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The SABER Instrument Aboard the TIMED Satellite Hampton University Interdisciplinary Sciences Center Dianne Q. Robinson, Barbara H. Maggi, Aileen M. Seshun,

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Presentation on theme: "The SABER Instrument Aboard the TIMED Satellite Hampton University Interdisciplinary Sciences Center Dianne Q. Robinson, Barbara H. Maggi, Aileen M. Seshun,"— Presentation transcript:

1 The SABER Instrument Aboard the TIMED Satellite Hampton University Interdisciplinary Sciences Center Dianne Q. Robinson, Barbara H. Maggi, Aileen M. Seshun, and Sherrye Pollard March 2003

2 2 §Principal Investigator – James M. Russell, III, Ph.D. §Outreach Director – Dianne Q. Robinson, Ph.D. §Assistant Outreach Director – Barbara H. Maggi §Education Coordinator – Aileen M. Seshun §Teacher Advisor – Sherrye Pollard §Teacher Advisor – Karen Steele Hampton University’s SABER Education & Public Outreach

3 3 Acronyms Defined SABER: Sounding of the Atmosphere Using Broadband Emission Radiometry TIMED: Thermosphere Ionosphere Mesophere Energetics & Dynamics

4 4 TIMED Mission §Sun-synchronous (polar orbiting) satellite located approximately 388 miles (625 km) above Earth. Orbit cycle is approximately 1.7 hours / 14 orbits a day. §Focus on least understood portion of the Earth’s atmospheric region (MLTI) extending from 40-110 miles (60 km to 180 km) above the Earth. §Collected data is being used to predict weather & global warming. §Mission duration anticipated to be two years.

5 5 SABER Mission §Produce a global picture of how the MLTI region changes over time. §Analyze & take measurements of processes governing the energetics, chemistry, dynamics, & transport of the MLTI region where the energy & chemistry are unique* from other atmospheric regions §Retrieve global day / night vertical profile measurements of atmospheric temperature, density, & pressure. * There are fewer molecules in the MLTI, affecting how the atmosphere radiates & absorbs heat. This includes fewer aerosols.

6 6 SABER is one of the four instruments on board the TIMED spacecraft. Two Points to Clarify TIMED is the satellite which will study the variability of the Mesosphere & Lower Thermosphere/Ionosphere region (MLTI).

7 7 Artist’s Concept of TIMED

8 8 SABER as a Remote Sensor §SABER is a “passive remote sensor,” because it observes the atmosphere like a camera without a flash. (In contrast, an “active remote sensor” would be like a camera that has to illuminate its subject with a flash in order to take a picture.) §SABER will observe atmospheric infrared backscatter. (Backscatter is the scattering of light off of particles in the backward direction.)

9 9 §Solar radiation will illuminate the atmosphere from behind the spacecraft, like a flashlight, stimulating the atmosphere to emit infrared radiation. §SABER will observe the infrared radiation using an instrument called a “multispectral radiometer.” §A moving optical instrument allows SABER to observe a variety of altitudes in the region of study. SABER as a Remote Sensor (continued)

10 10 Views of SABER Instrument

11 11

12 12 SABER Background §Built by Utah State University Space Dynamics Laboratory & is managed by NASA Langley Research Center. §Launched on December 7, 2001 from Vandenberg Air Force Base §Is a multi-channel radiometer measuring infrared energy emitted by the atmosphere over a broad altitude & spectral range.

13 13 Upper Atmosphere’s Radiation Budget Types of Measurements: §Energy balance between Earth’s incoming & outgoing energy in Earth’s upper atmosphere §Infrared radiation emitted by the upper atmosphere §Strength of heat by ultraviolet radiation from the Sun (airglow)

14 14 Airglow from Earth’s Limb When sunlight comes into contact with chemically active molecules, the atmosphere emits energy through photochemical processes known as airglow. Red = high airglow emission / Blue = low airglow emission. ( )

15 15 TIMED Watches Earth's Response to Strong Solar Storms in April 2002 Photo Credits Attributed to NASA / Hampton University ( March 2002) April 10, 2002 NO (110 km) April 18, 2002 NO (110 km) Low values (green & blue) High values (yellow & red)

16 16

17 17 Atmospheric Structure & Dynamics SABER’s observations will: §Provide new information about how temperature, density, & pressure change with altitude. §Track the movement of air between the poles, from lower to upper atmospheric regions, from season to season around the globe. Chart by R. Bradley Pierce NASA LaRC

18 18 Parameter CO 2 O 3 O 2 (‘  ) CO 2 OH(V) NO H 2 O Wavelength (  m) 14.9 & 15.2 9.6 1.27 4.3 2.0 & 1.6 5.3 6.9 Key Gases in the Upper Atmosphere §Gases that warm & cool the MLTI region through absorption of solar radiation & emission of infrared radiation (heat energy): §SABER measures the vertical distribution of these gases

19 19 Key Gases (continued) §SABER will make the first-ever measurements of the global distribution of carbon dioxide concentrations in the MLTI region. §SABER will also provide the first measurements of ozone during the day & at night in the MLTI region.

20 20 SABER E/PO Deliverables (Education & Public Outreach) §SABER Educational Web Site l Will be developed by Hampton University & linked to Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory TIMED web site l Will contain scientific information & teacher activities §NASA Connect (grades 5 - 8) l Will work with NASA Langley to develop a program incorporating the TIMED mission including a segment on the SABER instrument

21 21 §SABER Teacher Training l Conduct workshops on SABER instrument & TIMED mission §SABER Conference Presentations l Conduct presentations to inform the general public, educators, & students SABER E/PO Deliverables (continued)

22 22 Benefits to Educational Institutions* §Association with NASA, Hampton University, Johns Hopkins University §Technology involvement in Real Time / Real Life dissemination/explanation of actual scientific research §Professional Development for teachers §Publish lesson plans & activities on the SABER website §Building of interest & enthusiasm for students to study science, math, & technology §Exposure of students to new careers in science, math, & technology * Schools, universities; educators, & students

23 23 The TIMED Education Website

24 24 SABER Schematic TIMED Teacher’s Lesson Plan Objectives: Work with ratio, proportion, scale drawing, & coordinate graphing Locate objects on a coordinate grid Enlarge a picture of SABER using coordinates

25 25 Classroom Activities Middle School Activity - 'How SABER 'Sees' the Earth' (developed at W.E. Waters Middle School, Portsmouth, VA) See how a hula-hoop can simulate TIMED's sun-synchronous orbit as it revolves around the Earth as Earth orbits around the sun. At the same time, learn how the instrument looks NOT at the Earth itself, but through the atmospheric limb, & how this provides several unique, first-time measurements. High School Activity - 'Exothermic & Endothermic Chemical Reactions of Hot & Cold Materials (developed at Perquimans’ County High School, Hertford, NC) Are you looking for a new way to teach your students about remote sensing? Our website will show you how to use a cola can to build a remote sensing tool that demonstrates the science behind the SABER instrument riding on the TIMED satellite.

26 26 Celebrate What You’ve Learned §Remember when I described the difference between TIMED & SABER? Who can tell us what that difference is? §SABER looks at the Earth’s ____________ _______. §Name at least one of the s for SABER. §Who can mention one other interesting fact about this instrument?

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