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KEY CHANGE WORKSHOP - Continuity of care in transitions between services Early Years Collaborative: Learning Session 4.

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2 KEY CHANGE WORKSHOP - Continuity of care in transitions between services Early Years Collaborative: Learning Session 4

3 WORKSHOP OBJECTIVES Build a common understanding of the operational definition of this key change area. Present emerging learning in this key change area, including both evidence base and new learning that will advance our knowledge in this area. Introduce concept and opportunity of a “Pioneer Site” Discuss current or potential work within your CPP in this area and generate themes across CPPs. Brainstorm change ideas to bring for discussion with your CPP colleagues during the end of day CPP Planning Session. Have fun!

4 SOME IMPORTANT NOTES All feedback will be gathered after the session by the Early Years Collaborative team and made available on the Extranet. Our discussions today are about learning, not about performance, so sharing your challenges and failures can be just as important as sharing your wins and successes.

5 MEETING NORMS REFRESH Suspend judgment as best you can. Respect one another. Seek to understand rather than persuade. Invite and honour diverse opinions. Speak what has personal heart and meaning. Go for honesty without going on and on and on.

6 OPERATIONAL DEFINITION Continuity of care in transitions between services working in a multi-agency context with a shared commitment to effective communication, ensuring clarity about expectations and a common understanding of good practice. Transition is in itself a very important and profound learning opportunity. A transition occurs when an individual’s position in this environment is altered as a result of a change in role, setting, or both. -(Bronfenbrenner, 1979) – feedback questions or comments 3-5 minutes.




10 REVIEW OF EMERGENT LEARNING IN THIS AREA Transition: Making it Happen-Recommendations for best practice 2011 Transition Sub Gp - National Delivery Plan for Specialist Children’s Services (NDP) Monitoring Group Children and Young People Bill 2012-13 - Take forward the Getting it Right For Every Child approach (GIRFEC) to provide children and young people with access to a 'Named Person' and a single 'Child’s Plan' for those who need one to ensure services are coordinated where necessary Developing skills in the workforce that help workers foster positive attachment relationships with the children in their care will support transitions and children’s experience of the educational environment Building links with parents, the wider communities, and relevant children’s services through activities and regular communication will facilitate better transitions for children and families. Brooker (2008) Research suggests that boys find adjustment to school more challenging than girls (Dunlop & Fabian, 2006) Children are likely to be at risk during transition if they have developmental difficulties, are from low socio-economic backgrounds, speak a language other than English at home, or have cultural differences (Dunlop & Fabian, 2006)

11 BECOMING A “PIONEER SITE” IN THIS AREA A Pioneer Site is an area (specific geographical location, nursery, clinic, school, community centre etc.) that has: 1.The local will and interest to work on this important issue with their community. 2.Leadership support to be the CPP’s Pioneer Site for this issue. 3.Adequate resourcing to do the work required for testing in this area. 4.Some existing work in this area. 5.Willingness to share their data and learning with the Collaborative, warts and all!

12 CURRENT WORK IN THIS TOPIC AREA STEP ONE: With your table, reflect on what you are doing within your CPP, or could do in this area: – Who are individuals and/or teams currently working on in this area? What are they doing? Be as specific as possible. – Be sure to generate as many ideas as you can and write each idea on a post-it note.

13 CURRENT WORK IN THIS TOPIC AREA STEP TWO: Reflect on your ideas and identify emerging themes from your table. – Write the 3-5 largest themes on post-it notes and bring to the front of the room. – Facilitators will review all table themes to find the top 5 themes from the room.

14 REPORT OUT What surprised you in your discussions? Are there any immediate ideas you want to take back to your home team given what you discussed?

15 THEMES FROM THE ROOM PLEASE INSERT HERE (DURING SESSION): – Top 5 emerging themes based upon facilitator themes from tables.

16 THEMES FROM THE ROOM With your table, review top 5 themes from the room on wall posters: – Discuss with your table where your specific idea post-it notes might be placed within each of the 5 themes. – Designate 1-2 people to place specific post- its on poster paper.

17 FINAL REFLECTIONS What are 5 change ideas you could work with in your community you can bring to your CPP planning meeting?

18 PARTING THOUGHTS We need Pioneer Sites! Remember, a Pioneer Site has the will and interest, the leadership support, some existing work in this area, resources (people) to adequately do the work, and a willingness to share their data and progress. Do you think your CPP could be a Pioneer Site? Express interest with one of your facilitators and the EYC team will follow up to explore this opportunity with you.


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