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Immersive Learning in Mobile and Virtual Worlds Online EDUCA Berlin 2011 Kennesaw State University, Kennesaw, Georgia, USA College of Humanities and Social.

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Presentation on theme: "Immersive Learning in Mobile and Virtual Worlds Online EDUCA Berlin 2011 Kennesaw State University, Kennesaw, Georgia, USA College of Humanities and Social."— Presentation transcript:

1 Immersive Learning in Mobile and Virtual Worlds Online EDUCA Berlin 2011 Kennesaw State University, Kennesaw, Georgia, USA College of Humanities and Social Sciences Department of Communication and the Office of Distance Education

2 We’re from KSU in the US

3 Dr. Philip Aust, Assistant Chair, Department of Communication; Associate Professor of Communication Dr. Barbara Gainey, Coordinator, Public Relations Concentration; Department Online Coordinator; Associate Professor of Communication

4 Dr. Jake McNeill, Coordinator, CHSS Mobile Learning; Director, COM Digital Media; Lecturer of Communication Ms. Rhonda (Nikki) Hill, College of Humanities and Social Sciences Online Specialist

5 Dr. Tamara Powell, College of Humanities and Social Sciences Director of Distance Education and Associate Professor of English Introductory Speaker, Time Keeper, Tech Support

6 Aviary: Creation on the Fly Free, web-based, graphic design software Edit photos Create and edit music Edit vectors Grab screen shots

7 Cloud Computing: Truly Mobile Case study Student-centered Space saving Cost efficient

8 The Mobile Classroom: Total Immersion Smartphone technological convergence for distance learning Learning software and e-book integration All operating systems, smart devices, and software formats are welcome

9 Zombies Attack: Easy Simulations You and your colleagues or students can create quick, fun, and free games. Write a story, create the graphics, design the simulation, and jump into your new world! Make them with Hot Potatoes and Quandary.

10 More Fun!

11 Back at Us! Please review our session and let us know what worked for you and what we need to work on to improve our presentation!

12 Your Tool Box

13 Let’s Review! Four tools Four presenters Your feedback on the tools Your feedback on the presentation Your tools: Let’s get to it!

14 Immersive Learning in Mobile and Virtual Worlds Online EDUCA Berlin 2011 Kennesaw State University, Kennesaw, Georgia, USA College of Humanities and Social Sciences Department of Communication and the Office of Distance Education

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