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STUDENT ASSOCIATION BUDGET WORKSHOP Please sign in at the front of the room.

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Presentation on theme: "STUDENT ASSOCIATION BUDGET WORKSHOP Please sign in at the front of the room."— Presentation transcript:

1 STUDENT ASSOCIATION BUDGET WORKSHOP Please sign in at the front of the room

2 Welcome Introductions SA Treasurer : Ivan Garcia SA Accountant: Marzena Szmydt SA Advisor : Jill Zambito Reason you are here: – obtain a better understanding of the SA Finance Policy – submit a properly prepared budget request for next year

3 Budget Process Complete forms on the Flash Drive. Submit the Flash drive to SA office by Monday, October 14 th. Wait for SA to email your org to set up a budget presentation date. Budget Presentations. Sub-Committees & Senate In a nutshell…

4 WHO IS ELIGIBLE FOR FUNDING? REQUIREMENTS Any Organization that has been officially recognized by the SA Senate for at least 2 calendar years as of the date budget requests are due. If organization is inactive for 1 year or more, they must go through the recognition process all over again in order to be eligible for funding. Organization must attend at least one Budget Workshop Presentation to be eligible for funding.

5 Flash Drives General Timeline for the Budget Process Annual Budget Application Organizational Questionnaire “List of Officers” page Budget Checklist Budget Proposal Form SA Finance Policy Budget Workshop PowerPoint Sample Budget Packet

6 WHAT’S INSIDE THE FLASH DRIVE??? Annual Budget Application - This document provides us with some brief information about your organization. “List of Officers” Form - This gives us a way to contact your officers if need be. Organizational Questionnaire - Provides us with information about your organization’s funding, collaboration methods, and operations. Budget Checklist - Ensures that you have completed all the necessary documents on the flash drive.

7 WHAT’S INSIDE THE FLASH DRIVE??? Budget Proposal Form- This form is the actual budget which will include the total amount of funding you are requesting. The budget form will also detail each individual line item you are requesting funds for and an estimate of how much it will cost. Form is broken up by events. You will fill out each expense for specific events and their estimated costs. There will also be a section for expenses that are not for a specific event.


9 Flash Drives This flash drive is what you will submit your budget packet on. Please plug the flash drive into a computer and fill out all of the necessary forms on the flash drive. It is not necessary to print out these forms. The flash drive with all completed forms on it is what you will be submitting to the SA office by no later than Monday, October 14 th by 3:30pm

10 TURNING IN THE FLASH DRIVE Submitted to Campus Life Building 180 (Student Association Office). Budgets are due Monday, October 14th between the hours of 8:00am and 3:30pm ( 5% penalty taken off the actual allocation for each day late ). Budgets must be turned in on the flash drive that your group is given at this workshop. *You must receive a receipt when your organization turns in a budget request

11 Budget Presentations Once your flash drive is correctly filled out and is submitted to the SA Office, your organization will be emailed about scheduling your presentation. You can either come into the Student Association office in person to schedule your meeting, or you can call Mindy Venners to schedule it. (815-753-0486) Your organization must present your budget at the date and time you sign up for. Missing your presentation time without prior notice will result in a loss of your organization’s eligibility for funding. At your presentation, you will have 15 minutes to explain your budget proposal and why you are requesting funds. There will also be 5 minutes for questions and answers from the finance sub-committee. Your organization will be assigned a finance sub-committee after budget proposals are submitted to the SA office.

12 5 Finance Sub-Committees 1)University Services 2)Sports and Recreation 3)Greek and Cultural 4)Academic and Professional 5)General Programming and Activities Presentations for “University Services” and “Academic and Professional” organizations will be in the Fall semester. Presentations for the “Greek and Cultural” as well as “General Programming and Activities” organizations will be in the Spring semester. “Sports and Recreation” clubs will by contacted by the Recreational Services budget committee to present.

13 GUIDELINES The first step spending your money is to have your expenditure form approved by Ivan. If your organization is planning to purchase t-shirts, hats or other promotional items, you will have to provide at least two quotes to compare prices. The items may be ordered on line. If the vendor does not accept credit card payments but will accept purchase orders, then you will have to ask for a copy of a W-9 form from the vendor. If your organization is planning to attend a retreat or a conference, the registration can be paid on line when applicable, using NIU’s purchasing card.

14 GUIDELINES If you need to purchase food for your event, you may contact Marzena Szmydt in SILD at 753-5204, and schedule an appointment to discuss the details. When you go to purchase the items, she will meet you at the checkout to pay for the purchase. Please be aware that we can only pay for Pepsi products due to our university contract with Pepsi. To comply with NIU accounting office regulations, for any event where food is purchased or catered, you will need to provide the business purpose of the event and the list of attendees.

15 GUIDELINES If you would like to cater food for your event and the restaurant will accept a purchase order (we cannot use our purchasing credit cards to pay to restaurants), then we will need a quote and a W-9 form from the restaurant. For any event where food is purchased or catered, you will need to provide the business purpose of the event and the list of attendees. For conference hotels, we will need a price quote and a W-9 for hotels that accept purchase orders OR a price quote and a credit card authorization for hotels that do not accept purchase orders.

16 GUIDELINES If you would like to know the balance of your SA funded organization, you can contact Marzena Szmydt who will provide you with a copy of a financial report. Since there are no rollovers available for student organizations’ unspent money you have to make your purchases before July 1 2014. Please be aware that it can take up to three weeks to process the paperwork.

17 RE-CAP/IMPORTANT Your organization’s budget must be submitted on the flash drive you receive tonight. Budgets submitted on previous year’s documents or in any other format WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. Budgets will be due to the SA office Monday, October 14th between the hours of 8:00am and 3:30pm.


19 CONTACT INFO SA TREASURER Ivan Garcia (815)-753-1617 ACCOUNTANT Marzena Szmydt (815)-753-2905

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