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Published byClifford Carr Modified over 9 years ago
2 A N ANOMETER There are 1 billion (1,000,000,000) nanometers in 1 meter There are 1 million (1,000,000) micrometers (or microns) in 1 meter A line of ten hydrogen atoms lined up side by side is 1 nanometer long Your finger nail grows 1 nanometer in 1 second The diameter of your hair is approximately 50,000 nanometers The abbreviation for nanometer is “nm”
3 T YPES O F N ANOSTRUCTURES /N ANOMATERIALS Nanoparticles or nanospheres: nanoscale lengths are measured in all three dimensions Nanotubes or nanowires or nanorods: nanoscale lengths are measured in two dimensions only Nanoscale thin films or ultra-thin films: nanoscale lengths are measured in one dimension only Nanocomposites: a material comprised of many nanoscale inclusions (such as nanoparticles) Nanostructured materials: a material that exhibits a unique structure that can be measured at the nanoscale
4 C OMMON E XAMPLES OF N ANOSTRUCTURES /N ANOMATERIALS Quantum dots: nanoparticles 2–10 nm in diameter, made from semiconductors, emit light in a specific wavelength range Carbon nanotubes: hollow cylinders one to tens of nanometers in diameter, extremely strong (hard to break), conduct heat faster than any other known material Buckyballs: nanoparticles comprised of exactly 60 carbon atoms (though there are other types), forming a network that resembles a soccer ball
5 W HY DOES THIS HAPPEN ? Nanostructures obey the same fundamental laws of the universe as everything else in nature But… some things that are negligible (can be ignored) at big scales cannot be ignored at small scales For example: Imagine you are an electron moving through a “big” copper wire 1 cm in diameter – you may never see the boundaries of the wire because you are so small compared to its diameter Imagine you are an electron moving through a “small” copper wire 1 nm in diameter (more comparable to the electron’s size) – now you bump into the boundaries of the wire often, which affects how you move through that wire Therefore, the 1 nm diameter copper wire exhibits different electrical properties than its macroscale counterpart!
6 S O W HAT IS N ANOTECHNOLOGY ? Nanotechnology is: Comprised of nanomaterials with at least one dimension that measures between approximately 1 and 100 nm Comprised of nanomaterials that exhibit unique properties as a result of their nanoscale size Based on new nanoscale discoveries across the various disciplines of science and engineering The manipulation of these nanomaterials to develop new technologies/applications or to improve on existing ones Used in a wide range of applications from electronics to medicine to energy and more
8 S OLAR C ELLS Nanotechnology enhancements provide: Improved efficiencies: novel nanomaterials can harness more of the sun’s energy Lower costs: some novel nanomaterials can be made cheaper than alternatives Flexibility: thin film flexible polymers can be manipulated to generate electricity from the sun’s energy
9 C OMPUTING Nanotechnology enhancements provide: Faster processing speeds: miniaturization allows more transistors to be packed on a computer chip More memory: nanosized features on memory chips allow more information to be stored Thermal management solutions for electronics: novel carbon- based nanomaterials carry away heat generated by sensitive electronics
10 C LOTHING Nanotechnology enhancements provide: Anti-odor properties: silver nanoparticles embedded in textiles kill odor causing bacteria Stain-resistance: nanofiber coatings on textiles stop liquids from penetrating Moisture control: novel nanomaterials on fabrics absorb perspiration and wick it away UV protection: titanium nanoparticles embedded in textiles inhibit UV rays from penetrating through fabric
11 B ATTERIES Nanotechnology enhancements provide: Higher energy storage capacity and quicker recharge: nanoparticles or nanotubes on electrodes provide high surface area and allow more current to flow Longer life: nanoparticles on electrodes prevent electrolytes from degrading so batteries can be recharged over and over A safer alternative: novel nano- enhanced electrodes can be less flammable, costly and toxic than conventional electrodes
12 S PORTING G OODS AND E QUIPMENT Nanotechnology enhancements provide: Increased strength of materials: novel carbon nanofiber or nanotube-based nanocomposites give the player a stronger swing Lighter weight materials: nanocomposites are typically lighter weight than their macroscale counterparts More “perfect” fabrication of materials: controlling material characteristics at the nanoscale helps ensure that a ball flies in the direction of applied force and/or reduces the chance for fracture of equipment
13 C ARS Nanotechnology enhancements provide: Increased strength of materials: novel carbon nanofiber or nanotube nanocomposites are used in car bumpers, cargo liners and as step-assists for vans Lighter weight materials: lightweight nanocomposites mean less fuel is used to make the car go Control of surface characteristics: nanoscale thin films can be applied for optical control of glass, water repellency of windshields and to repair of nicks/scratches
14 F OOD AND B EVERAGE Nanotechnology enhancements provide: Better, more environmentally friendly adhesives for fast food containers: biopolymer nanospheres instantly tack surfaces together Anti-bacterial properties: Nano silver coatings on kitchen tools and counter- tops kill bacteria/microbes Improved barrier properties for carbonated beverages or packaged foods: nanocomposites slow down the flow of gas or water vapor across the container, increasing shelf life
15 T HE E NVIRONMENT Nanotechnology enhancements provide: Improved ability to capture groundwater contaminants: nanoparticles with high surface area are injected into groundwater to bond with contaminants Replacements for toxic or scarce materials: novel nanomaterials can be engineered to exhibit specific properties that mimic other less desirable materials
17 B ODY A RMOR Nanotechnology enhancements will provide: Stronger materials for better protection: nanocomposites that provide unparalleled strength and impact resistance Flexible materials for more form-fitting wearability: nanoparticle-based materials that act like “liquid armor” Lighter weight materials: nanomaterials typically weigh less than their macroscale counterparts Dynamic control: nanofibers that can be flexed as necessary to provide CPR to soldiers or stiffen to furnish additional protection in the face of danger
18 D RUG D ELIVERY Nanotechnology enhancements will provide: New vehicles for delivery: nanoparticles such as buckyballs or other cage-like structures that carry drugs through the body Targeted delivery: nano vehicles that deliver drugs to specific locations in body Time release: nanostructured material that store medicine in nanosized pockets that release small amounts of drugs over time
19 C ANCER Nanotechnology enhancements will provide: Earlier detection: specialized nanoparticles that target cancer cells only – these nanoparticles can be easily imaged to find small tumors Improved treatments: infrared light that shines on the body is absorbed by the specialized nanoparticles in the cancer cells only, leading to an increased localized temperature that selectively kills the cancer cells but leaves normal cells unharmed
20 M OLECULAR M ANUFACTURING Nanotechnology enhancements will provide: Ability to build structures, materials, devices and systems from the “bottom-up” atom by atom or molecule by molecule “Nanobots” or “nanomachines” that can position atoms or molecules to build with atomic accuracy Zero to little waste because atoms are placed exactly where they should go
21 S ENSORS Nanotechnology enhancements will provide: Higher sensitivity: high surface area of nanostructures that allows for easier detection of chemicals, biological toxins, radiation, disease, etc. Miniaturization: nanoscale fabrication methods that can be used to make smaller sensors that can be hidden and integrated into various objects
22 N EXT G ENERATION C OMPUTING (Q UANTUM, DNA, M OLECULAR ) Nanotechnology enhancements will provide: The ability to control atomic scale phenomena: quantum or molecular phenomena that can be used to represent data Faster processing speeds Lighter weight and miniaturized computers Increased memory Lower energy consumption
23 N ANOROBOTICS Nanotechnology enhancements will provide: Miniaturized fabrication of complex nanoscale systems: nanorobots that propel through the body and detect/ cure disease or clandestinely enter enemy territory for a specific task Manipulation of tools at very small scales: nanorobots that help doctors perform sensitive surgeries
24 W ATER P URIFICATION Nanotechnology enhancements will provide: Easier contamination removal: filters made of nanofibers that can remove small contaminants Improved desalination methods: nanoparticle or nanotube membranes that allow only pure water to pass through Lower costs Lower energy use
25 M ORE E NERGY /E NVIRONMENT A PPLICATIONS … Nanotechnology enhancements will provide: Improvements to solar cells Improvements to batteries Improvements to fuel cells Improvements to hydrogen storage CO 2 emission reduction: nanomaterials that do a better job removing CO 2 from power plant exhaust Stronger, more efficient power transmission cables: synthesized with nanomaterials
27 T OP -D OWN F ABRICATION Start with a large piece of material Remove sections of material to “carve” a specific pattern or shape Has been used for centuries to manufacture artwork, tools and devices
28 B OTTOM -U P F ABRICATION Start with catalyst particles and/or a substrate Expose to a gas or liquid Reaction leads to the growth of a solid nanostructure or nanoscale self-assembled layer Properties such as temperature, pressure, surface quality, composition, catalyst size, etc. influence growth characteristics
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