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Making Homes Happen. Our Mission To create affordable housing opportunities for North Carolinians whose needs are not met by the market.

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Presentation on theme: "Making Homes Happen. Our Mission To create affordable housing opportunities for North Carolinians whose needs are not met by the market."— Presentation transcript:

1 Making Homes Happen

2 Our Mission To create affordable housing opportunities for North Carolinians whose needs are not met by the market.

3 The N.C. Housing Finance Agency has helped More than 191,000 households By providing $11.7 billion in financing for affordable homes and apartments Helping 79,600 families purchase their first home

4 FirstHome Mortgage Program Available for the following loan types: Conventional (up to 97% LTV) FHA (up to 96.5% LTV) VA (up to 100% LTV) USDA (up to 100% LTV) Note: All loans must meet industry guidelines and also the FirstHome Mortgage Program compliance guidelines.

5 Down Payment Assistance (DPA)  $4,000 or $8,000 – 0% interest, deferred subordinate mortgage.  DPA funds can be applied to down payment, closing costs, and pre-paids (Except conventional loans limited to principal reduction ONLY)  Due when note matures or property is sold or refinanced, or ceases to be owner-occupied Note: DAP only eligible in conjunction with the FirstHome program.

6 Mortgage Credit Certificate (MCC)  Provides a tax credit equal to 20% of total mortgage interest paid annually not to exceed $2,000  Available for life of the loan as long as property is owner occupied  Can be re-issued one time when refinanced from a fixed rate loan to another fixed rate loan  Applied to lender’s loan product – not sold to NCHFA

7 Neighborhood Stabilization Program (NSP) Funds awarded by the NC Division of Community Assistance to help mitigate the number of foreclosed, vacant and blighted homes within 23 counties of North Carolina. These funds will be used as subordinate mortgages in conjunction with NCHFA’s FirstHome Mortgage Program.  Down payment up to $14,900 for eligible borrowers  Deferred, 0% interest, 5-year forgivable loan  Allowed on FHA and VA loans only in conjunction with NCHFA’s FirstHome Mortgage Program

8 Home Protection Program (HPP) NCHFA’s Home Protection Program (HPP) helps borrowers who have lost their jobs due to changing economic conditions, such as plant closing. The Program can provide a loan to make the mortgage payments while the borrower looks for or trains for a new job. Available in all 100 counties. The types of assistance available are:  One-time to bring the borrower’s mortgage current  Short-term (up to 9 months) while the borrower is looking for a job  Long-term (up to 24 months) while the borrower participates in an approved retraining or education program NOTE: Contact Rich Lee at or 919-877-5688 or visit for more

9 Thank You! We look forward to working closely with you and your first-time homebuyers in the upcoming weeks! Contacts: Kim Hargrove - e-mail: Kat Driscoll - e-mail: Cathy Hatcher - e-mail: Deborah Chaney - e-mail: Donna Pruitt - e-mail:

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