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Practical Tips for Fitness Practical Tips for Fitness O Joe D. Bell, Ph.D. O Abilene Christian University.

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Presentation on theme: "Practical Tips for Fitness Practical Tips for Fitness O Joe D. Bell, Ph.D. O Abilene Christian University."— Presentation transcript:


2 Practical Tips for Fitness Practical Tips for Fitness O Joe D. Bell, Ph.D. O Abilene Christian University

3 What do we really need? O We need some kind of activity almost every day. O We must include some kind of muscular fitness activity. O We should supplement our excessive aerobic activity with other things.

4 Why? O Metabolic changes after age 30 are significant. O Aerobic exercise alone cannot compensate. O Maintaining lean body mass is vital for: c Keeping metabolism relative high. c Maintaining bone density. c There are even some CV benefits.

5 So, What Do I Do? O Basic Principles of Strength Training c Progression c Variety c Adaptation c Balance c Consistency c Specificity

6 Progression O Progression, variety and adaptation are highly interactive principles. O Progression means to stress the body in increasing amounts from workout to workout. O Variety dictates that the type of stress should be different in order for the body to continually adapt. O Adaptation can be either positive or negative.

7 Variety - The Spice of Life O Once the body is repeatedly exposed to the same stress, it ceases to adapt to that stress. O Variation can be accomplished by changing exercises, sets or reps, or by cross training.

8 Adaptation O Occurs when we combine appropriate work loads with appropriate recovery. O The rest is almost as important as the work.

9 Practical Tips O You don’t really need a gym membership. O You can get a good workout with very little equipment. O Just be consistent in your work habits! O Vary what you do from day to day.

10 Rubber-band Exercises O Inexpensive (one with handles costs about $10). O Convenient (you can do it in your office or at home). O Effective (resistance varies across the range of motion and an eccentric phase is emphasized).

11 Exercises (Use your imagination). O Bi’s and Tri’s O Shoulders O Hips O Legs

12 Questions?

13 Practical Tips for Fitness Practical Tips for Fitness O Joe D. Bell, Ph.D. O Abilene Christian University

14 What do we really need? O We need some kind of activity almost every day. O We must include some kind of muscular fitness activity. O We should supplement our excessive aerobic activity with other things.

15 Why? O Metabolic changes after age 30 are significant. O Aerobic exercise alone cannot compensate. O Maintaining lean body mass is vital for: c Keeping metabolism relative high. c Maintaining bone density. c There are even some CV benefits.

16 So, What Do I Do? O Basic Principles of Strength Training c Progression c Variety c Adaptation c Balance c Consistency c Specificity

17 Progression O Progression, variety and adaptation are highly interactive principles. O Progression means to stress the body in increasing amounts from workout to workout. O Variety dictates that the type of stress should be different in order for the body to continually adapt. O Adaptation can be either positive or negative.

18 Variety - The Spice of Life O Once the body is repeatedly exposed to the same stress, it ceases to adapt to that stress. O Variation can be accomplished by changing exercises, sets or reps, or by cross training.

19 Adaptation O Occurs when we combine appropriate work loads with appropriate recovery. O The rest is almost as important as the work.

20 Practical Tips O You don’t really need a gym membership. O You can get a good workout with very little equipment. O Just be consistent in your work habits! O Vary what you do from day to day.

21 Rubber-band Exercises O Inexpensive (one with handles costs about $10). O Convenient (you can do it in your office or at home). O Effective (resistance varies across the range of motion and an eccentric phase is emphasized).

22 Exercises (Use your imagination). O Bi’s and Tri’s O Shoulders O Hips O Legs
















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