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 Free styling on the mic  Scratching on turn –tables  Acting Stupid  Cooking.

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Presentation on theme: " Free styling on the mic  Scratching on turn –tables  Acting Stupid  Cooking."— Presentation transcript:


2  Free styling on the mic  Scratching on turn –tables  Acting Stupid  Cooking

3  My   

4  My Grandma’s home made Blue berry pie  My Grandma’s home made T-Cakes  My Grandma’s home made sweet potato pie  My signature pine apple chicken legs  Babe back ribs

5  Mr.haley  Mrs.Sterrling  Ms.Parks

6  End World Hunger and Droughts  Buy a Large entertainment system for my room  Buy All the Dj Soft where I want  Go back in time a stop the holocaust for happening

7  plan to be a successful chief  Have at least 6 Cds out  Be married  Have 4 kids 1 set of twins

8  Dj Screw  Big Moe  The entire Screwed Up Click  Charlie Murphy  Dave Chappell

9  182 months  749 weeks  133,423 hours

10  Michel Jackson  John McClain  Isabel Sanford

11 11

12  Galileo passes within 600 miles of asteroid Ida.  Walt Disney's Mary Poppins released  Intl Olympic Committee votes admission to West Germany & Japan in '52  Chop suey invented in NYC by chef of visiting Chinese Ambassador


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