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Microtechnology Innovation Team Nanotechnology: Past - Present -Future Juergen Ilgner, Stephan Mietke, Thomas Köhler, Matthias Werner Microtechnology.

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2 Microtechnology Innovation Team Nanotechnology: Past - Present -Future Juergen Ilgner, Stephan Mietke, Thomas Köhler, Matthias Werner Microtechnology Innovation Team, Deutsche Bank AG London, March 19 th 2002

3 Microtechnology Innovation Team Outline Market Potential and Trends Market Potential and Trends Current Applications - Chances and Challenges Current Applications - Chances and Challenges Investment Opportunities in the Nanoworld Investment Opportunities in the Nanoworld Conclusion Conclusion

4 Microtechnology Innovation Team Nanotechnology is... “... the direct control of materials and devices on a molecular and atomic scale, including fabrication of functional nano- structures with engineered properties,...“ R. W. Siegel, 1998 Synthesis of nanoparticles Processing of nanoparticles Self assembly techniques Replication techniques Creation of chemical and biological templates Nanoengineered sensors and acuators Nanoengineered sensors and acuators Surface modification Sintering of nanostructured metallic alloys Ultrathin films Use of quantum effects Nanostructures: < 100 nm

5 Microtechnology Innovation Team Development of the Traditional Scientific Fields Nano Micro Macro 0,1 nm 0,1 µm 0,1 mm 1960 19902000 2020 Biosensoric Molecular electronics Neuro technology Molecular medicine Bio memory CHEMISTRY BIOLOGY PHYSICS System generation Complexity generation Functionizing Miniaturizing Complex- chemistry Supra- molecular chemistry Cell biology Functional molecule desgin Integrated use of biological principles physical laws chemical properties Coupling of Micro- and Nanoworld Interdisziplinary uses Micromechanics/ Electronics Microelectronics Quantum effect use Source: PTB/BMBF, 2001

6 Microtechnology Innovation Team Market Potential and Trends

7 Microtechnology Innovation Team Range of Possible Future Developments 200520102015 - Investments - Breakthroughs in fabrication methods Key enabling factors: Key barriers: - Cost - Social + ethical acceptance High-growth developments e.g.: Self-assembly methods Nanotubes Molecular manufacturing Low-growth developments: Technology evolution Improvement of existing methods: smaller, faster and cheaper High-growth vector Low-growth vector

8 Microtechnology Innovation Team Time to Nanotechnology (estimated for selected products) Magnetic Fluids Market size Year1960 1970 198019902000 2010 2020 2030 GMR OLEDs / FE-Displays Nanoelectronics (min. feature size < 100 nm) Electrical Conducting Glues/Coatings Polymer Electronics SPMs Small Medium Large Mass market SPMs Nanopowder / drug delivery Source: Microtechnology Innovation Team, Deutsche Bank AG

9 Microtechnology Innovation Team Nanotools Thematic Fields of Nanotechnology Nanomaterials Other Electronics Nanodevices Nanobiotech Pharmaceuticals Biodevices Other Nanoparticles / Nanotubes Ultrathin + Nanostructured Films Nanocomposites Other Magnetic Sensors Photonics Other Analytical Instruments Equipment Other

10 Microtechnology Innovation Team Nanotools Nanomaterials Electronics Nanodevices Nanobiotech Nanotechnology Market Segmentation

11 Microtechnology Innovation Team Trends in Nanobiotechnology Nanobiotechnology DNA-chip Lab-on-a-chip Proteinchip

12 Microtechnology Innovation Team Applications of Nanotechnology - Chances and Challenges

13 Microtechnology Innovation Team Example: Advalytics Nano-Lab-on-a-Chip Devices nApplication fields: biology, chemistry, diagnostics... nLiquid handling from milliliters down to femtoliters (12 orders of magnitude!). nLiquids can be moved, mixed, brought to reaction and analyzed. nThe pumping unit, has no moving parts and can be controlled electrically.

14 Microtechnology Innovation Team Example: Advalytics Nano-Lab-on-a-Chip Devices nApplication fields: biology, chemistry, diagnostics... nLiquid handling from milliliters down to femtoliters (12 orders of magnitude!). nLiquids can be moved, mixed, brought to reaction and analyzed. nThe pumping unit, has no moving parts and can be controlled electrically.

15 Microtechnology Innovation Team Example: NanoPowders Industries Economical processes for metallic particles from 20 nm to 5 µm (e.g. salt decomposition process) Applications areas:  NanoPowders Industries 1 µm Silver 100 nm Silver-Copper Catalysts and Fuel Cells (Bio-)Medical applications Fillers for conductive coatings Electronics

16 Microtechnology Innovation Team Example: Rosseter Holdings Ltd. nLarge-volume production of single-wall nanotubes (SWNTs), multi-wall nanotubes (MWNTs), single-wall nanohorns (SWNHs), and other nanostructured materials nApplication fields: Energy Storage/Batteries, Advanced Composites, Smart Materials/Textiles, Electromagnetic Shielding, Electronics, Environment, Aeronautics & Space Exploration, Life Sciences, and others...

17 Microtechnology Innovation Team Rosseter Holdings Ltd. Time-to-Market time short-term Energy Electronics Environmental Electronics Life Science medium-term long-term lithium ion batteries source: Rosseter Holdings Ltd. flat panel displays photovoltaic cells nanochips intracellular sensors

18 Microtechnology Innovation Team World Market Carbon Nanotubes source: BCC, 2000 mio USD

19 Microtechnology Innovation Team Investment Opportunities in the Nanoworld

20 Microtechnology Innovation Team Foundation of Nanotech Companies The number of start-up companies in the nanotech sector has increased significantly since 1990. The U.S. play a dominant role in the foundation of nanotech companies. In Europe major activities have taken place in Germany, the United Kingdom and Switzerland. Israel has shown promising R&D activities in the nanotech sector with a high potential of start-up companies.

21 Microtechnology Innovation Team Financing Nanotechnology Companies Private Equity Profound knowledge of investors is essential. Overexpectations must be prevented. Medium- to long term opportunities for return on capital. Near-term opportunites already exist.

22 Microtechnology Innovation Team Conclusion Being an enabling technology the nanoworld will have an inpact on many industrial sectors. Nanotechnology is in a position to produce a „new hype“ in the financial community. However, profound knowledge in the financial community is essential to understand the chances and the challenges of Nantechnology. Strong interaction between all partners is requested!

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