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Who is Will Allen? The first African-American to play basketball for the University of Miami.African-American University of Miami Selected by the Baltimore.

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Presentation on theme: "Who is Will Allen? The first African-American to play basketball for the University of Miami.African-American University of Miami Selected by the Baltimore."— Presentation transcript:



3 Who is Will Allen? The first African-American to play basketball for the University of Miami.African-American University of Miami Selected by the Baltimore Bullets in the 4th round (60th pick overall) of the 1971 NBA Draft.Baltimore Bullets1971 NBA Draft In 2005, Allen was awarded a Ford Foundation leadership grant on behalf of his urban farming workFord Foundation In 2008, he was awarded the MacArthur Foundation "Genius Grant" for his work on urban farming and sustainable food production.MacArthur FoundationGenius Granturban farming In 2009, the Kellogg Foundation gave him a grant to create jobs in urban agriculture.Kellogg Foundationurban agriculture Currently CEO Growing Power, Inc.


5 LARGE IMPACT DEVELOPMENT Project Name: Veteran’s Manor Total Project Cost:$11,300,000 CDBG Allocation:$945,000 Other Funding Sources:Low Income Housing Tax Credits, HOME Tax Credit Assistance Program Description: Predevelopment and development soft cost for a 52 –unit apartment building located at North 35 th & West Wisconsin Avenue. This four story building will have one bedroom apartments for low income veterans. The 1st floor ground level floor will be split with tenant amenities & building operations and the other half for commercial lease. Green roofing, Gray Water system, Geothermal (Foundation) Padding, Energy efficient windows, motion sensor lighting, zoned heating and cooling measures and Energy Star appliances will be used. The following services will be provided to residents: job counseling, computer training, VA benefits assistance, on-site case management, drug and alcohol abuse counseling, GED attainment, classroom vocational training, shuttle transportation and more. Full-Time Jobs to be Created and Retained: 17 FTE (Commercial Kitchen), 7 FTE ( Facility Management) Location:3500 West Wisconsin Avenue Partners: Center for Veterans Issues, Cardinal Capital Management, WHEDA, Royal Bank of Canada, Milwaukee County, City and Count of Milwaukee Housing Trust Funds

6 Veteran’s Manor



9 Food Prep and Catering Services MUH Contract: Three Lunch preparations per week and event catering Student Body Population: 1,056 DSHA Contract: Five Breakfast preparations per week and event catering Student Body Population: 658 HCSP Contract : Five Lunch preparations per week and event Catering Student Body Population: 205

10 What do you do when a “Gateway” building goes dark?

11 Host Targeted Community Charretts

12 LARGE IMPACT DEVELOPMENT Project Name: Altera Coffee Roaster and Bakery Total Project cost:4,800,000 CDBG Allocation:$645,000 Other Funding Sources:Municipal Industrial Revenue Bonds and Loan Financing Description: Predevelopment and equipment cost for a 15,000 square foot retail Coffee Café, coffee roasting facility and bakery. Rainwater Cistern (Recycled water used for onsite irrigation) Bioswale water retention, Gray Water system, Geothermal Energy Star appliances. This project meets the National Objective by benefiting low and moderate income persons through the eligible activity category of Building Acquisition, Construction, Rehabilitation. Full-Time Jobs Created and Retained: 55 FTE, 6 PTE Location:2301 South Kinnickinnic Avenue Partners: U.S. Bank,Milwaukee Economic Development Corp., Department of City Development, Community Development Grants Administration and Kubalu Washatko Architects.

13 Altera Café and Bakery



16 LARGE IMPACT DEVELOPMENT Project Name: Sweet Water Organics Urban Aquaculture Development CDBG Allocation:$345,000 Other Funding Sources:Municipal General Purpose Revenue, IBM Smarter Cities Challenge Grant, Redevelopment Authority of Milwaukee Description: Redevelopment of a former commercial freight train depot. The end-use of this development: A sustainable fish and vegetable farm using an intersect of water management and aquaponics Full-Time Jobs Created and Retained: 30 FTE Location:2151 South Robinson Avenue Partners:IBM, Department of City Development, Milwaukee Economic Development Corp, State Department of Natural Resources and Community Development Grants Administration.




20 What do you do with an obsolete community Library?

21 Host More Targeted Community Charrettes

22 LARGE IMPACT DEVELOPMENT Project Name: Villard Commons Total Project Cost:$11,100,000 CDBG Allocation:$945,000 (CDBG $300,000 and CDBG-EAP $645,000) Other Funding Sources:Home T-CAP, HOME, Low Income Housing Tax Credits and Municipal General Purpose Revenue Description: Development cost for the construction of a mixed-use four story building. The development also houses the Villard Library branch on the First Floor and a 47 unit apartment on its upper 3 floors. Green roofing, Energy efficient windows, motion sensor lighting, zoned heating and cooling measures and Energy Star appliances and Gym. Full-Time Jobs to be Created : 5 FTE (Retail Leasee) 2 FTE (Residential) Location:3400 West Villard Avenue Partners: Wisconsin Housing and Economic Development Agency, State of Wisconsin Department of Housing, Gorman and Company, Northwest Side Community Development Corp. and Community Development Grants Administration



25 Villard Library Alterra’s Cafe


27 Deliberate Supply Chains

28 Purchase$ All Vegetable Produce Provides used coffee grounds for high yield growing compost Hire a Hero MoU Purchase$ all green vegetables for salad and sandwich sales


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