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November 2012 doc.: IEEE802.15-12-0631-00-004m Submission 1 (ETRI) Project: IEEE P802.15 Working Group for Wireless Personal Area Networks (WPANs) Submission.

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1 November 2012 doc.: IEEE802.15-12-0631-00-004m Submission 1 (ETRI) Project: IEEE P802.15 Working Group for Wireless Personal Area Networks (WPANs) Submission Title: Proposed solutions for TBDs of ETRI MAC Proposal in TG4m Draft 575r0 Date Submitted: November, 2012 Source: Youngae Jeon, Sangjae Lee, and Sangsung Choi (ETRI), Soo-Young Chang (SYCA) Contact: Voice: +82 42 860 6497, E-Mail: Re: [802.15 TG4m] Abstract: This document provides proposed solutions for TBDs of ETRI MAC Proposal in TG4m Draft 575r0. Purpose: To resolve TBDs for TG4m Draft 575r0 Notice: This document has been prepared to assist the IEEE P802.15. It is offered as a basis for discussion and is not binding on the contributing individual(s) or organization(s). The material in this document is subject to change in form and content after further study. The contributor(s) reserve(s) the right to add, amend or withdraw material contained herein. Release: The contributor acknowledges and accepts that this contribution becomes the property of IEEE and may be made publicly available by P802.15.

2 November 2012 doc.: IEEE802.15-12-0631-00-004m Submission 2 (ETRI) TMCTP related clauses which contain TBDs in P802.15.4m/D0 4.5.1 Superframe Structure (p6) – 1TBD 5.1.14 Starting and maintaining TVWS Multichannel Cluster Tree PANs (TMCTP) (p16) – 2TBDs 5.3.14 DBS request command frame (p35) – 1TBD 5.3.15 DBS response command frame (p35) – 1TBD MLME-DBS.request (p46) – 1TBD MLME-DBS.indication (p47) – 1TBD MLME-DBS.response (p48) – 2TBDs MLME-DBS.confirm (p49) – 1TBD * 15-12-0575-00-004m-preliminary-draft-for-tg4m

3 November 2012 doc.: IEEE802.15-12-0631-00-004m Submission 3 (ETRI) 4.5.1 Superframe Structure (p6) (before) Superframe Usage for TVWS TVWS Multichannel Cluster Tree PAN (TMCTP) Superframe –This standard allows ~~~ can be found in Generalized GTS Usage –In a TVWS PAN allocated GTS may be configured for direct peer- to-peer communication. When a frame is transmitted in a GTS with a valid destination address, implicit addressing based on the GTS direction parameter is not used. –Add overview paragraph for GTS features to support TVWS operation

4 November 2012 doc.: IEEE802.15-12-0631-00-004m Submission 4 (ETRI) 4.5.1 Superframe Structure (p6) (after) Superframe Usage for TVWS TVWS Multichannel Cluster Tree PAN (TMCTP) Superframe –This standard allows ~~~ can be found in Generalized GTS Usage –In a TVWS PAN allocated GTS may be configured for direct peer- to-peer communication. When a frame is transmitted in a GTS with a valid destination address, implicit addressing based on the GTS direction parameter is not used. –Add overiew paragraph for GTS features to support TVWS operation Discussion –Additional GTS description is unnecessary. Since TMCTP adds only BOP in basic superframe structure, there is no change to GTS.

5 November 2012 doc.: IEEE802.15-12-0631-00-004m Submission 5 (ETRI) 5.1.14 Starting and maintaining TVWS Multichannel Cluster Tree PANs (TMCTP) (p16) (before) In step B the SPC transmits an enhanced beacon containing a TMCTP Extended Superframe Specificiation IE (xref). Upon successful reception of the beacon from the SPC, the child PAN coordinator may request a DBS allocation sending a DBS request (xref) to the SPC. Upon receiving the DBS request, the SPC will allocate a DBS slot and channel, and generate a DBS response to report the slot and channel allocated (the request is successful in this example).

6 November 2012 doc.: IEEE802.15-12-0631-00-004m Submission 6 (ETRI) 5.1.14 Starting and maintaining TVWS Multichannel Cluster Tree PANs (TMCTP) (p16) (after) In step B the SPC transmits an enhanced beacon containing a TMCTP Extended Superframe Specificiation IE ( Upon successful reception of the beacon from the SPC, the child PAN coordinator may request a DBS allocation sending a DBS request (5.1.14) to the SPC. Upon receiving the DBS request, the SPC will allocate a DBS slot and channel, and generate a DBS response (5.1.15) to report the slot and channel allocated (the request is successful in this example).

7 November 2012 doc.: IEEE802.15-12-0631-00-004m Submission 7 (ETRI) 5.3.14 DBS request command frame (p35) MHR Fields (before) –(TBD) MHR Fields (after) –Destination Addressing Mode field and Source Addressing Mode field shall be set to indicate short addressing. –Frame Pending field shall set to zero, and AR field shall set to one. Frame Version field shall set to (TBD). –Destination PAN Identifier field shall contain the value of macPANId. Destination Address field shall contain the address from the beacon frame that was transmitted by the coordinator to which the DBS request command is being sent. Source PAN Identifier field shall contain the value of macPANId Source Address field shall contain the value of macShortAddress.

8 November 2012 doc.: IEEE802.15-12-0631-00-004m Submission 8 (ETRI) 5.3.15 DBS response command frame (p35) MHR Fields (before) –(TBD) MHR Fields (after) –Destination Addressing Mode field and Source Addressing Mode field shall be set to indicate short addressing. –Frame Pending field shall set to zero, and AR field shall set to one. Frame Version field shall set to (TBD). –The Destination PAN Identifier field shall contain the value of macPANId. The Destination Address field shall contain the short address of the device requesting. The Source PAN Identifier field shall contain the value of macPANId. Source Address field shall contain the value of macShortAddress.

9 November 2012 doc.: IEEE802.15-12-0631-00-004m Submission 9 (ETRI) MLME-DBS.request (p46) Table 14—MLME-DBS.request Parameters (before) NameTypeValid rangeDescription RequesterCoordAddrDevice Short address 0x0000‐0xffffThe short device address of the (original) source requester PAN coordinator. RequestTypeEnumerationALLOCATION, DEALLOCATION If the request is for allo‐cation or dealloc ation of TMCTP DBS. DBSLengthIntegerSee [xref]Number of BOP slots being requested fo r the DBS. NumberOfDescendentsPHY Channel IDSee 8.1.2Value to set the The Number of the Descendant field in the DBS requ est: indicates the actual or expected nu mber of descendant PAN coordinators. Se t as zero if the PAN coordinator is not cl ear about how many descendants it will have. SecurityLevel As defined in Table 48 KeyIdMode KeySource KeyIndex

10 November 2012 doc.: IEEE802.15-12-0631-00-004m Submission 10 (ETRI) MLME-DBS.request (p46) Table 14—MLME-DBS.request Parameters (after) NameTypeValid rangeDescription RequesterCoordAddrDevice Short address 0x0000‐0xffffThe short device address of the (original) source requester PAN coordinator. RequestTypeEnumerationALLOCATION, DEALLOCATION If the request is for allo‐cation or dealloc ation of TMCTP DBS. DBSLengthInteger0x00‐0xffNumber of BOP slots being requested fo r the DBS. NumberOfDescendentsInteger0x00‐0xffThe actual or expected number of descen dant PAN coordinators. Set as zero if the PAN coordinator is not clear about how many descendants it will have. SecurityLevel As defined in Table 48 KeyIdMode KeySource KeyIndex

11 November 2012 doc.: IEEE802.15-12-0631-00-004m Submission 11 (ETRI) MLME-DBS.indication (p47) Table 15—MLME-DBS.indication Parameters (before) NameTypeValid rangeDescription CoordAddress Device Short address 0x0000‐0xffff The short address of the Coordinator that sen t TMCTP DBS Request RequesterCoordAddrDevice Short address 0x0000‐0xffffThe short device address of the (original) source requester PAN coordinator. DBSLengthIntegerSee [xref] Value of the DBSLength field of the the re ceived TMCTP DBS Request RequestTypeEnumerationALLOCATION, DEALLOCATION If the request is for allocation or dealloca tion of TMCTP DBS. NumberOfDescendentsPHY Channel IDSee 8.1.2Value to set the The Number of the Descendant field in the DBS requ est: indicates the actual or expected nu mber of descendant PAN coordinators. Se t as zero if the PAN coordinator is not cl ear about how many descendants it will have. SecurityLevel As defined in Table 48 KeyIdMode KeySource KeyIndex

12 November 2012 doc.: IEEE802.15-12-0631-00-004m Submission 12 (ETRI) MLME-DBS.indication (p47) Table 15—MLME-DBS.indication Parameters (after) NameTypeValid rangeDescription CoordAddress Device Short address 0x0000‐0xffff The short address of the Coordinator that sen t TMCTP DBS Request RequesterCoordAddrDevice Short address 0x0000‐0xffffThe short device address of the (original) source requester PAN coordinator. RequestTypeEnumerationALLOCATION, DEALLOCATION If the request is for allocation or dealloca tion of TMCTP DBS. DBSLengthInteger0x00‐0xff Value of the DBSLength field of the recei ved TMCTP DBS Request NumberOfDescendentsinteger0x00‐0xffThe actual or expected number of descen dant PAN coordinators. Set as zero if the PAN coordinator is not clear about how many descendants it will have. SecurityLevel As defined in Table 48 KeyIdMode KeySource KeyIndex

13 November 2012 doc.: IEEE802.15-12-0631-00-004m Submission 13 (ETRI) MLME-DBS.response (p48) Table 16—MLME-DBS.response Parameters (before) NameTypeValid rangeDescription CoordAddress Device Short address 0x0000‐0xffff The short address of the Coordinator that sen t TMCTP DBS Request RequesterCoordAddrDevice Short address 0x0000‐0xffffThe short device address of the (original) source requester PAN coordinator. DBSStartingSlotIntegerSee [xref]The first slot of the allocated DBS in the BOP DBSLength IntegerSee [xref]The size, in BOP slots, of the allocated DBS. ChannelNumberPHY Channel IDSee 8.1.2The channel number that the coordinator int ends to use for all future communications ChannelPage IntegerSee 8.1.2The channel page that the coordinator inten ds to use for all future communications. StartingChNumPHY Channel IDSee 8.1.2The lowest channel number, which is assigned by the parent PAN coordina tor EndingChNumPHY Channel IDSee 8.1.2The highest channel number, which is assign ed by the parent PAN coordinator

14 November 2012 doc.: IEEE802.15-12-0631-00-004m Submission 14 (ETRI) MLME-DBS.response (p48) Table 16—MLME-DBS.response Parameters (after) NameTypeValid rangeDescription CoordAddress Device Short address 0x0000‐0xffff The short address of the Coordinator that sen t TMCTP DBS Request RequesterCoordAddrDevice Short address 0x0000‐0xffffThe short device address of the (original) source requester PAN coordinator. DBSStartingSlotInteger0x0000‐0xffffThe first slot of the allocated DBS in the BOP DBSLength Integer0x00‐0xffThe size, in BOP slots, of the allocated DBS. ChannelNumberPHY Channel IDSee 8.1.2The channel number that the coordinator int ends to use for all future communications ChannelPage IntegerSee 8.1.2The channel page that the coordinator inten ds to use for all future communications. StartingChNumPHY Channel IDSee 8.1.2The lowest channel number, which is assigned by the parent PAN coordina tor EndingChNumPHY Channel IDSee 8.1.2The highest channel number, which is assign ed by the parent PAN coordinator

15 November 2012 doc.: IEEE802.15-12-0631-00-004m Submission 15 (ETRI) MLME-DBS.response (p48) Table 16—MLME-DBS.response Parameters (after) NameTypeValid rangeDescription SecurityLevel As defined in Table 48 KeyIdMode KeySource KeyIndex Table 16 (continued)

16 November 2012 doc.: IEEE802.15-12-0631-00-004m Submission 16 (ETRI) MLME-DBS.confirm (p49) Table 17—MLME-DBS.confirm Parameters (before) NameTypeValid rangeDescription RequesterCoordAddrDevice Short address 0x0000‐0xffffThe short device address of the (original) source requester PAN coordinator. DBSStartingSlotIntegerSee [xref]The first slot of the allocated DBS in the BOP ChannelNumberPHY Channel IDSee 8.1.2The channel number that the coordinator int ends to use for all future communications ChannelPage IntegerSee 8.1.2The channel page that the coordinator inten ds to use for all future communications. StartingChNumPHY Channel IDSee 8.1.2The lowest channel number, which is assigned by the parent PAN coordina tor EndingChNumPHY Channel IDSee 8.1.2The highest channel number, which is assign ed by the parent PAN coordinator

17 November 2012 doc.: IEEE802.15-12-0631-00-004m Submission 17 (ETRI) MLME-DBS.confirm (p49) Table 17—MLME-DBS.confirm Parameters (before) NameTypeValid rangeDescription StatusEnumerationSUCCESS, (TBD), NO_ACK, DENIED, UNAVAILABLE_K EY, UNSUPPORTED_ SECURITY, INVALID_PARAM ETER The status of the attempt of the allocation of a DBS and a channel. Table 16 (continued)

18 November 2012 doc.: IEEE802.15-12-0631-00-004m Submission 18 (ETRI) MLME-DBS.confirm (p49) Table 17—MLME-DBS.confirm Parameters (after) NameTypeValid rangeDescription RequesterCoordAddrDevice Short address 0x0000‐0xffffThe short device address of the (original) source requester PAN coordinator. DBSStartingSlotInteger0x0000‐0xffffThe first slot of the allocated DBS in the BOP ChannelNumberPHY Channel IDSee 8.1.2The channel number that the coordinator int ends to use for all future communications ChannelPage IntegerSee 8.1.2The channel page that the coordinator inten ds to use for all future communications. StartingChNumPHY Channel IDSee 8.1.2The lowest channel number, which is assigned by the parent PAN coordina tor EndingChNumPHY Channel IDSee 8.1.2The highest channel number, which is assign ed by the parent PAN coordinator

19 November 2012 doc.: IEEE802.15-12-0631-00-004m Submission 19 (ETRI) MLME-DBS.confirm (p49) Table 17—MLME-DBS.confirm Parameters (after) NameTypeValid rangeDescription StatusEnumerationSUCCESS, (TBD), NO_ACK, DENIED, UNAVAILABLE_K EY, UNSUPPORTED_ SECURITY, INVALID_PARAM ETER The status of the attempt of the allocation of a DBS and a channel. Table 16 (continued)

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