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Bancassurance Mike Bishop Regional Director, Alternative Distribution 15th Nov, 2000.

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Presentation on theme: "Bancassurance Mike Bishop Regional Director, Alternative Distribution 15th Nov, 2000."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bancassurance Mike Bishop Regional Director, Alternative Distribution 15th Nov, 2000

2 Bancassurance Content  The bancassurance market in Asia  Our bancassurance model  Results to date  Our plans for growth  Summary 1

3 Bancassurance The Asian Bancassurance Opportunity Is Large  Estimates suggest bancassurance sales could triple by 2005  Banks enjoy a special relationship with individuals from an early age  Higher propensity for customers to use branches  Consumer feedback 2

4 Bancassurance Our Bancassurance Model  Essence of model is proactive sales and activity management  3 distinct channels within overall bancassurance structure  Flexibility is key: model can be tailored to fit each partner as required  Proven model – we already operate it across 5 countries in Asia 3

5 Bancassurance  Prudential employed  Traditional life products Financial Services Consultants (FSCs) Sales  Bank employed  Simple “bundled” life products Bank Sales  Combination of direct mail and telesales  Simple products suitable for credit card base Direct Sales Our Bancassurance Model 4

6 Bancassurance Financial Services Consultants (FSCs)  Dedicated Prudential salesforce  Based in bank branches  Comprehensive sales training programme  High quality sales management process  Lead generation approach  Experimental hub centres Bancassurance 5

7 The FSC Sales Process Sale closed Full fact find Initial introduction by FSC Customer referred to FSC Customer visits branch Follow up review in 6-12 mths The Virtuous Circle Bancassurance 6

8 Bank Sales  Increases Prudential’s reach: # of branches & sellers  Tailored, simple products  Mortgage Protection  Credit Life  Deposit-based life products  Comprehensive sales training for bank staff  High quality sales support & service 7

9 Direct Sales  Targets credit card customers –Mail/Phone-Sell-Build-Nurture  40,000 policies sold in first 9 months of 2000  Improves customer retention and card usage for partner bank Bancassurance 8

10  Upgrade/add on  Cross-sell  response rate 20-30% BUILD Telemarketing The Direct Sales Process NURTURE  Loyalty campaign  Free cover Telemarketing  Response rate 10-30% SELL MAIL/PHONE 9

11 Tailored To Fit - How We Have Used The Model So Far Singapore Hong Kong Transferable to all markets Full Model Hong Kong FSCs & Bank Sales Singapore Malaysia Indonesia Bank Sales Thailand Malaysia Indonesia 10 Bancassurance

12 Excellent Results To Date 11 Growth 9 mths 1999 - 9 mths 2000 Regular premium Single premium Customers acquired Conversion rates FSC productivity +274% +140% +115% + 27% +105%

13 Bancassurance Continuing Our Growth  Significantly increase –Financial Services Consultants –Productivity  Develop new tailor-made products  Expand distribution in Malaysia & Singapore to include direct sales  Target new customer segments and markets 12 Broaden relationship with Standard Chartered Bank

14 Bancassurance  Rollout our bancassurance model –New markets –New banks  Aggressively pursue Direct Marketing in select markets Continuing Our Growth 13

15 Bancassurance Summary  Early days for our bancassurance initiative but scale of growth apparent  Prudential is well placed to exploit this opportunity  Clear strategy  Proven, flexible, transferable model  Management commitment  Strong regional partner 14

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