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L-Thia Overview. L-THIA Area Process Index.html Select Existing (HUC) Watershed Input Latitude/Longitude Draw an Area of Interest (Box) Tabulate land.

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Presentation on theme: "L-Thia Overview. L-THIA Area Process Index.html Select Existing (HUC) Watershed Input Latitude/Longitude Draw an Area of Interest (Box) Tabulate land."— Presentation transcript:

1 L-Thia Overview

2 L-THIA Area Process Index.html Select Existing (HUC) Watershed Input Latitude/Longitude Draw an Area of Interest (Box) Tabulate land use data by polygon of selected area Watershed delineation Tabulate L-THIA Inputs Geoserver: Display Outline Display polygon as WMS map layer snapping Determine Area Mobile App

3 L-Thia Modeling Tools Tabulated input from selected polygon Run L-Thia model Editing landuse Change CN OR EMC input table editemc.cgi Display graphical and tabular results editcn.cgi Edit L-THIA Inputs

4 Outputs Polygons with tabulated landuse and results stored in DB Polygon selection or delineation L-THIA Model Tabulated edited landuse L-THIA NPS Outputs WMS and WFS (XML) Map Output Graph and Tabular Output

5 Area Selection (using Box)

6 Example Delineation Results

7 Editing Land Use

8 Library Scripts      Arcpy Contains output string templates and other constant variables Contains names of database tables Contains database interaction functions Contains commonly used non- database functions ESRI geoprocessing library (licensed)

9 Other Scripts   Run daily; deletes all temporary files more than one day old Used to time how long processes take

10 Javascript  floating controls.js  tabs.js  supertabs.js  tools.js  standard.js Javascript floating boxes Tabbed menus within floating boxes A copy of tabs.js that allows for two layers of tabs Handles zooming to a watershed; editing land use (the map-side part) A library of functions used in other Javascripts

11 Javascript Continued  key.js  polygon.js  wms236.js Contains the Google Maps key that lets us use their service Used for drawing polygons on the Google Map (for the select polygon tool) Allows display of data from a Geoserver onto a Google Map

12 HTML Documents  index.html  about_us.html  blank.html  tools_minitemplate.html  wait.html Main page, contains all site functionality Description page about the project A blank html file (used for some Javascript display purposes) Contains data for the tools tab Displays the waiting message

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