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University of Regina Full LOTOS Department of Computer Science University of Regina, Regina SK, Canada Yashu Bither Amrudee Sukpan Tetyana Manuylenko Chakka.

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Presentation on theme: "University of Regina Full LOTOS Department of Computer Science University of Regina, Regina SK, Canada Yashu Bither Amrudee Sukpan Tetyana Manuylenko Chakka."— Presentation transcript:

1 University of Regina Full LOTOS Department of Computer Science University of Regina, Regina SK, Canada Yashu Bither Amrudee Sukpan Tetyana Manuylenko Chakka Sreenivasulu November 18, 2002

2 University of Regina Full LOTOS Outline Introduction. Full LOTOS. Difference from Basic LOTOS. Spec(s) in Full LOTOS. Facts of Full LOTOS. Value Expression - Value and variable declaration. Scope and binding of Variables. Inter Process Communication. Example.

3 University of Regina Full LOTOS Introduction Basic LOTOS only describes process synchronization. Data exchange is an important feature in telecommunication and distributed systems.

4 University of Regina Full LOTOS Full LOTOS enhances the expressive power of Basic LOTOS by providing the finer structure to observable actions and enrich process synchronization with value passing thus providing inter process value communication. Full LOTOS includes data description (ACT ONE) and control components (enriched basic LOTOS). Full LOTOS introduces value communication and data types to the process algebraic concepts of Basic LOTOS. Full LOTOS

5 University of Regina Full LOTOS Difference from Basic LOTOS An observable gate Basic LOTOS = a gate name + a list of values ( or value expression). For example: g g event attributes Structured event Contd...

6 University of Regina Full LOTOS The representations of data values and value expressions in full LOTOS are derived from the specification language for abstract data types - ACT ONE. As a major advantage, in full LOTOS we will be able to enrich synchronization with value passing, thus providing interprocess communication. In basic LOTOS an observable action coincides with a gate name, in full LOTOS it is formed by a gate name followed by a list of zero or more values offered at that gate: g. For example: g Difference from Basic LOTOS.. 2

7 University of Regina Full LOTOS Spec(s) in Full LOTOS Specification typical_spec [gate list] (parameter list) : functionality type definitions behavior behavior expression where type definitions process definitions end spec process typical_proc [gate list] (parameter list) : functionality := behavior expression where type definitions process definitions end proc

8 University of Regina Full LOTOS Facts of Full LOTOS Values can be offered at gates and exchanged between processes (enrichment of the action prefix operator). New Construct of guarding and selection predicates. Values can be used to generalize choice operator. Values can be used to instantiate parametric process definitions; let construct. InterProcess Communication (Sequential composition…).

9 University of Regina Full LOTOS Value declarations The general format for the value declaration is: !E where E is a LOTOS expression or (value expression) or ( an expression describing a data value). For example: !(3+5) !(x+1) !max(x,y) In Basic LOTOS:g; B g B` B is a process that offers g and then behaves like B`. In Full LOTOS: g!E; B g B` B is a process that offers g and then behaves like B`.

10 University of Regina Full LOTOS Value declarations … contd For example: if x =3 and y =5 then g!max(x,y) = g!max(3,5) describes g.

11 University of Regina Full LOTOS Variable declarations The general format for the variable declaration is: g?x: t;B where x is a variable name and t is a sort identifier.It indicates the domain of values over which x ranges. For example:?x:integer?text:string?x:nat So g?x: t;B(x) is a process that offers all events g where v is any value in the domain of sort t and then behaves like B(v).

12 University of Regina Full LOTOS Scope and binding of Variables For example: a?x:nat; b?y:nat; c!max(x,y); stop Scope of ?x:nat Scope of ?y:nat Binding occurrence of y Binding occurrence of x Usual rules for nested scopes apply.

13 University of Regina Full LOTOS Inter Process Communication (IPC) IPC may occur when two processes composed in parallel are offering the same structure action i.e. same gate and same values. g1!sap1 ?x:cep_sort !”test”; g2!x; stop || g1!sap1 !cep_3 ?y:string; g3!y; stop The processes if synchronize, are able to offer action g1 Once the interaction has taken place, the exp. obtained is: g2 !cep_3; stop | g3 !”test”; stop where the proper substitutions have been carried out.

14 University of Regina Full LOTOS Forms of IPC VALUE MATCHING: The synchronization actions are combined with value declarations. If the provided values are equal, the synchronization is possible. VALUE PASSING: Combination of value declaration and variable declaration results in value passing. The effect is that a value is transmitted from one process to the other. VALUE GENERATION: The only remaining case is the one where actions are combined with the variable declarations of the same type attached to them. Superposing another process in parallel that offers a value of the required type yields a form of multicast communication.

15 University of Regina Full LOTOS Forms of IPC … contd Process A Process B Synchron type effect condition of interaction g!E1 g!Eg!x:t Value(E1) = value(E2) Value(E) is of sort t g!E2 Value matching Value passing Synchronization After Synchron. X = value(E) g!x:t g!y:u t = uValue generation After sync. x=y=v where v is in domain of t.

16 University of Regina Full LOTOS Specification Max3 [in1, in2, in3, out]:noexit type natural is sorts nat opns zero:  nat succ: nat  nat largest: nat, nat  nat eqns ofsort nat forall x:nat largest(zero, x) = x largest(x, y) = largest(y, x) largest(succ(x), succ(y)) = succ(largest(x, y)) endtype (* natural *) behaviour hide mid in (Max2[in1, in2, mid] |[mid]| Max2[mid, in3, out]) where process Max2[a, b, c] : noexit := a ?x:nat; b ?y:nat; c !largest(x,y); stop [] b ?y:nat; a ?x:nat; c !largest(x,y); stop endproc (*Max2*) endspec (*Max3*) Example in Full LOTOS

17 University of Regina Full LOTOS Conditional Constructs in Full LOTOS Selection Predicate Guarded Expression

18 University of Regina Full LOTOS Selection Predicates Format: action denotation [equation]; Examples: [X=4] [X<0]

19 University of Regina Full LOTOS Selection Predicate A selection predicate can be associated with an action denotation It imposes restrictions on the values that may be bound to these variables. Selection predicate may contain variables that occur in the variable declarations (?x:t)

20 University of Regina Full LOTOS Example:G1?x:nat [x<3] G1!0 G1!1 G1!2 G1 G1?x:nat G1!0 G1!1 G1!2 G1!3 G1!4 G1!5... G1!0 [] G1!1[]G1!2

21 University of Regina Full LOTOS Scope of variable declarations has the following three possible transitions – g1 -> g2!0;stop – g1 -> g2!1;stop – g1 -> g2!2;stop g2!0 g2!1g2!2 g1 g1?x:nat[x<3];g2!x;stop be considered as part of the scope of the variable declarations in that action denotation.

22 University of Regina Full LOTOS Selection Predicate Synchronization 2 processes negotiate the value of a parameter in an interaction which each one imposing its own condition P P P P

23 University of Regina Full LOTOS Selection Predication Hide sap in sap?x:nat[x<max];B1(x) |[sap]| sap?y:nat[y>min];B2(y) B1 B2 sap Ex:max=10 and min=5 x=0,…,9 y=6,…,n possible values = 6,7,8,9 Ex:max=10 and min=5 x=0,…,9 y=6,…,n possible values = 6,7,8,9

24 University of Regina Full LOTOS Selection Predicate Hide sap in B1(n) |[sap]|B2(n) * min<n<max Synchronization can occur with the environment on one of two actions.

25 University of Regina Full LOTOS Conditional Constructs Selection predicates Guarded expressions

26 University of Regina Full LOTOS Guarded expression Any behaviour expression may be preceded by a predicate and an arrow if (expression)then Behaviour Format: [expression]->Behaviour

27 University of Regina Full LOTOS Guarded Expression if the predicate holds, then the behaviour described by the behaviour expression is possible, otherwise the whole expression is equivalent with stop

28 University of Regina Full LOTOS Example [X>0]->sap!X;P[...](x,…) [] [X sap!-X;P[...](x,…) [X>0]->sap!X;P[...](x,…) [] [X sap!-X;P[...](x,…) * if x=1 then sap!1;P[...](1,…) * if x=-3 then sap!3;P[…](-3,…)

29 University of Regina Full LOTOS Guarded expression [cond 1 ]->process 1 [] [cond 2 ]->process 2 []... [cond n ]->process n

30 University of Regina Full LOTOS Guarded expression The conditions in the guards need not be exclusive [x>0] -> process1 [] [x=5] -> process2 [] [x process 3 [x>0] -> process1 [] [x=5] -> process2 [] [x process 3 *if X=10 then process1 *if X=5 then process1[]process2[]process3 *if X= 2 then process1[]process3

31 University of Regina Full LOTOS g?x:Nat[x g!X!0;stop [] [X g!X!1;stop ) g!0;g!0!1;stop [] g!1;g!1!1;stop [] g!2;(g!2!0;stop[]g!2!1;stop) [] g!3;g!3!0;stop [] g!4;stop [] g!5;stop Example

32 University of Regina Full LOTOS Generalized Choice in Full LOTOS Choice operator “[]” can only express a finite number of alternatives. Generalized Choice specify the choice among all possible value expressions of a sort.

33 University of Regina Full LOTOS Generalized Choice Choice X:S[]B(X) if t1,…,tn are all possible value expressions of sort S. The resulting behavior by substitution ti for X in B.

34 University of Regina Full LOTOS Generalized Choice Let B(x) be a behaviour expression, depends on a variable X of sort nat. Specify the choice among the processes B(v) for all nat-values v choice x:nat [] B(X) B(0) [] B(1) [] B(2) [] B(3) []…[] B(n)

35 University of Regina Full LOTOS Generalized Choice The generalized choice construct allows an alternative representation for the action prefix construct, when this include a variable declaration a?x:t;B(x) = choice x:t[]a!x;B(x)

36 University of Regina Full LOTOS Example g!0;stop [] g!2;stop [] g!4;stop [] …... Choice x:Nat[] [x mod 2=0]->g!x;stop

37 University of Regina Full LOTOS Generalized Choice choice x:t [] i;B(X) choice x:t[] a;B(x) more than one variables – choice x1:t1,…,xn:tn[] B(x1,…,xn) sets of gate identifiers may be used for indexing – choice g in [a1,…,an] [] Process_X[g](…)

38 University of Regina Full LOTOS Generalized Choice sets of gate identifiers may be used for indexing – choice g in [a1,…,an] [] Process_X[g](…) expressed among n instances of Process_X formal gate g is actualized with a different element of the gatelist [a1,…,an]

39 University of Regina Full LOTOS Interprocess communication Conditional constructs – Selection Predicates – Guarded Expressions Generalized Choice Parametric processes

40 University of Regina Full LOTOS Full LOTOS offers the possibility to parameterize process definition in terms of a parameter list. process typical_proc[ gate list ](x 1 :t 1,..., x n :t n ): functionality := … endproc Parametric Processes Parameter list is a list of variable declarations.

41 University of Regina Full LOTOS Specifications can be parametric as well as process definitions. process typical_proc[ gate list ](x 1 :t 1,..., x n :t n ): functionality := … endproc Instantiation typical_proc[ actual gate list ] (E 1, …, E n ) value expressions

42 University of Regina Full LOTOS Example: process compare[inp, out] (min, max: int) : noexit := inp ?x:int; ( [min out !x; compare[inp, out] (min, max) [] [x out !min; compare[inp, out] (x, max) [] [x>=max] -> out !max; compare[inp, out] (min, x) ) endproc behaviour expression

43 University of Regina Full LOTOS Instantiation: compare[one, two] (x, 2*x) one ?y:int; ( [x two !y; compare [one, two] (x, 2*x) [] [y two !x; compare [one, two] (y, 2*x) [] [y>=2*x] -> two !2*x; compare [one, two] (x, y) ) actual parameters

44 University of Regina Full LOTOS A more direct way to associate value expressions E 1, …, E n to the free variables x 1, …, x n of a behaviour expressions B(x 1, …x n ) is offered by the ‘let’ construct: let x 1 :t 1 = E 1, …, x n :t n = E n in B(x 1, …, x n ) compare[one, two] (x, 2*x) one ?y:int; let z:int = x*2 in ( [x two !y; compare [one, two] (x, z) [] [y two !x; compare [one, two] (y, z) [] [y>=z] -> two !z; compare [one, two] (x, y) )

45 University of Regina Full LOTOS Sequential Composition with Value Passing Connection-Phase[...] >> Data-Phase[...] Data-Phase depends on parameters that are established in Connection-Phase. Data-Phase is called Parametric Process. Need a mechanism for passing these parameters. – Generalize the notion of Successful Termination. – Add some static constraints to the Full Lotos Language.

46 University of Regina Full LOTOS Successful termination with value offers In Full LOTOS, the exit process has a finite list of value expressions. The values expressed are those that are passed on to the subsequent process. For example, – a ?x:nat; b ?y:nat; exit(largest(x, y)) – tsap !cei ?quality-of-service : quality-parameter- sort ?expedited-data-option : bool; exit(quality-of- service, expedited-data-option)

47 University of Regina Full LOTOS Rules determining Functionality of Behaviour Expressions The list of the sorts of the values offered at successful termination is called the functionality of that termination. Functionality and Actual Termination are two different things. The functionality is a sort of static typing mechanism, which is only meant to guarantee the predictability of the list of sorts offered at successful termination, in case, such termination occur.

48 University of Regina Full LOTOS Rules determining Functionality of Behaviour Expressions (Cont … ) The actual occurrence of a successful termination, in general, cannot be decided statically, nor dynamically. “ Halting Problem ” for Turing Machines. The functionality typing scheme helps in avoiding constructions however, of which the absence of successful terminations can be decided statically. 'func(B)' to denote the functionality of expression B

49 University of Regina Full LOTOS Stop The functionality of processes that do not terminate successfully at all, like stop, is indicated with noexit.

50 University of Regina Full LOTOS Exit The Simple successful termination without value passing has a functionality that is indicated by the same name: func(exit) = exit.

51 University of Regina Full LOTOS Choice If B1 and B2 are processes, Case I – Both can terminate successfully – B1 and B2 have the same functionality func(B1)= func(B2)= func(B1 [ ] B2) Case II – if func(B1)=noexit, func(B1 [] B2) = func(B2) – if func(B2)=noexit, func(B1 [] B2) = func(B1) For generalized choice the rule is simple: func(choice... [ ] B') = func(B')

52 University of Regina Full LOTOS Disabling func(B1)=func(B2)=func(B1[>B2) func(B1) = noexit, – func(B1[>B2) = func(B2) func(B2) = noexit, – func(B1[>B2) = func(B1)

53 University of Regina Full LOTOS Parallel Composition func(B1)=func(B2)=func(B1op B2) func(B1) = noexit, – func(B1op B2) = noexit func(B2) = noexit, – func(B1op B2) = noexit ‘Op’ is any Parallel Operator

54 University of Regina Full LOTOS Parallel Composition (Cont…) The parallel composition of two processes only terminates successfully if both terminate with same list of values. It is convenient to use the any - construct as a parameter of the exit process.

55 University of Regina Full LOTOS Parallel Composition (Cont…) It has the format ‘any sort- identifier’. Exit( any nat) is a process that can terminate successfully with the offer of any nat-value at the special gate δ.

56 University of Regina Full LOTOS Parallel Composition (Cont…) – a ?x:int; exit ||| b !'anystring'; exit has functionality exit – a ?x:int; exit ||| b !'anystring'; stop has functionality noexit – exit(3) ||| exit(5) has functionality 'nat', but does not terminate successfully – exit(3, any bool) ||| exit( any nat, true) has functionality 'nat, bool', and terminates successfully by offering value pair (3, true) – exit(3) ||| (a !3; exit [] a ?x:nat; exit(x)) is not a well- formed LOTOS expression

57 University of Regina Full LOTOS Process Definition Specification and Process definitions include parameters indicating the functionality of that specification or process definition, which is defined as the functionality of the behaviour expression of that specification or process definition. In this functionality parameter a functionality ' t1,..., tn' is combined with the keyword exit. T he three possible formats of this parameter are: – noexit – exit – exit(t1,..., tn)

58 University of Regina Full LOTOS Process Definition (Cont … ) Examples: process P[a]: exit(nat, bool) := a ?x:nat ?y:nat; (i; exit(x, true) [] i; exit(y, false)) endproc process Q[a, b]: exit := a ?x:nat; (b !x; exit [] i; Q[a, b]) endproc process R[a, b]: noexit := a ?x:nat ?y:nat; (b !x; stop [] b !y; stop) endproc

59 University of Regina Full LOTOS Process Instantiation The functionality is not given explicitly. The functionality is defined as that of the associated process definition.

60 University of Regina Full LOTOS Accepting Values from the Enabling Process If B1 is a process with the desired functionality, say exit(t1,...,tn), its sequential composition with another process B2 can be defined as: B1 >> accept x1:t1,..., xn:tn in B2 x1,..., xn are the variables used in B2 for the n values passed at the successful termination of B1. func(B1 >> accept x1:t1,..., xn:tn in B2)=func(B2)

61 University of Regina Full LOTOS Accepting Values from the Enabling Process (Cont … ) The functionality of B1 be matched by the list of sorts t1,...,tn after the accept keyword. For example, Connection-Phase[...](...) >> accept quality-of-service : quality-parameter-sort expedited-data-option : bool in Data-Phase[...]( quality-of-service, expedited-data-option) The value passing in sequential composition can be considered as a special case of the value passing in parallel composition.

62 University of Regina Full LOTOS Structured Programming Structured programming, in the context of traditional programming languages, allows the programmer to take a "divide-and-conquer" approach and partition his/her task into smaller sub-tasks to be handled separately.

63 University of Regina Full LOTOS Constraint-Oriented Specification " divide-and-conquer " approach. A specification is a collection of small processes, each one expressing few constraints on the temporal ordering of the system events. All these pieces are then composed via the parallel operator (with synchronization), which acts as a logical conjunction (AND) of all the constraints. Any action occurring at some synchronization gate is simultaneously subject to all the constraints expressed by the processes sharing that gate.

64 University of Regina Full LOTOS Conclusion The language has a strong algebraic nature and the first impact with the apparently complex symbology of specifications may be discouraging. The LOTOS specifications that have been produced so far indicate that quite complex systems can be specified with an intuitively appealing structure, and be relatively concise.

65 University of Regina Full LOTOS Conclusion (Cont…) The conciseness and readability could be increased even further if good notational facilities are developed for the specification of data types An important problem to be addressed in producing a realistically complex specification relates to the tradeoff between process and type definitions. It is a fact that many elements of a system can be specified both as processes and as data types.

66 University of Regina … FULL LOTOS... THANK YOU

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