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BarEcoRe Data Analysis Workshop - Characterising the structure and dynamic of ecological communities - 22 – 24 March 2011, Tromsø

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Presentation on theme: "BarEcoRe Data Analysis Workshop - Characterising the structure and dynamic of ecological communities - 22 – 24 March 2011, Tromsø"— Presentation transcript:

1 BarEcoRe Data Analysis Workshop - Characterising the structure and dynamic of ecological communities - 22 – 24 March 2011, Tromsø

2 BarEcoRe Data Analysis Workshop – 22-24 March 2011 evaluate the effects of global environmental change on the future structure and resilience of the Barents Sea ecosystem BarEcoRe

3 BarEcoRe Data Analysis Workshop – 22-24 March 2011 evaluate the effects of global environmental change on the future structure and resilience of the Barents Sea ecosystem quantitative data analysis and modelling climate and fishing- induced species comp, spatial structure, trophic network ability to absorb disturbance and maintain function BarEcoRe fish and benthos communities

4 BarEcoRe Data Analysis Workshop – 22-24 March 2011 Bar-EcoRe: The panels WP1: Community structure WP2: Trophic interactions WP3: Population distribution WP4: Resilience & Early warning Scientific Advisoty PanelStakeholders Panel ThinkingWorkingDisseminating

5 BarEcoRe Data Analysis Workshop – 22-24 March 2011 1 st June 2010: Start of the project 15 th – 17 th June 2010: Kick-off meeting 7 th October 2010: Data Workshop 22 nd – 24 th March 2011: Data Analysis Workshop June 2011: Barents Sea food web topology workshop October 2011: Annual meeting BarEcoRe

6 BarEcoRe Data Analysis Workshop – 22-24 March 2011 How are communities structured? How are communities structured in space and how have these structures changed in the past? What are the processes driving community structures and their changes through time? evaluate the effects of global environmental change on the future structure and resilience of the Barents Sea ecosystem Workshop theme

7 BarEcoRe Data Analysis Workshop – 22-24 March 2011 11 participants 2 working groups Plenary and group sessions 3 days Social event Workshop organisation

8 BarEcoRe Data Analysis Workshop – 22-24 March 2011 Spatial structure of bottom communities in the Barents Sea: integrating information from fish, benthos and the environment Key Questions 1) Are there similar patterns in the large scale spatial structure of fish and benthos communities in the Barents Sea? 2) Are the same environmental factors driving variations in fish and benthos community structures, resulting in coherent patterns between these groups? Working group 1

9 BarEcoRe Data Analysis Workshop – 22-24 March 2011 Functional diversity of fish (and benthos) communities in the Barents Sea. Key Questions What is the potential adaptability* of the Barents Sea fish (and benthos) communities to changing environmental conditions. *in this context, functional diversity is used as an indicator of adaptability. Working group 2

10 BarEcoRe Data Analysis Workshop – 22-24 March 2011 Present the ecological questions Present the data available and the data analysis planned Discuss data analysis plan and expected outcome - Present and discuss the results of the analyses Share experience, confront views and interpretations Plenary sessions Group sessions Perform the hard work: data analyses Discuss in-depth methodologies and their implementation Interpret results and prepare report for the plenary

11 BarEcoRe Data Analysis Workshop – 22-24 March 2011 Day 1: Plenary: Presentations of questions, data, analyses Group: Data analysis Day 2: Plenary: First results from groups Group: Data analysis *** Diner at Michaelas *** Day 3: Group: Data analysis Plenary: Presentation of results, discussion, deliverables and way forward Schedule

12 BarEcoRe Data Analysis Workshop – 22-24 March 2011 Use the Wiki ! Place your presentations, figures, code, etc.

13 BarEcoRe Data Analysis Workshop – 22-24 March 2011 Time to start Plenaries: open your eyes open you ears Turn off the rest

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