at which software is ready for operational acceptance. The use of a DSL is recommended, where all software CIs and their documentation are held in their definitive, quality-controlled state. Licence control Configuration Management should verify that secure master copies of software, documentation, data, licences and agreements for supply, warranty and maintenance are lodged within the Configuration Management system or DSL. Updating and archiving configuration records of withdrawn/decommissioned CIs Scheduling and controlling the removal and disposal of CIs is often important for financial and security reasons. There should be procedures in place for decommissioning equipment or software so as to ensure correct disposal of the organisation's assets, and that the relevant records (e.g licence holding, number of desktops supported by a supplier) are updated.

16 Configuration management – Activities (5)
Configuration status accounting Status reports should be produced on a regular basis, listing, for all CIs under control, their current version and Change history Configuration verification and audit Before a major Release or Change, an audit of a specific configuration may be required to ensure that the Customer's environment matches the CMBD. Physical configuration audits should be carried out to verify that the 'as-built' configuration of a CI conforms to its 'as-planned' configuration and its associated documents. Plans should be made for regular configuration audits to check that the CMBD is consistent with the physical state of all CIs, and vice versa. CMDB backups, archives and housekeeping Configuration audits should be considered at the following times: shortly after implementation of a new Configuration Management system before and after major Changes to the IT infrastructure before a software Release or installation to ensure that the environment is as expected following recovery from disasters and after a 'return to normal' (this audit should be included in contingency plans) at random intervals in response to the detection of any unauthorised CIs at regular intervals. Automated audit tools enable regular checks to be made at regular intervals, e.g. weekly. For example, desktop audit tools compare the build of an individual's desktop to the master build that was installed. Back-up copies of the CMDB should be taken regularly and securely stored. It is advisable for one copy to be stored at a remote location for use in the event of a disaster Configuration Management should add value to the Service Management organisation. Recommended services of the function comprise: regular information and an ad-hoc reporting service advice on setting up Configuration Management for new groups or technologies policy, procedures, roles and responsibilities for Configuration Management sample Configuration Management plans reports that help to identify how to reduce the number of variant configurations and the complexity of the operational environments efficient capture, maintenance and deletion of records updated lists and information on standard products, including: making available the public name, location, build and Release information identifying the organisation responsible for providing the product specifying the method and timing for archiving standard products a library service to manage controlled copies of documents or software licence management a configuration audit service.

17 Configuration management – Key indicators
occasions when the 'configuration' is not as authorised Incidents and problems that can be traced back to wrongly made Changes RFCs that were not completed successfully because of poor impact assessment, incorrect data in the CMDB, or poor version control the cycle time to approve and implement Changes licences that have been wasted or not put into use at a particular location exceptions reported during configuration audits Unauthorised IT components detected in use. Other indicators and targets that may be appropriate are: the change in the proportion of Service Desk calls that are received per month that are resolved whilst the User is on the telephone, without the need for further escalation the change in the number and seriousness of Incidents and Problems the change in the average time and cost of diagnosing and resolving Service Desk calls that cannot be resolved immediately the change in the number and seriousness of occasions when a Service Level Agreement has been breached where the Problem can be traced back to errors made in the Change Management, Configuration Management, Release Management, Problem Management or Service Desk functions the number of changes to the CMDB per month because of identified errors in the CMDB.

18 Configuration management – relations to other processes (1)
With Incident, Problem and Change Management With release and Change Management

19 Configuration management – Example of attributes (1)
CI Name : the unique name by which this type of CI is known. Copy or Serial Number : the number that uniquely identifies the particular instances of this CI - for example, for software the copy number, for hardware the serial number. Category : Classification of a CI (e.g. hardware, software, documentation etc). Type : description of CI type, amplifying 'category' information (e.g. hardware configuration, software package, hardware device or program module). Model Number (hardware) : model of CI (corresponding, for example, to supplier's model number e.g. Dell model xxx, PC/aa model yyy). Warranty expiry date : date when the supplier's warranty expires for the CI. Version Number : the version number of the CI. Location : the location of the CI, e.g. the library or media where the software CIs reside, the site/room where a service is located.

20 Configuration management – Example of attributes (2)
Owner Responsible : the name and/or designation of the owner responsible for the CI. Responsibility Date : date the above owner became responsible for the CI. Source/supplier : the source of the CI, e.g. developed in-house, bought in from company xxxxx etc. Licence : licence number or reference to licence agreement. Supply Date : date when the CI was supplied to the organisation. Accepted Date : date when theCI was accepted by the organisation as satisfactorily tested. Status (current) : the current status of the CI; e.g. under 'test', 'live', 'archived'. Status (scheduled) : the next scheduled status of the CI (with the date or indication of the event that will trigger the status change).

21 Configuration management – Example of attributes (3)
Parent CI(s) relationships : the unique CI identifier(s) - name/copy/number/model/number/ of the 'parent(s)' of thisCI. Child CI(s) relationships : the unique CI identifier(s) of all 'children' of this CI. Relationships : the relationship of the CI with all CIs other than 'parent' and 'child' (e.g. this CI 'uses' another CI, this CI 'is connected to' another CI, this CI is 'resident on' another CI, this CI 'can access' another CI). RFC Numbers : id. number of all RFCs affecting this CI. Change Numbers : the identification number of all Change records affecting this CI. Problem Numbers : the identification number of all Problem records affecting this CI. Incident Numbers : the identification number of all Incident records affecting this CI. Comment : a comment field to be used for textual narrative; for example, to provide a description of how this version of the CI is different from the previous version.

22 Agenda Service Support Model Configuration Management
Change Management Release Management «   Goal of Change Management: Is to ensure that standardised methods and procedures are used for efficient and prompt handling of all Changes, in order to minimise the impact of Change-related incidents upon service quality, and consequently to improve the day-to-day operations of the organisation» Changer titre 2 Ajouter un slide participants 22

23 Change Management – Scope
« Change Management » definition Process of controlling Changes to the infrastructure or any aspect of services, in a controlled manner, enabling approved Changes with minimum disruption Perimeter hardware communications equipment and software system software 'live' applications software all documentation and procedures associated with the running, support and maintenance of live systems.

24 Change Management – Concepts (1)
Main activities raising and recording Changes assessing the impact, cost, benefits and risk of Changes developing the business justification and obtaining approval management and co-ordination of Change implementation monitoring and reporting on the implementation closing and reviewing the Change requests Concepts are process-related and managerial, rather than technical (create a CAB – change advisory board) The following figures Basic change management procedures Change model Raising = initialiser La problématique technique est faible : même si un pb technique arrive dans la gestion du changement, la cause est souvent dans le non respect du process

25 Change Management – Concepts (2)

26 Change Management – Concepts (3)
A standard Change is a change to the infrastructure that follows an established path, is relatively common, and is the accepted solution to a specific requirement or set of requirements. Examples might include an upgrade of a PC in order to make use of specific software, new starters within an organisation, and PC, software and network connections for temporary or seasonal changes to requirements. The crucial elements of a standard Change are that: the tasks are well-known and proven authority is effectively given in advance the train of events can usually be initiated by the Service Desk budgetary approval will typically be preordained or within the control of the Change requester

27 Change Management – Concepts (4)
Requests of change RFC number (cross reference to Problem report number) description and identity of item(s) to be changed reason for Change, contact proposing the Change effect of not implementing the Change version of item to be changed date that the Change was proposed Change priority impact and resource assessment CAB recommendations authorisation signature, authorisation date and time scheduled implementation, location of implementation plan back-out plan, risk assessment and management review date, review results impact on business continuity and contingency plans status of RFC (logged, assessed, rejected, accepted, sleeping) CAB = Change Advisory Board Requests of change, reasons or sources : required resolution of an Incident or Problem report User or Customer dissatisfaction expressed via Customer liaison or Service level management the proposed introduction or removal of a new CI a proposed upgrade to some component of the infrastructure changed business requirements or direction new or changed legislation location change product or service changes from vendors or contractors. RFCs can be concerned with any part of the infrastructure or with any service or activity. Here are some examples: Hardware, software, documentation, telecommunications facilities, engineering cover, training courses, IT infrastructure management procedures, tactical plans, environmental infrastructure.

28 Change Management – Concepts (5)
Change Advisory Board (CAB), members Change Manager Customer(s), User manager(s), User group representative(s) applications developers/maintainers (where appropriate) experts/technical consultants services staff (as required) contractor's or third parties' representatives (as required) Change models against sizes of change Critical Outage plan CAB = Change Advisory Board will be composed according to the Changes being considered may vary considerably in make-up even across the range of a single meeting should involve suppliers when that would be useful should reflect both user and Customer views is likely to include the Problem Manager and Service Level Manager and Customer Relations staff for at least part of the time.

29 Change Management – Benefits
better alignment of IT services to business requirements increased visibility and communication of Changes to both business and service-support staff improved risk assessment a reduced adverse impact of Changes on the quality of services and on SLAs better assessment of the cost of proposed Changes before they are incurred fewer Changes that have to be backed-out Improved Problem and Availability Management through the use of valuable management information relating to changes increased productivity of Users - through less disruption and, higher-quality services increased productivity of key personnel through less need for diversion an enhanced business perception of IT through an improved quality of service and a professional approach Staff costs Staff costs include costs for the Change Management role and team, CAB members, and Change builders, including Configuration and Release Management. These costs should of course be outweighed by the benefits that are, or will be, gained. In practice, most organisations already have a number of people who are spending time on handling Changes. Although adherence to the guidance in this chapter may appear to increase the amount of management time spent on Changes, in practice you will find that management will spend less time on Changes as the need to handle issues arising from ineffective Change Management is eliminated. Support tools The cost of support tools, together with any hardware requirements, needs to be considered. Although tools that integrate support for Change Management, Configuration Management, Problem Management and Service Desks are likely to be more expensive than 'simple' Change Management tools, the additional cost is often justifiable. For larger organisations, management processes can be virtually impossible to implement effectively without adequate support tools.

30 Change Management – Activities (1)
Planning the implementation of operationnal processes Change logging and filtering Severals formats , paper, internet from anybody in the organisation Unique identifier number, links with CIs or Problem number Filter out any that are totally impractical, return with brief details of the reason for the rejection (as required) Allocation of priorities Immediate. Causing loss of service or severe usability problems to a larger number of Users, a mission-critical system, or some equally serious problem. Immediate action required. High. Severely affecting some Users, or impacting upon a large number of Users. Medium. No severe impact, but rectification cannot be defered until the next scheduled Release or upgrade. Low. A Change is justified and necessary, but can wait until the next scheduled Release or upgrade. Immediate => Urgent CAB or CAB/EC (EC=emergency commitee) meetings may need to be convened. Resources may need to be allocated immediately to build such authorised Changes

31 Change Management – Activities (2)
Change categorisation Minor impact only : delegated authority to authorise and schedule such Changes Significant impact : members of the CAB. Documentation should be circulated for impact. Major impact : RFC should be referred to the organisation's Management CAB meetings : assessment referral process can be handled electronically via support tools or The categorisation process examines the impact of the approved Change on the organisation in terms of the resources needed to effect the Change A standard CAB agenda should include a review of: failed Changes, backed-out Changes, or Changes applied without reference to the CAB by Incident Management, Problem Management or Change Management RFCs to be assessed by CAB members RFCs that have been assessed by CAB members Change reviews the Change Management process, including any amendments made to it during the period under discussion, as well as proposed Changes Change Management wins/accomplishments for the period under discussion, i.e. a review of the business benefits accrued by way of the Change Management process

32 Change Management – Activities (3)
Impact and ressource assessment the impact that the Change will make upon the Customer’s business operation the effect upon the infrastructure and Customer service, as defined in the SLA, and upon the capacity and performance, reliability and resilience, contingency plans, and security the impact on other services that run on the same infrastructure (or on software development projects) the impact on non-IT infrastructures within the organisation - for example, security, office services, transport, business - Customer Help Desks the effect of not implementing the Change The IT, business and other resources required to implement the Change, covering the likely costs, the number and availability of people required, the elapsed time, and any new infrastructure elements required additional ongoing resources required if the Change is implemented. Par rapport au client, au contrats de service, aux effets de bord (IT ou non), aux conséquences de ne pas le faire, aux coûts et aux conséquences

33 Change Management – Activities (4)
Change approval levels of approval should be judged by the size or risk of the Change three principal approval processes : technical, financial, business Change scheduling into target Releases (continuity between the Change Management and Release Management processes) limit the size of a Release to manageable proportions implementation over a previously agreed (with the business) period Financial approval indicates that the cost of a Change has been assessed and that it is either within approved budgetary limits or meets cost - benefit criteria that may have been set for Change approval. The technical approval stage is an assurance that the Change is feasible, sensible and can be performed without inappropriate detriment to the services provided to the business. If the technical experts are required to provide cost estimates (as is the case in many organisations), then this phase needs to precede financial approval. Customer approval is necessary to ensure that the business managers are content with the Change proposals and the impact on their business requirements For change scheduling, it is most important to take into consideration the business needs of the organisation in the construction of any schedule, bearing in mind both the needs of the Customer and the needs of the end User.

34 Change Management – Activities (5)
Change buiding, testing and implementation Building : new production module, new version of one or more software modules, purchasing equipment or services externally, preparing a hardware modification, producing new or amended documentation/training Back-out procedures should be prepared and documented in advance Testing (performance, security, maintainability, supportability, reliability/availability, functionality, regression) scheduling when the least impact on live services, introducing into a limited environment Testing is particularly relevant to the desktop environment, where constant technology updates take place. In many cases, this will require a separate 'test environment'. It is recognised that it is not always possible or justifiable to fully test all Changes in advance; it may be possible in some instances, though, to use modelling techniques to assess the likely impact of a Change instead of, or in addition to, ordinary testing.

35 Change Management – Activities (6)
Urgent changes Change approval is still a prerequisite Urgent change buiding, testing and implementation plan to ensure sufficient staff and resources testing even after a Change has gone live warning as possible to customers and users each change iteration must be controlled valuable management information must not be not lost delegated authority to circumvent certain types of Incident (e.g. hardware failure) for incidents caused by software, revert to the previous trusted state or version (rather than attempting an unplanned and potentially dangerous change) Par exemple, plusieurs changements en parallèle puis revenir aux bons moments sur chaque changements effectués pour identifier le bon. Mais chaque changement doit être maîtrisé.

36 Change Management – Activities (7)
Change review By CAB members Purpose : The change has had the desired effect and met its objectives Users and Customers are content with the results, or to identify any shortcomings there have been no unexpected or undesirable side-effects to functionality, availability, capacity/performance, security, maintainability etc. the resources used to implement the Change were as planned the implementation plan worked correctly (so include comments from the implementers) the Change was implemented on time and to cost the backout-plan functioned correctly, if needed It is recommended that Service Management review the Change Management process periodically for efficiency and effectiveness. Other indicators of an effective Change Management process include: a reduction of adverse impacts on service quality resulting from poor Change Management a reduction in the number of Incidents traced back to Changes implemented a decrease in the number of Changes backed out a low number of urgent (and therefore unplanned) Changes - this should include emergency, out-of-hours Changes referred back for clarification no evidence of Changes having been made without reference to the Change Management and Configuration Management system(s) close correlation between FSCs and the actual implementation of Changes no high-priority RFCs in backlogs, and the size of backlogs not increasing evidence of accurate resource estimating, when resource estimates are retrospectively compared with actual resources used regular reviewing of RFCs and implemented Changes, and the clearing of any review backlogs successful implementation of changes that clearly benefit the business and satisfy Customers a low incidence of unjustifiably rejected RFCs.

37 Change Management – Responsabilities
Change Manager Receive, log and allocate a priority, in collaboration with the initiator, to all RFCs. Reject any RFCs that are impractical. Table all RFC for a CAB meeting, issue an agenda, decide the attendees. Convene urgent CAB meetings for all urgent RFCs. After consideration of the advice given by the CAB authorise acceptable Changes. Coordinate change building, testing and implementation. Update the change log. Review all implemented Changes. Refer back any that have been backed out or have failed. Produce regular reports. Analyse change trends or apparent problems that occur. CAB Review all submitted RFCs. Be available for consultation (urgent Change). Attend all relevant CAB meetings. Give an opinion on which Changes should be authorised. Review RFC : As appropriate, determine and provide details of their likely impact, the implementation resources, and the ongoing costs of all Changes

38 Change Management – Reporting
Change management reports number of Change requests number and % of Changes Rejected, in Change status emergency Changes number of Changes awaiting implementation, by category and time outstanding number of implemented Changes, by configuration component and service change backlogs and bottle-necks costs per Change and cost summaries business impact of Changes Changes by business area frequency of Change to Cis. Audit for compliance Management reports : the number of Changes implemented in the period, in total and by CI, configuration type, service, etc a breakdown of the reasons for Change (User requests, enhancements, business requirements, service call/Incident/Problem fixes, procedures/training improvement, etc) the number of Changes successful the number of Changes backed-out, together with the reasons (e.g. incorrect assessment, bad build) the number of Incidents traced to Changes (broken down into problem-severity levels) and the reasons (e.g. incorrect assessment, bad build) the number of RFCs (and any trends in origination) the number of implemented Changes reviewed, and the size of review backlogs (broken down over time) high incidences of RFCs/PRs relating to one CI (these are worthy of special attention), giving the reasons (e.g. volatile User requirement, fragile component, bad build) figures from previous periods (last period, last year) for comparison the number of RFCs rejected the proportion of implemented Changes that are not successful (in total and broken down by CI) Change backlogs, broken down by CI and by stage in the Change Management process. The audit should include an examination of the following items: randomly selected RFCs - normal, urgent and standard Changes Change records CAB minutes FSC review records for random RFCs and implemented Changes. Checks must be made to ensure that: all RFCs have been correctly logged, assessed and actioned FSC have been adhered to, or there is a good reason why not all items raised at CAB meetings have been followed up and resolved all Change reviews have been carried out on time all documentation is accurate, up-to-date and complete.

39 IT Infrastructure Library (ITIL)
3-4 – Release Management Goals of Release Management: to plan and oversee the successful rollout of software and related hardware to design and implement efficient procedures for the distribution and installation of Changes to IT systems to ensure that hardware and software being changed is traceable, secure and that only authorised versions are installed to communicate and manage expectations of the Customer during the planning and rollout of new Releases to agree the exact content and rollout plan for the Release, through liaison with Change Management to ensure that master copies of all software are secured in the Definitive Software Library (DSL) to ensure that all hardware being rolled out or changed is secure and traceable, using the services of Configuration Management Configuration Management provides a logical model of the infrastructure or a service by identifying, controlling, maintaining and verifying the versions of Configuration Items (CIs) in existence.

40 Agenda Service Support Model Configuration Management
Change Management Release Management «   Goals of Release Management: to plan and oversee the successful rollout of software and related hardware to design and implement efficient procedures for the distribution and installation of Changes to IT systems to ensure that hardware and software being changed is traceable, secure and that only authorised versions are installed to communicate and manage expectations of the Customer during the planning and rollout of new Releases to agree the exact content and rollout plan for the Release, through liaison with Change Management to ensure that master copies of all software are secured in the Definitive Software Library (DSL) to ensure that all hardware being rolled out or changed is secure and traceable, using the services of Configuration Management» Changer titre 2 Ajouter un slide participants 40

41 Release Management – Scope
« Release » definition A collection of new and/or changed Cis wich are tested and introduced into the live environment together Main activities The main components to be controlled are: application programs developed in-house externally developed software (including standard off-the-shelf software as well as customer-written software) utility software supplier-provided systems software hardware, and hardware specifications assembly instructions and documentation, including User manuals. Release Management should be used for: large or critical hardware rollouts, especially when there is a dependency on a related software Change in the business systems, i.e. not every single PC that needs to be installed major software rollouts, especially initial instances of new applications along with accompanying software distribution and support procedures for subsequent use if required bundling or batching related sets of Changes into manageable-sized units.

42 Release Management – Concepts (1)
Release types Major software Releases and hardware upgrades, normally containing large areas of new functionality, some of which may make intervening fixes to Poblems redundant. A major upgrade or Release usually supersedes all preceding minor upgrades, Releases and emergency fixes. Minor software Releases and hardware upgrades, normally containing small enhancements and fixes, some of which may have already been issued as emergency fixes. A minor upgrade or Release usually supersedes all preceding emergency fixes. Emergency software and hardware fixes, normally containing the corrections to a small number of known Problems Release policy and planning the Realease policy covers Release numbering, frequency and the level in the IT infrastructure that will be controlled by definable Releases The organization should decide the most appropriate approach, depending on the size and nature of the systems, the number and frequency of Releases required, and any special needs of the Users - for example, if a phased rollout is required over an extended period of time. All Releases should have a unique identifier that can be used by Configuration Management

43 Release Management – Concepts (2)
Release unit ‘Release unit’ describes the portion of the IT infrastructure that is normally released together Release identification Release should be uniquely identified according to a scheme defined in the Release policy For example : major Releases: Payroll_System v.1, v2, v3 etc... minor Releases: Payroll_System v.1.1, v.1.2, v.1.3 etc... emergency fix Releases: Payroll_System v.1.1.1, v.1.1.2, v etc… The general aim is to decide the most appropriate Release-unit level for each software item or type of software. An organisation may, for example, decide that the normal Release unit for its Transaction Processing (TP) services should be at system level. Such a policy means that each time a Configuration Item (CI) forming part of the TP service is changed, a Full Release of the whole of that system is normally issued. The following factors should be taken into account when deciding the appropriate level for Release units: the amount of Change necessary at each possible level the amount of resources and time needed to build, test, distribute and implement Releases at each possible level ease of implementation the complexity of interfaces between the proposed unit and the rest of the IT infrastructure the disk space available in the build, test, distribution and live environments.

44 Release Management – Concepts (3)
Type of release Full release : all components of the Release unit are built, tested, distributed and implemented together Delta release : includes only those CIs within the Release unit that have actually changed or are new since the last full or delta Release Package release : groups individual Releases (full units, delta Releases or both) together Definitive Software Library (DSL) a secure compound in which the definitive authorised versions of all software CIs are stored and protected contains the master copies of all controlled software in an organisation FULL RELEASE The disadvantage of a full release is that the amount of time, effort and computing resources needed to build, test, distribute and implement the Release will increase Regression testing as part of the process of implementing a full Release allows a large number of components to be retested to ensure that there is no degradation in system function or behaviour. PACKAGE RELEASE The use of package Releases can reduce the likelihood of old or incompatible software being wrongly kept in use. It can encourage organisations to ensure that all Changes that should be made concurrently, in different suites and systems, are actually made concurrently. It can also encourage organisations to test the interworking of these suites and systems fully The DSL should include: medium, physical location, hardware and software to be used, if kept online (a DSL can simply be a secure tape library, if properly controlled and catalogued) - some Configuration Management support tools incorporate software libraries, which can be regarded as a logical part of a DSL naming conventions for filestore areas and physical media environments supported, e.g. test and live environments security arrangements for submitting Changes and issuing software, plus backup and recovery procedures the scope of the DSL: e.g. source code, object code from controlled builds and associated documentation retention period for old Releases of software capacity plans for the DSL and procedures for monitoring growth in size audit procedures procedures to ensure that the DSL is protected from erroneous or unauthorised Change (e.g. entry and exit criteria for items).

45 Release Management – Concepts (4)
Definitive Hardware Store (DHS) Area for the secure storage of definitive hardware spares (components and assemblies that are maintained at the same level as the comparative systems within the live environment) Configuration Management Database (CMDB) contain the following information in support of the Release Management process: definitions of planned Releases, including the constituent hardware and software CIs together with a reference to the original Change Requests records of the CIs impacted by planned and past Releases, covering both hardware and software information about the target destination for the Released components (e.g. the physical location for hardware and the servers that will receive the software changes).

46 Release Management – Concepts (5)
Build Management software and/or hardware should be assembled in a controlled manner to ensure a reproducible process (called 'build management‘) Testing Functional testing, operational testing, performance testing and integration testing User acceptance Back Out Plans Actions to be taken to restore the service if the rollout of a Release, either partially or totally Part of the risk assessment of the overall rollout plans Be agreed with the end users as sufficient Tested BACK OUT There are two approaches and a combination of both can be used: A failed roll-out may be completely reversed to allow the complete restoration of the IT service to its previously known state. This is critical for a full Release and preferable for a delta Release. Contingency measures may need to be taken to restore as much as possible of the IT service, if it is not possible to restore it fully. This may be considered for a delta Release in the event that a backout and recovery is not practical. Examples: A Release may have only partially been rolled out because the disk space on the target server is too small and so only some of the software changes have been implemented. In this case, it is necessary to document the procedure for backing out the failed rollout and restoring the application to the state prior to that failure. This would require the rollout plan to include a step to take a back-up of the application files being changed (or possibly the whole system) prior to the rollout of the new Release. A rollout plan may include replacing some critical hardware or software component (such as a mainframe computer or its operating system) and there may not be time to reinstate the old components, should something go wrong. The back-out plan may document how a spare hardware component, or mobile recovery, can be used to provide the service required. A back-out plan may also have to be invoked if the implementation of the Change is taking longer than expected and will impact normal services to Customers. In this instance, the back-out plan should contain timing details specifying the latest point at which implementation can continue before the back-out plan has to be invoked. In this instance, it is important to try to determine the length of the back-out, so that it can be completed before the Customer is impacted.

47 Release Management – Benefits
greater success rate in the Release of hardware and software consistency in the Release processes minimisation of the disruption of the service to the business assurance that the hardware and software in live use is of good (or known) quality, because the Releases are built properly) stable test and live environments (fewer individual implementations) better use of User resources minimisation of regression-testing requirements better expectation setting within the organisation on publication of a Release schedule in advance proper control and safeguarding of hardware and software assets an ability to absorb high rates of change to the live systems the ability to build and control the software used at remote sites from a central location easier detection of wrong versions and unauthorised copies of software reduced time to Release and fewer delays smoother transitions of Releases from the development activities (projects) to the Customer's business environment. The potential problems in implementing Release Management are: There may be some initial resistance from staff who are familiar with the old procedures and who may not welcome change. To overcome this, the benefits of the new procedures should be carefully explained during an awareness campaign, and there should be a close working relationship with the team implementing the Changes. Experience has shown that those teams that are in most need of help with Release Management often have the least time to adopt it. One way round this is to look for minimal-impact ways to gain a foothold and to provide them with some hands-on assistance at the beginning. Circumvention of the Release Management procedures may be attempted. This needs to be dealt with firmly, particularly if it involves the installation of unauthorised software, as this is the most likely cause of viruses or untested software that make support very difficult and costly. Staff may also be tempted to bypass the standard procedures to install an emergency fix. This should be banned, and disallowed by software security rules as far as possible. There may be some reluctance to carry out a controlled build in the test environment, relying instead on copying over software from the development environment. In a distributed system, difficulties may arise if new versions of software or hardware are not installed and activated on time at remote locations. The use of software distribution tools, backed up by regular audits, can help avoid this problem. Some people (including IT management) may view the Release Management procedures as cumbersome and expensive. Nevertheless, they are almost invariably necessary to cope efficiently and effectively with software Changes. Unclear ownership and responsibilities between operational groups and development teams (project teams) may exist - for instance, there may be a lack of understanding about who is responsible for managing components of a Release at different points in the Release cycle. Insufficient resources available for adequate testing will reduce the effectiveness of these procedures, or a high number of variants in the live environment may limit complete testing. If sufficient machine and network resources are not available, then it may be impossible to build and test new Releases and equipment adequately, or in a timely fashion. Time needs to be allowed in testing for a Release to fail the first time and be reworked. Similarly, back-out procedures should be proven in a controlled test environment. A lack of understanding of the Release contents, build and installation components, can lead to mistakes. Testing in one area may be acceptable but may fail in another area - e.g. different infrastructure or parameters not set to the same values. Staff may be reluctant to back out from a Release, and there may be pressure to transfer inadequately tested software and hardware into the live environment. Poor, restricted or non-representative testing environments and procedures may exist.

48 Release Management – Activities (1)
Release planning gaining consensus on the Release contents agreeing to the phasing over time and by geographical location, business unit and customers producing a high-level Release schedule conducting site surveys to assess existing hardware and software in use planning resource levels (including staff overtime) agreeing on roles and responsibilities obtaining detailed quotes and negotiating with suppliers for new hardware, software or installation services producing back-out plans developing a quality plan for the Release planning acceptance of support groups and the Customer.

49 Release Management – Activities (2)
Designing, building and configuring a release Instructions to assemble a Release, write automated installation routines, tests plans… are a part of the Release (as a Ci) All software, parameters, test data, run-time… should be under Configuration Management control Design, build and configure outputs: Build instructions (sequence of operations) Purchase orders, licences and warranties for software and hardware Automated installation scripts and associated test plans Master copies of the installation media and installation instructions (stored in the DSL) Back-out procedures. Conducting the actual build involves, at a minimum, compiling and linking application modules produced in-house and any bought-in software that is held in source form, in each case from the DSL. It may also involve incorporation into the Release of any bought-in software, in object form, that is to be included. It may include generating databases and populating them with test data or, for live builds, static reference data (e.g. the Post Office Address File). Where necessary, it includes the generation (or, minimally, transcription from the DSL) of the operating system, the DBMS run-time components, etc.

50 Release Management – Activities (3)
Release acceptance Performed by independent business staff (function of the final system) Verify change procedures by IT staff (installation procedures) Tested back-out procedures Outputs of release acceptance tested installation procedures tested Release components tested back-out procedures test results and known defects support documentation including the system overview; updated support procedures; diagnostic aids operating and administration instructions contingency and back-out plans a training schedule for Service Management, support staff and Customers acceptance test documentation signed by all relevant parties authorisation to implement the Release (Change Management) Release acceptance should be performed in a controlled test environment that can be reinstated to known configurations of both software and hardware. These configurations should be described in the Release definitions and stored in the CMDB, along with any other related CIs If a Release is rejected, it should be rescheduled through Change Management. Release acceptance inputs comprise: a controlled test environment(s) configured to replicate the current live versions of the application with documentation of the test configuration Release definition and plans Release test plans and acceptance criteria copies of the installation media and installation instructions test plans for the installation scripts documented back-out procedures

51 Release Management – Activities (3)
Rollout planning producing an exact, detailed timetable of events (resource plan) listing the CIs to install and decommission (redundant equipment and software ?) documenting an action plan by site producing Release notes and communications to end users planning communication purchasing plans acquiring hardware and software where (procedures to be followed for the secure storage prior to rollout and the mechanisms to trace the deployment during the implementation) scheduling meetings for managing staff and groups involved in the Release

52 Release Management – Activities (4)
Communication, preparation and training Inform customer liaison staff and support staff (series of rollout meetings) Training sessions Problems during the rollout phase need to be communicated to all parties publicise the release mechanism and the contraints to end users Communication from release management and from service desk Distribution and installation build environment => test environment => live environment processes for procurement, storage, dispatch, receipt and disposal of goods distributing software, checking that the Release is complete bringing application software Releases into active use updating the CMDB perform a final acceptance test for the end user COMMUNICATION, PREPARATION, TRAINING Inputs to this activity are: the detailed Release definition and rollout plan copies of the installation media and installation instructions current versions of support, training and User documentation acceptance forms. Outputs should comprise the: final versions of User and support training materials and documentation updated Release plans and documentation. DISTRIBUTION, INSTALLATION The processes for procurement, storage, dispatch, receipt and disposal of goods should ensure that equipment is delivered safely to its destination in its expected state. Storage areas should be secure. Checks on the receipt of goods against supporting delivery documentation are required for Configuration Management. Installation, environmental and electrical checks should be planned and completed before connection to the network Distribution and installation inputs are: detailed rollout plans tested installation procedures tested Release components tested back-out procedures. Distribution and installation outputs should comprise: an updated IT service, with updated User and support documentation updated CMDB records to reflect new live components decommissioned CIs (such as redundant software and hardware) any Known Errors in the live system introduced as part of the new Release.

53 Release management – Process control (1)
Key performance indicators Releases built and implemented on schedule, and within budgeted resources very low (ideally no) incidence of Releases having to be backed out due to unacceptable errors low incidence of build failures secure and accurate management of the DSL, quality of the DSL compliance with all legal restrictions relating to bought-in software accurate distribution of Releases to all remote sites and on time no evidence of use of unauthorised software at any site no evidence of payment of licence fees or wasted maintenance effort, for software that is not actually being used at any particular location no evidence of wasteful duplication in Release building accurate and timely recording of all build, distribution and implementation activities within the CMDB - incidence of Releases having to be backed out due to unacceptable errors : however that software Releases need not be entirely error-free; a decision can be made to go ahead with a Release despite the presence of errors, provided that they are of a minor nature, and within the permitted fault tolerances DSL : no evidence of software in the DSL that has not passed quality checks and no evidence of reworks on any software that was extracted from the DSL - no evidence of wasteful duplication in Release building (e.g. multiple builds of remote sites, when copies of a single build would suffice)

54 Release management – Process control (2)
Management reporting the number of major and minor Releases per reporting period the number of problems in the live environment that can be attributed to new Releases, which need only be measured during the first few months of a new Release's life the number of new, changed and deleted objects introduced by the new Release - e.g. how many modules and programs the number of Releases completed in the agreed timescales; this requires the central Release Management function to publish predefined targets (service levels or SLAs) for software distributions and other common tasks.

55 Contact Algeria Austria Belgium Czech Republic Denmark France Germany
Italy Jordan Luxembourg Morocco Netherlands Norway Poland Russia Saudi Arabia Spain Sweden Switzerland Tunisia Turkey United Arab Emirates United Kingdom Contact…Devoteam – Jean-Marc Chevereau Phone … / Country …France Author Date Further Information Jean-Marc Chevereau Janvier 2010 © Devoteam Group This document is not to be copied or reproduced in any way without Devoteam express permission. Copies of this document must be accompanied by title, date and this copyright notice.


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