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Northamptonshire Integrated Care Partnership How Can Hwbs Promote Integration Across Health And Social Care? Northamptonshire’s Experience Raf Poggi GP.

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Presentation on theme: "Northamptonshire Integrated Care Partnership How Can Hwbs Promote Integration Across Health And Social Care? Northamptonshire’s Experience Raf Poggi GP."— Presentation transcript:

1 Northamptonshire Integrated Care Partnership How Can Hwbs Promote Integration Across Health And Social Care? Northamptonshire’s Experience Raf Poggi GP Chair of Kettering Locality, Nene Commissioning Board Charlie MacNally Director of Adult & Childrens Social Services, Northamptonshire County Council

2 Northamptonshire Integrated Care Partnership How Can Hwbs Promote Integration Across Health And Social Care? Northamptonshire’s Experience Raf Poggi GP Chair of Kettering Locality, Nene Commissioning Board Charlie MacNally Director of Adult & Childrens Social Services, Northamptonshire County Council Peter Watson CECS Project Manager Nene Commissioning

3 Northamptonshire Integrated Care Partnership The Northamptonshire Integrated Care Partnership (NICP) A way of working and delivery Evidence of successful clinical commissioning Health & Wellbeing Board Practical demonstration of local engagement and delivery Seminar Outline

4 Northamptonshire Integrated Care Partnership National Pilot now “Business as Usual” Clinically and Professionally Led Managerially Supported Commissioner / Provider Partnership Senior Decision Makers Whole System Transformation Commitment to Integration Northamptonshire Integrated Care Partnership

5 Northamptonshire Integrated Care Partnership Whole System Membership Nene Commissioning CCG Corby CCG Northampton County Council Kettering General Hospital Northampton General Hospital East Midlands Ambulance Service Northamptonshire Healthcare Trust LINK Carer Representative Out of Hours Service NHS Northamptonshire Voluntary Sector

6 Northamptonshire Integrated Care Partnership NICP Outcomes The five top outcomes for the NICP are: – A reduction in emergency admissions – A reduction in emergency readmissions – A reduction in length of stays – A reduction in admissions to care homes – An increase in the number of patients dying in their preferred place of death – Improve experience for both patients and carers

7 Northamptonshire Integrated Care Partnership Total Number of emergency admissions >75 stable compared to national 5% rise 10% decrease in the total number of excess bed days Direct admissions from the Acute Trusts to permanent residential and nursing home care has reduced by 20% 622 less deaths in hospital than in the same period in 10/11 Successful Outcomes To Date (Dec 10 to Aug 11)

8 Northamptonshire Integrated Care Partnership Support for elderly, frail patients to reduce reliance on health and social care services True integration of teams across health and social care – Consultant Geriatricians – Consultant Psycho-geriatrician – Intermediate Care – Hospital Discharge “Think Home First” Teams – Community Nursing – GPs – Step-up / Step-down beds in the community – Social Care Rehabilitation and Re-enablement National award winner Evidence of Successful Clinical Commissioning: Community Elderly Care Service

9 CECS Cumulative Prevented Admissions Actual v Plan

10 CECS Cumulative Prevented Excess Bed Days Actual v Plan

11 Northamptonshire Integrated Care Partnership


13 Health & Wellbeing Board Board representation: 1.Clinical Commissioning Groups 2.Elected Members from County Council and Borough Councils 3.Officers Ambitious in the approach Alignment of Health & Social Care Outcomes Locality focus (CCGs map to Borough boundaries) to ensure local population needs are delivered Personalised delivery of H&WB strategy through Health & Wellbeing Fora

14 Northamptonshire Integrated Care Partnership Alignment of organisational priorities - are stakeholders committed to integration of services? Unprecedented financial environment Increasing demand for services The Public Health agenda How will we know if we have improved “wellbeing” Significant chance it will becomes a “talking shop” without tangible delivery of the strategy What are the challenges for HWBs going forward and are there any suggestions for how to overcome these?

15 Northamptonshire Integrated Care Partnership Make it local Health & Wellbeing Fora Mind Map Exercise with Kettering Borough Council Outcomes: – Young People and alcohol – Falls Work now underway to establish how to transform the Local Strategic Partnership Board into the Health & Wellbeing Forum in Kettering What are the opportunities for HWBs to tackle the issues going forward?

16 Northamptonshire Integrated Care Partnership Questions

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