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Raising the stakes: Promoting extra care housing A project to support the development of a range of successful housing with care solutions for older people.

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Presentation on theme: "Raising the stakes: Promoting extra care housing A project to support the development of a range of successful housing with care solutions for older people."— Presentation transcript:

1 Raising the stakes: Promoting extra care housing A project to support the development of a range of successful housing with care solutions for older people Project funded by the Housing Corporation and the Housing Learning & Improvement Network Project partners: Elderly Accommodation Counsel (EAC) Institute of Public Care (IPC) Moyra Riseborough (RRCA) Peter Fletcher Associates (PFA) Extra Care Housing Industry Forum meeting: Harley Room, 89 Albert Embankment, London SE1 7TP, Monday 18 th December 2006 - from 1:30pm to 4:30pm

2 Raising the stakes: Promoting extra care housing A project to support the development of a range of successful housing with care solutions for older people Project aim: To support the development of a dynamic and sustainable ECH market by providing all stakeholders with: An evidence base  What are the main aims of current providers?  How do they try to achieve these?  What evidence of success do we have? Building confidence in the market  A standard language to describe ECH products  Tools to measure outcomes  Kitemarking of basic standards  Communication tools

3 Raising the stakes: Promoting extra care housing A project to support the development of a range of successful housing with care solutions for older people Project outputs: 1. Steps to Success Guide including:  Overview of existing provision  Standard descriptors  Evidence of results  Critical success factors  Measuring outcomes  Kitemarking – our proposition to the Industry Key purpose – to sell kitemarking proposition to the wider industry.

4 Raising the stakes: Promoting extra care housing A project to support the development of a range of successful housing with care solutions for older people Project outputs: 2. A website for all stakeholders including:  All material from Steps to Success Guide  Introductions to ECH for different audiences  Information about all ECH schemes, including  provider objectives  detailed description, using standard descriptive language, of buildings, services, target customers  explanation of outcome measures adopted by provider  details of outcome measurements Key purpose – to promote ECH to all stakeholders

5 Raising the stakes: Promoting extra care housing A project to support the development of a range of successful housing with care solutions for older people Current ECH provision Survey findings Prospects for a descriptive typology

6 Raising the stakes: Promoting extra care housing A project to support the development of a range of successful housing with care solutions for older people Goldsborough Stepping Stone HicaLife Mrs & Mrs H Allison BML Healthcare Ltd Orwell HA Less than 10 properties

7 Raising the stakes: Promoting extra care housing A project to support the development of a range of successful housing with care solutions for older people Accent Homes Joseph Rowntree HT Retirement Security Ltd McCarthy & Stone Housing 21 Hanover 30 - 40 properties

8 Raising the stakes: Promoting extra care housing A project to support the development of a range of successful housing with care solutions for older people Anchor Trust ExtraCare CT Whiteley Homes Trust Retirement Villages plc 100+ properties HicaLife Developments Ltd

9 Raising the stakes: Promoting extra care housing A project to support the development of a range of successful housing with care solutions for older people



12 Facilities

13 Raising the stakes: Promoting extra care housing A project to support the development of a range of successful housing with care solutions for older people






19 Resident selection – comparison by main tenure

20 Raising the stakes: Promoting extra care housing A project to support the development of a range of successful housing with care solutions for older people Terminology

21 Raising the stakes: Promoting extra care housing A project to support the development of a range of successful housing with care solutions for older people Most frequently used words in providers literature

22 Raising the stakes: Promoting extra care housing A project to support the development of a range of successful housing with care solutions for older people Survey method Starting point: EAC National Database of Housing for Older People Devising the questions: housing, services, services users Two stage survey Statements survey Returns and quality of data

23 Raising the stakes: Promoting extra care housing A project to support the development of a range of successful housing with care solutions for older people Findings: figures and statistics Findings: what does this tell us? Findings: statements Providers share a common language with that of Government departments and agencies, and with the voluntary sector: Independence, own home, care and support are at the core of the present definition of Extra Care Housing.

24 Raising the stakes: Promoting extra care housing A project to support the development of a range of successful housing with care solutions for older people STAGE REPORT Survey has demonstrated the providers’ willingness to work with the project. The success of the project depends entirely on the involvement of the extra care industry. Ultimately the industry must own their Kitemark.

25 Raising the stakes: Promoting extra care housing A project to support the development of a range of successful housing with care solutions for older people



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