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Tawe Natural Resource Management Trial i-Tree Eco Study Crown Copyright: RCAHMW.

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Presentation on theme: "Tawe Natural Resource Management Trial i-Tree Eco Study Crown Copyright: RCAHMW."— Presentation transcript:

1 Tawe Natural Resource Management Trial i-Tree Eco Study Crown Copyright: RCAHMW

2 Tawe i-Tree Eco Study 2 Understanding the benefits and ecosystem services trees provide society Tawe’s trees provide £1,032,300 of ecosystem services per year i-Tree Eco measures: Rain water intercepted Air pollution removed Carbon captured and stored Trees are powerful and versatile assets

3 Tawe i-Tree Eco Study 3 Natural Resource Management Trial Catchment Area Fieldwork undertaken by TACP Sample area 6,995 ha A plot every 28 ha 252 plots surveyed Crown Copyright: RCAHMW

4 4 Tawe i-Tree Eco Study Tawe’s Urban Forest - Population Highlights Canopy Cover - 16% 530,000 trees at 76 per hectare Species: 1.12% - Common Alder 2.10% - Goat Willow 3.8% - Downy Birch 4.3% to 6% - 7 other ‘Top 10’ species 5.38% - Other Land-use – 60% Private 40% Public: 1.30% - Vacant 2.28% - Residential 3.24% - Park (Tawe’s most valuable trees located here) 4.7% - Commercial 5.7% - Transport Replacement value (CTLA) (not including ecosystem services) is £234 million Amenity value (CAVAT) is £816 million ‘Importance Value’ (Leaf area and Prevalence) Size Class Distribution (Diameter size classes - DBH across land-uses)

5 5 Tawe i-Tree Eco Study POLLUTION REMOVED Airborne pollutants: 124 tonnes per year removed Worth £51,800 per year in damage costs

6 6 Tawe i-Tree Eco Study RAINFALL INTERCEPTED 252,200 m 3 of water per year Equivalent to £592,900 in sewerage charges

7 7 Tawe i-Tree Eco Study CARBON REMOVED FROM THE ATMOSPHERE PER YEAR 3,700 tonnes carbon per year Equivalent to 5,400 cars or 2,200 family homes Worth £651,000 per year Ash, Oak and Sycamore are the top performers CARBON STORED 105,000 tonnes of carbon is stored in Tawe’s trees Equates to 130% carbon emissions produced by Tawe’s households This amount of carbon is worth £22.6 million By 2050 this value will be £48.3 million Oak and Sycamore are the top performers

8 8 Tawe i-Tree Eco Study Risks of Emerging Pests and Disease Pest / PathogenSpecies affectedPresence in S. WalesRisk in S. WalesAt Risk/% Acute oak declineOAKConfirmed cases on the Welsh/English border High9.4 Asian longhorn beetle BROADLEAVESNoneMedium65.5 Chalara dieback of ashASH9 cases in WalesHigh6.8 Emerald ash borerASHNoneMedium6.8 Giant polyporeOAK, BEECH,CHESTNUT, MT ASH, CHERRY Common in urban areasHigh16.3 Oak processionary mothOAKNoneMedium13.5 Phytophthora ramorumOAK, BEECH, CHESTNUT, LARCH Many cases in S. WalesHigh0.6 Phytophthora kernoviaeBEECH, HOLLY, OAK5 locations in S. WalesHigh8.6 Phytophthera alniALDERHeavy losses in parts of Wales High15.2 Dothistroma (Red band needle blight)PINEEstablished in WalesHigh6.3 Spruce bark beetleSPRUCEEstablished in WalesHigh0.5

9 9 Tawe i-Tree Eco Study Producing the evidence Publicising and raising awareness Using the data to influence and action Delivering benefits to communities Tawe’s trees provide £1,032,300 of ecosystem services per year

10 Diolch am Wrando Thanks for Listening Tawe i-Tree Eco Study Crown Copyright: RCAHMW

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