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Xrootd Andrew Hanushevsky Stanford Linear Accelerator Center 30-May-03.

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1 xrootd Andrew Hanushevsky Stanford Linear Accelerator Center 30-May-03

2 May 30, 20032: xrootd Goals High Performance File-Based Access Scalable, extensible, usable Fault tolerance Server failures handled in a natural way Servers may be dynamically added and removed Flexible Security Allowing use of almost any protocol Rootd Compatibility

3 May 30, 20033: xrootd Achieving High Performance Scalable request/response protocol Multi-threaded multi-process architecture Architecture sensitive polling MRU scheduling Sticky sockets Adaptive reconfiguration Versatile sfs layer (based on proven oofs)

4 May 30, 20034: xrootd Scalable Protocol I Connection multiplexing One connection per client/host Multiple logically independent streams Request redirection supported Similar to http redirection Supports dynamic load balancing and fail-over Uses an intentional request header Can better optimize request processing

5 May 30, 20035: xrootd Scalable Protocol II Asynchronous mode allowed Multiple processing-order-independent requests Optional application-directed pre-read I/O segmenting Able to naturally deal with very large transfers Better use of server resources Request deferral Client waits for resources without using server resources

6 May 30, 20036: xrootd Scalable Protocol III Unsolicited Reverse Request Mode Allows server to manage client for recovery Asynchronous redirect, deferral, and messages Protocol may be compatibly extended Mechanism to send opaque information Accommodate things that were “forgotten” Messaging interface Cache group Request priority And so on….

7 May 30, 20037: xrootd MT/MP Architecture Normally one multi-threaded server per host Should be able to utilize available resources Easy to administer Optionally, multiple servers per host Fully utilize large machines

8 May 30, 20038: xrootd Architecture Sensitive Polling All POSIX systems support poll() Used by default Not always an efficient I/O “interrupt” mechanism Alternate polling mechanisms allowed /dev/poll Available on Solaris and patched RH Linux Up to an order of magnitude reduction in CPU Essential to reduce latency

9 May 30, 20039: xrootd MRU Scheduling mr u Connections processed in most recently used order Gives priority to active connections Reduces polling overhead Essentially a fair scheduling algorithm Starvation cannot occur Longer running tasks tend to get started first Assuming all other things being equal

10 May 30, 200310: xrootd Sticky Sockets Connection temporarily binds to a thread Avoids polling and scheduling overhead Significantly reduces latency Connection automatically unbinds Client is not sufficiently active Number of other requests approaches available threads

11 May 30, 200311: xrootd Adaptive Reconfiguration Server dynamically adjusts configuration Number of threads Kept proportionate to number of active requests Pre-allocated buffers Sizes track actual usage profile Recomputed periodically Pre-allocated objects Number tracks recent needs High latency connections rescheduled

12 May 30, 200312: xrootd Versatile sfs Layer I Integrates multiple performance features Dynamic load balancing Client redirected to “best” server of the moment File descriptor partitioning Reduces socket polling overhead File system interface reuse Prevents open file proliferation and attendant overhead Same file opened in same mode shared by multiple clients File system interface timeout Reduces overhead caused by idle opened files

13 May 30, 200313: xrootd Dynamic Load Balancing Dynamic Selection

14 May 30, 200314: xrootd DLB Implementation xrootd dlbd xrootd dlbd xrootd dlbd xrootd dlbd Client subscribe (any number) open wait open again try host:port who has the file? I do

15 May 30, 200315: xrootd Versatile sfs Layer II Dynamic disk cache integration Allows unlimited file system size Provides superior internal load balancing Mass Storage Integration HPSS, Castor, Enstore, etc RFIO Integration Scalable authorization From file sub-trees to single files

16 May 30, 200316: xrootd Cache File System /cache1/databases:mydbfile /databases/mydbfile /cache2 /cache3 symlink Index Area Optional data cache Default data area Data Area Any number Any Size Chosen based on free space in LRU order Multiple Independent Filesystems Naming convention allows for audit and index recovery

17 May 30, 200317: xrootd Fault Tolerance I Servers may come and go Uses load balancing to effect recovery New servers can be added at any time Servers may be brought down for maintenance Files can be moved around in real-time Client simply adjust to the new configuration XTNetFile object handles recovery protocol

18 May 30, 200318: xrootd Fault Tolerance II Whenever client looses r/o connection Back to distinguished xrootd(s) for reselection Whenever client looses r/w connection Limited wait/retry loop on the same server We will be working to improve this next year! All handled in the XTNetFile class Disruptions merely delay the client

19 May 30, 200319: xrootd Flexible Security Negotiated Security Protocol Allows client/server to agree on protocol E.g., Kerberos, GSI, AFS Kerberos, etc. Can be easily extended Multi-protocol authentication support

20 May 30, 200320: xrootd Security Architecture login authenticate Client-Specific Security Configuration Protocol Selection Self Configuration Security Token Multiple handshakes allowed during authentication phase (required by some PKI protocols)

21 May 30, 200321: xrootd Heterogeneous Security Support Servers have one or more protocol objects Server protocol objects created at server initialization time Client selects which protocol to use when security context created Protocol object created based on configuration returned by xrootd One security context object per physical xrootd connection Protocol objects may be shared by one or more contexts Each “pass” through a security context object may generate credentials to be passed to xrootd protocols

22 May 30, 200322: xrootd Simple & Effective Interface For each login that requires authentication XrdSecCreateSecurityContext(ipaddr, config) Returns security protocol object XrdSecClientSecurity XrdSecClientSecurity Based on server ipaddr and server-supplied config XrdSecClientSecurity::getCredentials() Returns credentials to be sent to the server authenticateauthmore Done via authenticate request and possible authmore response Based on well tested and documented oofs security

23 May 30, 200323: xrootd Optional Scalable Authorization u abh rw /slac/rootfiles/usr/abh r /cern/rootfiles Authentication Authorization

24 May 30, 200324: xrootd Security Summary Multi-protocol Authentication Supports distributed heterogeneous environments Scalable Authorization Open-ended capability based model Integrated Auditing To keep the security hard hats happy Well defined, proven interfaces Trivially replaceable for a plug & play architecture

25 May 30, 200325: xrootd rootd Compatibility Bilateral compatibility XTNetfile reverts to TNetFile for rootd servers XRootd reverts to rootd protocol for TNetFile Allows for transparent introduction Can run mixed mode Binary is multi-environment compatible

26 May 30, 200326: xrootd Compatibility Modes xrootd rootd xrootd rootd compability TNetFile Application TNetFile XTNetFile Application rootd Client-Side Compatibility Server-Side Compatibility

27 May 30, 200327: xrootd xrootd Architecture Protocol Layer Filesystem Logical Layer Filesystem Physical Layer Filesystem Implementation Protocol Manager

28 May 30, 200328: xrootd Dynamically loaded (can also be static) xrootd Internals

29 May 30, 200329: xrootd Conclusion xrootd provides high performance file access Improves over afs, ams, nfs, etc. Unique performance, usability, scalability, security, compatibility, and recoverability characteristics xrootd can provide a firm server foundation for native file system implementations E.g. alienfs, gridfs, slashgrid, etc For now, aim is to support BaBar

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