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A proprietary suite of innovative web-based reporting and account management tools Provides an electronic access point for retrieving credit card processing.

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2 A proprietary suite of innovative web-based reporting and account management tools Provides an electronic access point for retrieving credit card processing information, consolidated transaction reporting and reconciliation data Allows a user to customize queries and export data for further analysis Can be used by Partners or Merchants to: –Track trends –Identify and address problem areas that need special attention

3 Recon $olution Main Module –Delivers back-end transaction and reconciliation data customized to user’s preferences –Groups reporting by category for ease of access Batch and transaction detail Interchange qualification Funding history Fee history Chargeback and retrieval history Monthly merchant activity statements –Exports to Excel or can be downloaded to a comma-delimited format for further analysis

4 Optional modules include: –Deci$ionable Data Reports Interchange Qualification History Chargeback and Retrieval Credits without Offsetting Debits –Exception Item Re$pond Web-based workstation Receive and respond to Chargeback and Retrieval notices –In$tant Alerts Instant email notifications of exception conditions and financial risks delivered right to your inbox

5 Search Options on all reports include –Date Ranges –Transaction Types –Cardholder numbers –Authorization Numbers –Transaction Amounts –Authorization Amounts –Batch numbers –Case numbers

6 Batch and Transaction Reports Get a summary snapshot of previously settled payment card activity by day or date range View individual batch or transaction detail records Display results by merchant location, card type or batch Export to Excel or can be downloaded to a comma-delimited format for further analysis

7 Batch and Transaction Reports

8 Batch/Transaction Reports All Transactions Report Can be accessed as a drill down from the Batch Detail Report Shows detail for all transactions within the selected batch regardless of qualification level Includes both settled and non-settled activity. Data elements include cardholder number, dollar amount and actual qualification level

9 Batch/Transaction Reports All Transactions Report

10 Batch/Transaction Reports Batch Detail Provides a summary for each batch of transactions submitted during the specified date range Includes counts and amounts of the batch totals, settled totals, non-settled totals and adjustments. Each row represents one submitted batch Allows drill down to transaction level detail to view qualified, non-qualified, or all transactions in a particular batch

11 Recon $olution Batch Detail

12 Batch/Transaction Reports Batch Exception Lists batches closed more than 2 days after opened Helpful in identifying locations that are not closing their batches in a timely manner resulting in avoidable Interchange downgrades Displays data by merchant location Provides information on the batch number, and its corresponding item counts and dollar amounts

13 Recon $olution Batch Exception

14 Batch/Transaction Reports Card Type Analysis Provides a summary of submitted deposit totals sorted by merchant number by card type for the specified date range Displays both settled and non-settled card types Includes dollar amounts and transaction counts, corresponding percentages, and an average ticket amount by card type Allows for easy comparison of location-to- location or location-to-total performance

15 Recon $olution Card Type Analysis

16 Batch/Transaction Reports Card Type Summary Individual Location Summary –Provides submitted deposit totals by card type for the selected merchant location during the specified date range –Totals include settled and memo-posted deposit amounts and transaction counts By Merchant Summary –Presents data by merchant number and by card type for the specified date range –Totals include both settled and memo-posted deposit amounts and transaction counts

17 Recon $olution Card Type Summary

18 Batch/Transaction Reports Card Type Summary by Merch Provides a summary of submitted deposit totals sorted by merchant number and by card type for the specified date range Totals include both settled and non-settled card types, including dollar amounts and transaction counts

19 Recon $olution Card Type Summary By Merchant

20 Batch/Transaction Reports Recap Summary Recaps the total dollar amount paid to the merchant during the specified date range according to funding category Starts with batch totals, then deducts memo-posted card types such as such as Amex or Discover Adjusts for exceptions items including DCNs, miscellaneous financial adjustments, chargebacks and chargeback reversals Results in a calculation of a net paid deposit amount funded via ACH transfer

21 Recon $olution Recap Summary

22 Batch/Transaction Reports Debit Card Analysis Recaps debit card acceptance activity by merchant location for the specified date range Distinguishes between pin-based and signature- based activity including dollar amounts, item counts and corresponding percentages for each Enables a merchant to identify cardholder trends; review effectiveness of current debit procedures at the point of sale

23 Recon $olution Debit Card Analysis

24 Batch/Transaction Reports Debit Monthly Analysis Similar to the Debit Card Analysis report Generated monthly Includes graphs to help the user more readily identify trends relating to online and offline debit activity

25 Recon $olution Debit Card Monthly Analysis

26 Interchange Qualification Reports Provide a recap of how transactions are qualifying for Interchange Allow a merchant to readily identify locations incurring a high percentage of downgraded transactions Can be indicative of a need to improve card acceptance procedures or upgrade the payment solution in use at the point-of-sale

27 Interchange Qualification Reports

28 Interchange Qual Reports Qualified Transactions Shows transaction detail for all sales activity that qualified at the best possible Interchange rate for the specified date range Includes transaction date, batch submit date, card number and qualifying Interchange category

29 Qualification Data Qualified Transactions

30 Interchange Qual Reports Non-Qualified Transactions Shows transaction detail related to items that downgraded to a higher-expensed Interchange category Includes transaction date, batch submit date, card number and clearing Interchange category Provides detail on why transactions downgraded Move mouse over the reason codes, and a description for each downgrade code appears Use information to help correct equipment or procedural issues that may be causing downgrades

31 Qualification Data Non-Qualified Trans

32 Interchange Qual Reports Qualification Summary Summarizes activity by merchant number and qualification level, so you can easily see how each location is performing Can be sorted by qualification status so that all locations with downgraded transactions appear at the top of the report

33 Qualification Data Qualified Summary

34 Funding Reports Provides access to reports that help merchants verify funding activity Available reports range from summary to detail reports Simplifies daily reconciliation Itemizes exception item adjustments for ease of reference

35 Funding

36 Funding Reports Settlement Summary Summarizes funding amounts by category Can be used to reconcile to bank deposits or internally allocate revenue and expenses Provides funding sub-totals at the merchant outlet level, as well as at other hierarchy levels, based on user logon

37 Funding Settlement Summary

38 Funding Reports DCN Report Recaps Deposit Correction Notices (DCNs) by merchant location for the specified date range For each adjustment, the reason, the dollar amount of the adjustment, and the transaction with which it is associated is provided The reason code field provides the data needed to correct the issue

39 Funding Deposit Correction Notice Report

40 Funding Reports DCN Analysis Provides a summary by merchant number of the dollar amounts and counts of DCN's Indicates the the corresponding submitted batch amounts and counts for the selected date range Includes the percentage of DCNs to Total transactions by merchant for ease in identifying locations that are having issues with DCN's

41 Funding Deposit Correction Notice Analysis

42 Funding Reports Financial Adjustments Recaps miscellaneous debit or credit financial adjustment (MISC/MISX) transactions posted during the specified date range Reported data includes the adjustment amount along with the detailed description that appeared on the merchant activity statement that included the adjustment

43 Funding Financial Adjustments

44 Fee Reports Settlement Fee Summary –Lists total fees assessed by merchant number on a specific date or over a date range –Facilitates expense allocation by merchant location Settlement Fee Detail –Displays fee data in three main categories: Discount/Service Charge Fees (includes authorization fees, equipment, product usage, etc.) Interchange/Assessment –Facilitates more detailed cost allocation by location

45 Fees

46 Fees Settlement Fee Summary

47 Fees Settlement Fee Detail

48 Chargeback Reports Provide a variety of chargeback reports to help merchants manage exception item processing Can view a high level "snapshot" of all exception items for a particular time period or detailed chargeback records at a merchant outlet level Allow merchant to track chargebacks as they move through the exception item process Deliver historical reporting relative to successful representments and denied reversal requests

49 Chargebacks

50 Chargeback Reports Exception Summary Provides a "snapshot" of all exception items by merchant location Highlights those exceptions that have a financial impact to the merchant’s business

51 Chargebacks Exception Summary

52 Chargeback Reports Representments Displays chargebacks that have been represented to the issuing bank on the merchant's behalf Items included on this report were intercepted by our Chargeback analysts and reversed back to the Issuer without financial impacting the merchant

53 Chargebacks Representments

54 Chargeback Reports Dispositions Lists each disposition by merchant location within the selected date range Dispositions are chargebacks representing disputed transactions settled in favor of the cardholder A disposition usually results in a deduction from the merchant's deposit Merchants have the option to present a rebuttal to a dispositioned case which may or may not result in a reversal of the chargeback

55 Chargebacks Dispositions

56 Chargeback Reports Dispositions Analysis Similar to the Dispositions report Generated monthly Includes graphs to help the user more readily identify trends relating to chargeback reason codes by location

57 Chargebacks Disposition Analysis

58 Chargeback Reports Reversals Lists chargebacks originally settled as dispositions, but later reversed Indicative that the merchant successfully disputed the chargeback by providing adequate rebuttal documentation Reverses any accompanying financial impacts to the merchant as well

59 Chargebacks Reversals

60 Chargeback Reports Reversals Analysis Similar to the Reversals report Generated monthly Includes graphs to help the user more readily identify trends relating to successful chargeback reversals by location

61 Chargebacks Reversal Analysis

62 Chargeback Reports Denied Reversals Lists chargebacks that were originally settled as dispositions Indicative that merchant submitted a rebuttal which proved insufficient to reverse the original chargeback Results in no further financial impact to the merchant because the original disposition stands

63 Chargebacks Denied Reversals

64 Chargeback Reports Pending Chargebacks Lists chargebacks with a pending status Can be indicative of case status during certain arbitration conditions Chargeback amount is "suspended" until the case is resolved Pending chargebacks have no financial impact; they are informational only

65 Chargebacks Pending

66 Retrievals Provides access to several retrieval reports that assist in reviewing, researching and fulfilling retrieval requests Reviewing reports regularly and fulfilling retrievals in a timely manner can help you avoid future chargebacks

67 Retrievals

68 Retrievals Outstanding Provides daily updates to all outstanding retrieval requests Sorting capabilities allow for views of due dates and dollar amounts that may be critical

69 Retrievals Outstanding

70 Retrievals Fulfilled Lists retrieval requests fulfilled by location within the specified date range Allows monitoring at individual outlet or hierarchy levels for all locations within the assigned log-on

71 Retrievals Fulfilled

72 Retrievals Expired Lists retrievals that expired prior to being fulfilled by the merchant location Will likely appear as a dispositioned chargeback shortly

73 Retrievals Expired

74 Statements Statements can be viewed at a chain or merchant outlet level Typically available for viewing 5 days after the merchant's cycle period Statements are stored for 12 months

75 Statements

76 Research Tools Authorization Search Date range and one other data element are required to search for an authorization Results include all authorizations that meet the criteria entered on the input screen Data elements provided in this report include whether the transaction was manually keyed or swiped, the authorization code, and the source of the authorization

77 Research Tools Authorization Search

78 Research Tools Authorization Search Results

79 Research Tools Cardholder Search Allows search by cardholder number to obtain transaction detail information Enter the cardholder number and date range click the "Submit" button at the bottom of the screen By entering a card number or a partial card number, all settled transactions associated with that card for the selected date range will be displayed The results show transaction detail for all transactions that meet the criteria entered

80 Research Tools Cardholder Search

81 Research Tools Cardholder Search Results

82 Research Tools Cardholder History Allows you to search by cardholder number to obtain detail on authorizations, transactions, retrievals, and chargebacks Enter the cardholder number you are looking for and the date range and click the Submit button at the bottom of the screen The Cardholder History results show all transactions that meet the criteria entered The type field provides the record status and if it is an authorization, settled transaction, retrieval or chargeback

83 Research Tools Cardholder History

84 Research Tools Cardholder History Results

85 Merchant Information Provides access to information about your merchant setup Can be viewed by overall hierarchy structure or search for a particular merchant location Includes name, address and contact information

86 Merchant Information

87 Merchant Information Hierarchy Structure The Hierarchy Structure Report helps find merchant locations within the Paymentech hierarchy Easy to view hierarchy levels and their corresponding hierarchy or merchant numbers This report can be exported to Excel or downloaded to a comma-delimited file

88 Merchant Information Hierarchy Structure

89 Merchant Information Location Report Merchant Location Report provides detail information, such as address and phone number, for a particular merchant location Merchant Location details are displayed for all merchant locations that match the criteria entered

90 Merchant Information Location Report

91 The application resides on a Paymentech server, accessed via No software to be sent to the user for setup or for enhancements... everything is contained on the server Internet Service Provider Browser - Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.5 or Netscape 4.7 Software - Adobe Acrobat Reader 5.0 and Excel 97

92 Log-ons are assigned at the following hierarchy levels: Bank/Agent Corporate/Chain Outlet Admin log-on has the ability to add or delete users

93 Recon $olution Module is provided to Strategic partners at no cost Merchant logons provided for a nominal monthly fee; see Schedule A pricing in Agreement Additional Modules ( Deci$ionable Data, Re$pond, In$tant Alerts) are provided for a fee –$25/report/user/month Wholesale fees can be upcharged; difference retained by Partner as income –Fee Sequence Code 391

94 Merchant set up request forms are available on the Strategic Partner Resource Center site If multiple locations required, a Non Processing Chain account must be established; contact RM to create

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