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1 Start! Overview Q2 2009

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1 1 Start! Overview Q2 2009

2 2 Start!. The American Heart Association’s national cause movement that calls on all Americans and their employers to be a catalyst for change by creating a culture of physical activity and health in order to live longer, healthier lives. Introducing…

3 3 Start! Fit-Friendly Company Recognition Program

4 4 4 The Start! Fit-Friendly Companies program recognizes employers who champion and prioritize the health of their employees and work to create a culture of physical activity in the workplace.  Gold: Awarded twice per year to companies that meet criteria.  Platinum: Awarded twice per year to companies that meet the Gold criteria and can demonstrate measurable behavior changes.  Workplace Fitness Innovation Award and Community Fitness Innovation Award Awarded to companies that develop innovative and efficient methods to promote physical activity beyond the criteria.  962 Companies Currently Recognized  Application Deadlines:  January 31 & July 31 Start! Fit-Friendly Companies 2007: WSJ 2008: Forbes

5 5 5 The Criteria  Criteria divided into Three Focus Areas  Physical Activity  Nutrition  Culture  Greatest Emphasis on Physical Activity  Criteria helps companies without a wellness program develop and implement one Physical Activity Nutrition Culture

6 6 Start! Walking Program  Multi-Week Challenge to kick-off the program at least once per year.  Quarterly rallies and goals at company worksites.  Turn-key kit offered FREE to companies.  Lifestyle Change Awards given to participants taking strides to better health.  Provides year-round Start! presence: The Start! Walking Program Kit helps people incorporate physical activity into their daily routine and worksite to enable them make a true connection to Start! and make great strides toward improving their health – and their companies.  National Start! Walking Day  Start! Heart Walk  MyStart! Online

7 7 Start! 2009 MyStart! Online - Consumer Platform  MyStart! Elevated to Consumer Platform: campaign web site  converted to entire consumer offering for easier access, registration, better engagement, etc.  Registered users will receive free newsletters  Easier Registration for Consumers  Easy access to find information about: oMyStart! “Tracking Tool” (currently available) oMyStart! Community (available Mid-December) oMyStart! Walking Plan (available Mid-March) oStart! Heart Walk – link for Easy Access to Start! Heart Walk site oNational Start! Walking Day (note: we will capture company information) oIs My Company Start! Fit-Friendly? – link to Start! Fit-Friendly Site oStart! Walking Paths (available Mid-March) oDonate Now (available Mid-March) oJoin/Register for Start! (available Mid-March) oExercise TV (Video On Demand) (available Mid-March)  Partnership with Comcast/Time Warner to provide Start! Walking “V.O.D.”  Can be accessed via website, or through cable providers

8 8 MyStart! Activity Tracker The internet activity tracking tool provides a meaningful way to keep individuals motivated Provides valuable – and FREE – health and nutrition information for companies and employees.  Registered users will receive monthly Start! newsletters in addition to regular motivational emails summarizing the activity and nutrition they have entered.  Easier Navigation/Usability;  Affiliate MyStart! Online Contacts  Available to answer questions  Help Train staff, companies  More Options/Features for users:  Yahoo! Maps for walking routes  Company Scoreboard for tracking progress  Robust Calorie History/Tracker  Enhanced Activity and Nutrition Diaries

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