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Polish Experience with „learn rehabilitation methodic” Partner Meeting Krakow 7-10th of May 2008.

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Presentation on theme: "Polish Experience with „learn rehabilitation methodic” Partner Meeting Krakow 7-10th of May 2008."— Presentation transcript:

1 Polish Experience with „learn rehabilitation methodic” Partner Meeting Krakow 7-10th of May 2008

2 Parents and Children with Special Needs in the Context of National Minority or Immigration Trainer: Beata Helizanowicz Time: 5 days (50 hours)

3 Target group Parents – mothers or fathers with special needs children (health, mental, behaviour problems) foreigners – immigrants or members of national minorities (Ukrainian, Romans, Byelorussians)

4 Target group – the piloting group: 8 mothers, with 8 children: 2 of them have mental disabilities, 3 - have ADHD diagnosis, 3 - have behaviour problems, 4 mothers was Ukrainian; 4 was Roman.

5 Description of the problem of the target group: very often they have to stay home and take all-day care about their child; they are not able to take care about their own development and learning (LLL); they have no contact with other people living with the same problem; very rarely they have contact with specialists; very often they are helpless: they have no knowledge about needs of children and educational methods to work with them; they have a problem with organization of own time and time of work; they have many emotional problems.

6 What were our aims? Supporting of social integration. Development of cultural and intercultural conscious. Training and development of the life skills Development of knowledge Development of family and education skills Learning to learn Development of social and civic competences Development of sense of initiative

7 What have we done? The schedule of workshop: 14.03.2008: Welcoming, initiation of project, introducing of trainer. Introducing of participants – talking in pairs; introducing of interlocutor. Expectations of participants – group work; exchanging of information. Troubles and problems of parents connected with special needs children – exchanging of parents experiences – talking in groups, presentation of effects. Stress – definition, signals, treatment – lecture. How to fight with stress? - exercises. Child difficulties – opportunity or treatment for parents? My ways to win difficulties – individual and group work. Who am I? My achievements, my dreams, my plans for future – individual drawing. Interpersonal communication – rules, correctness, blockades – lecture. Training of effective communication.

8 What have we done? The schedule of workshop: 28.03.2008 The family as a system – cycle of family life, family life phases; development of a child – lecture. Special needs children problems (ADHD, mental or physical disease, behavioural problems) – exchanging of experiences. Educational training for parents (part one): –setting the bounds for the children, –recognition of needs and emotions of the children, –helping child in expression of the needs and emotions,

9 What have we done? The schedule of workshop: 29.03.2008: Educational training for parents (part two): a. how to learn cooperating, b. punishment in education – yes or not? c. the effective communication between the members of family – the ways of solving conflicts, stimulation of self-dependence of the child.

10 What have we done? The scedule of workshop: 11.04.2008: Educational training for parents (part three): helping child to get out of “role”, how to praise children. Assertiveness training for parents. What kind of needs have parents as people? – group work. LLL – presentation of idea and practice. The ways of auto-presentation – exercises.

11 What have we done? The schedule of workshop: 12.04.2008: –Cultural differences – SWOT analyze; group work and discussion. –How to solve practical problems? How to prevent conflicts? – group works. –Presentation of cultural richness of participants. –Recapitulation and evaluation of workshop.

12 Training methods: appealing to self – experience of participants of training, building on present skills, consolidation of self – strength, using the local possibilities, active participation in training, exchange of opinions and experiences, individual counselling, cooperation, using the multimedia presentation, using the dictaphone to analyse talking parents with children and auto presentation.

13 Evaluation – methods We made a monitoring of process during the workshop – with supervising of the team; Participants of workshop gave us their feedback during the workshop and on the end of training (recorded on dictaphone); Participants made a questionnaire on the end of training.

14 Results - Training and development of the life skills Participants as the most important skills mentioned: –methods of solving conflicts, –development of positive self - thinking, –the ways of fighting with stress, –the ways of auto – presentation, –the ways of time – organization,

15 Results - Development of knowledge Participants as the most important subjects mentioned: –family relations – circle of family life, –development of a child, –the special needs of a child, –the effective methods of education.

16 Results - Family and education skills: Participants as the most important skills mentioned: –recognition of needs and emotions of the family members, –helping child in expression of the needs and emotions, –the effective communication between the members of family, –setting the bounds for the children, –positive thinking about family, children, possibilities of development of the family members.

17 Results - Training methods: Participants as the most helping methods mentioned: appealing to self – experience of participants of training, active participation in training, exchange of opinions and experiences, counselling, cooperation, using the multimedia presentation, using the dictaphone to analyse talking parents with children and auto - presentation.

18 Conclusions: Workshop should be longer. Participants would like to continue the group work; they decided to meet every month in supporting group. There were the necessity of division of group along with child problems and working more. Trainer should better know cultural and social life context of participants.

19 Trainer qualification - knowledge Psychology of child development; Children disabilities; Psychology of communication; Ways of solving educational problems; Group process; Language of participants;

20 Trainer qualification - knowledge Cultural and social life context of participants; LLL principles; Ways of adult education; Principles of life skills training.

21 Trainer qualification - skills Taking contact with group; Individual therapeutic talking; Working on group process; Effective communication; Empathy;

22 Trainer qualification - skills Sense of humour; Assertiveness; Experience in working with foreigners; Openness for difference.

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