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Published byLogan Whitehead Modified over 9 years ago
1 Heading Sub heading Body text Justin Donovan and Jenny Coles Children’s Services and the Big Society Where do schools fit in?
2 “For all children and young people in Hertfordshire to have a happy, healthy and safe childhood that prepares them well for adult life and enables them to reach their full potential.” (CYPP 2011/12) A Vision: A New Children Services Framework
3 Autonomy for schools and greater isolation of Heads Reduction in the size of the LA Reduced school budgets and significantly reduced LA spending Reduced capital with greater targeting from the centre Fewer priorities and a greater focus on outcomes for children Public sector debt Education Bill SEN Green Paper Munro Review James Review Academies and Free Schools Big Society ……………… The New Political and Financial Landscape
4 Demand for Year 7 Places The On-going Gap in Public Sector Funding
5 Some Painful Decisions Terms and conditions of services - including low paid support staff Removal of discretionary transport - reneging on previous agreements Removal of grant funded services - deletion of whole teams Reduction in social care and disabilities budgets More to come - a further £60m
6 Education Provision and Access Schools’ capital programme School place planning (including early years) Admissions H to S Transport Schools Forum.......... Standards and School Effectiveness School standards Teaching and learning Leadership Inclusion and SEN in schools ICT in schools Early Years ………. Attendance Integration teams ESTMA MAPS Youth Connexions ESCs SEN CYPSWs.......... Services for Children and Young People Social Enterprise (Free Schools Programme) Education and Early Intervention
7 Education Provision and Access Standards and School Effectiveness Services for Children and Young People Social Enterprise (Free Schools Programme) Education and Early Intervention Gillian Cawley Andrew Simmons Simon Newland
8 Two Key Objectives Children and young people are kept safe; and Excellent educational outcomes for every child and young person Education and Early Intervention
9 Excellent educational outcomes for every child and young person a good early education for every child; a good school for every child; narrowing the gap in attainment and wellbeing; and ensuring the vulnerable can learn, achieve and succeed. Education and Early Intervention
10 Statistical Neighbours Ranking Raising Educational Outcomes Further
11 Key Stage 4 Results - Long Term Trends 2004200520062007200820092010 % 5 A* to C GCSE59.0%61.8%65.6%68.0%71.0%73.0%79.6% % 5 A* to C inc. English and maths 53.7%55.9%58.1%59.2%64.3% Improvement in inclusion related data over the same period: Reduced fixed term and permanent exclusions by 68% Improved attendance and reduced persistent absence - from above NA Attainment gap closing for some vulnerable groups and key communities Raising Educational Outcomes Further
12 Raising Educational Outcomes Further Because - too many pupils still reach the end of KS4: before their special needs have been addressed in full with a very poor attendance record known to the youth justice system having missed learning through exclusions In need of significant support from specialist services having underachieved, especially if from a minority ethnic community
13 Multi-agency teams locally based within district boundaries Schools deciding whether or not to work in partnerships LA responding to local school groupings Funding devolved to schools - bought back or not Targeted Services - School Partnerships
14 LA needs to ensure statutory requirements are met in full A community of schools despite their diverse nature Transparent and fair distribution of resources Avoid forcing some schools to collaborate reluctantly Very difficult change for CSF based services - a significant change in culture Avoiding the Icebergs Targeted Services - School Partnerships
15 Annie & family Annie & family Social Worker Home Care Occupational Therapist Area Manager (Children with Disabilities) SS Client Services Family Placement (respite) Under – 8’s Officer Family Centres SOCIAL CARE SEN Adviser Home Tuition SEN Officer Educational Psychologist Area Service Manager EDUCATION Occupational Therapist Community Paediatrician Child Psychiatrist Physiotherapist Clinical Psychologist Speech Therapist School Nurse GP HEALTH
16 Three key Objectives: Children and young people are safeguarded from abuse and neglect Children and young people are supported within their own families where ever possible Narrowing the gap for children in care Safeguarding and Specialist Services
17 Performance and Business Support Performance, Improvement and Partnerships Policy, Practice and Quality Assurance Business Infrastructure Customer Service HSCB Support Operational Safeguarding Assessment Locality Safeguarding Children Looked After Teams Family support Adoption Fostering Residential Care Brokerage Children with additional needs (children with disabilities) Specialist Services Strategic Commissioning (Joint Commissioning) Safeguarding and Specialist Services
18 Performance and Business Support Operational Safeguarding Specialist Services Strategic Commissioning (Joint Commissioning) Safeguarding and Specialist Services Sue Williams Mike Collier
19 Commissioning for People Children’s services framework Director of Health & Community Services Director of Children’s Safeguarding & Specialist Services Director of Education & Early Intervention Assistant Director Community Commissioning Commissioning for people Community Wellbeing Community Support Accomm. Solutions JCT Health Children & YP
Existing strategic partnership arrangements
Proposed strategic partnership arrangements (Review March 2012)
22 Health and Wellbeing Board The Health and Social Care Bill will require a health and wellbeing board in every upper tier local authority. Health and wellbeing boards will include elected representatives, local HealthWatch and key local commissioners for health and social care, including GP consortia and DsPH, adult social care and children’s services. Obligation for LA’s and GP consortia through health and wellbeing board to prepare the joint strategic needs assessment (JSNA) and develop a high-level "joint health and wellbeing strategy" (JHWS) that spans the NHS, social care, public health and could potentially consider wider health determinants such as housing, or education. Flexibility for health and wellbeing boards both between and within local authority areas. Some GP consortia boundaries may be coterminous with local authority areas, but others will not. “Whatever makes sense locally”. Health and wellbeing boards will provide a key forum for public accountability of NHS, public health, social care for adults and children and other commissioned services that are directly related to health and wellbeing.
23 Health and Wellbeing Board April 2012 ‘Shadow’ health and wellbeing boards, in every upper-tier authority April 2011 Hertfordshire early implementer with core membership 2012/13 Partnership without statutory powers and duties; but all boards will need to start preparation to: - carry out JSNAs, - develop JHWSs April 2013 GP consortia and LAs receive NHS commissioning and public health allocations Timetable
24 Strategic Commissioning Groups Timetable Health & Wellbeing Board Health & Wellbeing Executive Joint Commissioning Partnership Executive Learning Disability SCG Substance Misuse SCG Mental Health SCG CAMHS SCG Children &YP SCG Herts Equip. Service Board Comm. Wellbeing SCG Int.Care Prog Board HCS Accommodation Solutions Category HCS Community Support Category
25 New Children’s Services Framework One Philosophy and Shared Direction Focus on shared outcomes for children not structures Early intervention and prevention (including targeted support) Children & Young People with complex care and additional needs Children and Young People living away from home Strategic Commissioning Groups must span the new framework
26 Partnership commissioning framework HWB Board Children SCG Early intervention & prevention (Including targeted support) Children & Young People with complex care & additional needs Children and Young People living away from home HWB Exec Intelligence from Schools; Users & Carers; Providers; Teams etc Stakeholder group Other SCGs Stakeholder group Other partnerships Safeguarding Board People and partnerships achieve better outcomes at less cost not frameworks! Other governance structures
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