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Newport Intermediate Care Service. Intermediate Care Services that divert admission from an acute setting, support timely discharge from the acute setting.

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Presentation on theme: "Newport Intermediate Care Service. Intermediate Care Services that divert admission from an acute setting, support timely discharge from the acute setting."— Presentation transcript:

1 Newport Intermediate Care Service

2 Intermediate Care Services that divert admission from an acute setting, support timely discharge from the acute setting or avoid an unnecessary admission to long term care. Time limited, usually up to six weeks. Provided in the persons own home. Joint working between health &social services.

3 Newport Rapid Response PATH Community Reablement Community Physiotherapy Long Term Conditions Expert Patient Programme Liaison Psychiatric Nurse Consultant Physician

4 Intermediate Care Service Joint working within teams and within ICS. Overarching Aims & Objectives and Service Specification. Liaison between members of teams for a seamless service. Integrated working practices to ensure right person provides right input at the right time.

5 Community Reablement Reablement Social Worker Reablement Nurse Physiotherapist Occupational Therapist Reablement Assistants Administrator Manager

6 Community Reablement Initial holistic multidisciplinary assessments using UAP to identify reablement potential, needs, motivation, goals, wishes and future plans. Specialist assessments identifying goals and planning programmes with clients. Assistants work with clients as planned to reach their goals. Review weekly as a multidisciplinary team. Plan for future needs prior to discharge. Review independence.

7 Data 545 referrals last year 233 programmes completed 500 pieces of Equipment provided 350 Referrals for home alterations Referrals for DFG Saving of 192 hours per week of homecare Saving £79,000 on Homecare packages

8 Newport Intermediate Care Service Evolving and developing service. Responsive to change. Learning and teaching. Highlighting good practice. Publicised via website/leaflets/visits/road- shows. High customer satisfaction rate. Good feedback from referrers.

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