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Published bySteven Miles Modified over 9 years ago
Citizens comments are included on each regular monthly meeting agenda. No prior appointment is necessary to speak during the citizen comments times. To speak on a particular agenda item, advise the attendant at the door. To place an item on the Board's agenda, please notify the County Administrator's Office at least ten days prior to the Board meeting. Any citizen concern can be communicated to the County Administrator by calling 980-7705 from 7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. weekdays. All citizen complaints are recorded and responded to as soon as possible. WHEN SPEAKING BEFORE THE BOARD, PLEASE COME TO THE PODIUM AND GIVE YOUR NAME.
BOARD AGENDA Regular Meeting PULASKI COUNTY April 25, 2005 BOARD OF SUPERVISORS 7:00 p.m. APPROXIMATE PRESENTED BY TIME & ITEM 7:00 p.m. 1.InvocationRev. Jeff Kackley, First Presbyterian Church
7:05 p.m. 2. Featured Employees – Community Development & General Properties - The employees to be recognized at the April Board meeting and featured for the month of May are Dari Jenkins of the Community Development Department and Larry Vest of the General Properties Department.
3.Additions to Agenda
7:10 p.m. 4. Public Hearings: a. FY 06 Budget – A public hearing has been scheduled to hear citizen comments on the proposed FY 06 budget. I plan to briefly describe a simplified financial strategy being implemented through this budget. That being to limit ongoing operational costs in order to reserve $1 million per year for one-time office space needs over the next three years then applying these funds to debt service for a new elementary school in Fairlawn. In this manner, the citizens of the county will have something to show for the revenue growth resulting from the reassessment without being impacted by major tax increases.
Jim Wallis received a letter from the Department of Social Services regarding the availability of $55,014.93 in additional state funding. I have asked his assistance in clarifying the impact of the additional state funding on general fund expenditures. In either case, the revenues and expenditures will need to be adjusted accordingly to allow pass through of additional state funding. The Board has also been provided with a copy of correspondence from the Southwest Virginia Area Health Education Center requesting support of the Center in the amount of $5,000.
b.A rezoning request by MEBCO, L.L.C. from Industrial (I1) to Planned Unit Development (PUD) on property owned by Industrial Development Authority Pulaski County on a portion identified as tax map no. 039-001-0000- 0101, (68 +/- acres), Cloyd District - General uses proposed are single- and multi-family residences in a planned unit development, at a density of no greater than ten (10) dwelling units per gross acre. The property is designated as Industrial on the Future Land Use Map as set forth in the Pulaski County Comprehensive Plan of 2000 - A public hearing has been scheduled regarding this matter. The Planning Commission recommends approval.
c.An initiative by the County of Pulaski to amend the following sections of the Pulaski County Zoning Ordinance: An amendment to revise the title of Article 1, Definitions, to Article 1, Definitions, Use and Design Standards; An amendment to Article 1, Definitions, to redefine the following definitions to include use and design standards: Accessory Buildings, above 150 square feet in size, Camping- Individual Tent or Camper, of longer than two weeks duration, Contractors Equipment Storage Yard, Small- Scale; omitting item 8 prohibiting outside storage of unlicensed vehicles; and Dwelling, Duplex;
An amendment to Articles 5A, 5B, 5C, 5D, and 5F allowing Accessory Buildings, above one hundred fifty (150) square feet in size, without a main principal dwelling as a by-right use rather than by Special Use Permit in the Residential (R), Residential (R1), Residential (R2), Residential (R3), and Rural Residential (RR) Zoning Districts; An amendment to Article 4, Commercial District (CM-1); Section 4-5 Setback Requirements, reducing or omitting the fifty (50) feet setback from the right-of-way;
An amendment to Articles 5B, and 5C allowing Camping-Individual Tent or Camper, of longer than two weeks duration as a by-right use rather than by Special Use Permit in the Residential (R1) and Residential (R2) Zoning District; An amendment to Article 2, 3, 5B, and 5C omitting Mobile Homes/Manufactured Housing stored or used as accessory building as a use by-right or by special use permit in the Agricultural (A-1), Conservation (C-1), Residential (R-1) and Residential (R-2) Districts;
An amendment to Article 18, Site Development Plan; Section 18-5.6.3, Accessory Structures requiring accessory structures to have a minimum of five (5) ft. setback from a manufactured home in a mobile home park; An amendment to Article 2, 3, 5C and 5F omitting Homes, Two-family Detached Dwellings from the Agricultural (A-1), Conservation (C-1), Residential (R2) and Rural Residential (RR) Districts;
An amendment to Article 2, 3, 5C and 5F allowing Dwelling, Duplex in the Agricultural (A-1), Conservation (C-1), Residential (R2) and Rural Residential (RR) Districts A public hearing has been scheduled regarding this matter. The Planning Commission recommends approval.
d.To consider an ordinance regarding the disposal of unclaimed property in possession of the Sheriff of Pulaski County - This public hearing will be held pursuant to Section 15.2-1719 of the Code of Virginia, 1950, as amended. Telephone inquires may be directed to (540) 980-7705- A public hearing has been scheduled to consider adoption of the ordinance.
7:45 p.m. 5.Highway Matters: a.Follow-up from Previous Board meeting: Review of Highway Matters Section of Key Activity Timetable (KAT) – VDOT has been requested to provide an update on road matters previously discussed by the Board. Supervisor Akers advises the Dunkard’s Bottom improvements have not been “Completed”, as indicated on the Key Activity Timetable. Ms. Hanks is contacting David Clarke to confirm the date by which construction would be completed.
b.Rural Addition Status Report – The Board has been provided with an update from Ms. Taylor.
c.Request for Signage on Rt. 11 - Sheriff Davis, along with several of his deputies and residents along Route 11, are requesting VDOT install “Caution” signs just prior to the entrance of The Barn Farm and Home Center located on Rt. 11. The sheriff advises he has discussed this matter with VDOT and they advise this request would need to come through the Board of Supervisors.
d.Citizen Concerns
e.Board of Supervisors Concerns
8:15 p.m. 6.Presentation of FY 04 Audit Deanna Cox, Robinson, Farmer, Cox Associates
8:25 p.m. 7.Treasurer’s Report The Honorable Rose Marie Tickle, Treasurer
8:30 p.m. 8.Citizens’ Comments
8:40 p.m. 9.Reports from the County Administrator and Staff:
a. Key Activity Timetable (including VDOT road matters – Copies of the timetable are available on the table at the entrance to the Board Room.
b.Report from Engineer – PVC vs. Ductile Iron Pipe – The Board has been provided with a report from Draper Aden Associates regarding this matter. It is my understanding that Mr. Whited has mailed each Board member a separate package of documents. Please let us know if you did not receive his information so a copy of the information forwarded to me can be made for you.
In considering the overall situation, I thought the following options may be helpful: 1.Do not install any additional lines in mobile home parks (most restrictive) – This would be consistent with what is done in nearly all other localities as mobile home parks are generally treated the same as other private property. This would leave mobile home park owners responsible for both extending services to the property line and providing water and sewer service distribution services as is the case for apartment developments and campgrounds. A master meter would be installed. This option gives mobile home park owners maximum flexibility in reorganizing lots to meet increased size requirements.
2.Provide utility services to the property line – Under this alternative, the PSA would use RD funding to extend water and sewer lines to the property line of the mobile home park (most already have lines adjacent to their properties) with the mobile home park owner responsible for installing and maintaining all interior lines. As with the above option, a master meter would be installed, the mobile home park owner would have maximum flexibility in future changes and this approach would match what the PSA does for apartments.
3.Install sewer lines while requiring non-PSA maintenance of PVC water lines (recommended) – This alternative would involve use of Rural development funding to install exterior and interior sewer lines with maintenance by the PSA to the cleanouts at the mobile home. Water service would also be installed to individual meters and residents would be individually billed for water, sewer and refuse services. At the same time, mobile home park owners would be required to maintain any non-PSA standard water pipes as described in the maintenance proposal. This is no change from their current responsibility as owners and renters of mobile home park
spaces. Currently, this would apply to PVC water lines larger than 2 inches. This option would allow for full use of grant funds without impacting current PSA standards.
4.Install all utilities without restriction (least restrictive) – This option may require a change by the PSA in their current materials standards. This alternative also relieves mobile home park owners of all responsibility for utilities to the meter or cleanout locations. This option is also the most cumbersome to the mobile home park owners since by federal standards, the PSA will have to have utility easements wherever utilities are located in the interior to the parks. Also, the financial protection of the PSA will require a secured guarantee from the mobile home park owners that the debt service payments will be met through revenue from residents of each respective park.
c.Appointments (to be discussed under Closed Session)
d.Scheduling of Joint Board/School Board Meeting - The School Board has advised April 27 will not suit their schedule after all for a joint meeting and are requesting the Board of Supervisors provide several dates in May from which to choose in scheduling a joint meeting.
9:00 p.m. 10. Items of Consent: a.Approval of Minutes of March 28 & April 4, 2005 b.Accounts Payable c.Appropriations & Interoffice Transfers d.Ratification e.Contracts, Change Orders & Agreements 1.Cell Phone One Year Contract 2.Workforce Investment Act Grant Agreement Between the Commonwealth of Va & Local Workforce Investment Area II 3.Local Law Enforcement Block Grant 4.Fireworks Contract – Grucci 5.State Homeland Security Grant Application f.Personnel Changes g.Endorsement of NRV Citizen Corp Grant Applications
h.Resolution Opposing FAA’s Proposal to Close Air Traffic Control Tower at Roanoke Regional Airport i.Resolution of Support for the Application to the Virginia Dept. of Health’s Drinking Water State Revolving Fund Program j.Southwest Times Explore Advertisement k.Cooperative Coyote Damage Control Program l.Retention of Health Advocate Services m.NRV Regional Projects Listing
a.Approval of Minutes of March 28 & April 4, 2005- Approval of the March 28 and April 4, 2005 minutes is requested.
b.Accounts Payable - Approval of the accounts payable is requested.
c.Appropriations & Interoffice Transfers – Approval is requested of interoffice transfer number 10 in the amount of $49,491.67. Approval is also requested of appropriations as follows: General Fund #19 - $8,000.00 and School Fund #27 - $25.00.
d.Ratification - There are no items for ratification at this time.
e.Contracts, Change Orders & Agreements – The following contract and agreement are submitted for the Board’s review and consideration for approval: 1.Cell Phone One Year Contract - NEXTEL is offering reduced cell phone costs in exchange for execution of the one-year contract. The contract would eliminate roaming charges, provide free long distance, as well as free night and weekend usage. Currently, these additional charges cost the county approximately $100 per month. Adoption of the new agreement based on the original request for proposals is recommended, pending review by Tom McCarthy.
2.Workforce Investment Act Grant Agreement Between the Commonwealth of Va & Local Workforce Investment Area II – The Board has been provided with a copy of the grant agreement that applies to the award and expenditure of Workforce Investment Area funds beginning July 1, 2005. Approval of the grant is recommended.
3.Local Law Enforcement Block Grant Statement of Acceptance – Acceptance of the grant award from the Department of Criminal Justice Services in the amount of $89. 4.Fireworks Contract – Grucci - Approval is requested to enter into a three year contract with Grucci for July 4 fireworks. 5.State Homeland Security Grant Application – Approval of a resolution accepting grant funds in the amount of $45,596 is requested.
f.Personnel Changes- The Board has been provided with a copy of an update from Ms. Burchett of recent personnel changes.
g.Endorsement of NRV Citizen Corp Grant Applications- - Approval is requested to apply for a grant to fund the New River Valley Citizens Corps Council to provide training and equipment for the CERT (Community Emergency Response Team). This is used to train volunteers to respond in case of a disaster. Pulaski County is one of the members of this council.
h.Resolution Opposing FAA’s Proposal to Close Air Traffic Control Tower at Roanoke Regional Airport – The Board has been provided with correspondence from Roanoke City Mayor Nelson Harris, Bedford City Manager Craig Meadows and the Town of Blacksburg requesting Pulaski County adopt a resolution opposing the Federal Aviation Administration’s proposal to close the Air Traffic Control Tower located at the Roanoke Regional Airport. Adoption of an appropriate resolution is recommended.
i.Resolution of Support for the Application to the Virginia Dept. of Health’s Drinking Water State Revolving Fund Program - The Virginia Department of Health is now requiring a resolution from the Board in order to apply for funds through the Revolving Loan Fund program. This application is being submitted as an alternative to Rural Development funding. Applications are accepted on April 1and October 1 each year. While it would be better to wait until a decision is made regarding the type of pipe to be installed prior to applying for alternative funding (Health Department funding allows localities to specify the type of pipe to be installed), I did not want to delay construction and had authorized Shawn Utt to submit this application.
j.Southwest Times Explore Advertisement – The Board has been provided with an advertisement proposed for inclusion in the Explore Special Section to be published by the Southwest Times on May 15. Approval of the $225 cost of this ad is recommended. The special section will be placed in area Chambers of Commerce, motels and visitor centers along I-81 and I-77.
k.Cooperative Coyote Damage Control Program - Dean Pratt expressed an interest in pursuing the implementation of the Cooperative Coyote Damage Control Program as suggested by Montgomery County. The program would be limited to a cost of $2,500 to the county and should be coordinated with adjacent localities. Mr. Pratt reports that coyotes continue to be a problem when caring for livestock and Michael Fisher notes that he has gotten comments from several area farmers describing an increasingly severe coyote problem. The Board has been provided with
correspondence from the Chad Fox, District Supervisor of the USDA providing information regarding coyote damage, coyote damage management and bounties places on coyotes, as well as correspondence from Extension Agent Mike Fisher, as well as from Montgomery County Administrator Clayton Goodman regarding this issue.
l.Retention of Health Advocate Services - The ad hoc employee health insurance committee is recommending that the county retain the services of Health Advocate for employees as an added employee benefit beginning July 1, 2005. The Health Advocate will help employees with health care issues including insurance claims, health care coordination, benefits, grievances and paperwork issues. We would recommend offering this service to any employee that would be eligible for the county health insurance benefit regardless of whether they participate or not in the county
health care plan. The cost of this service is $1.25 per employee per month. If offered to all eligible employees, the total annual costwould be approximately $3,000 for Board of Supervisors employees.
m.NRV Regional Projects Listing – The Board has been provided with a regional listing of potential projects being submitted to the Economic Development Administration and other federal agencies as a description of area needs including current and proposed projects. Endorsement of this listing is recommended.
9:15 p.m. 11.Citizen Comments
9:30 p.m. 12.Other Matters from Supervisors
9:40 p.m. 13.Closed Meeting – 2.1-344.A.
c.Appointments 1.New River Community Action Inc. We have received notification from Community Action Director Terry Smusz advising of the willingness of Jeff Kackley to continue serving on the Community Action Board when his term expires in June 2005. It is recommended the Board reappoint Rev. Kackley.
2.Social Services Board – Supervisor Sheffey advises a vacancy will occur on April 30 due to the resignation of Mike Travis who is relocating to another state. Mr. Sheffey would like to discuss with the Board the appointment of Reverend Jeannie Brown to the Social Services Board.
14. Adjournment
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