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Suomi National Polar-orbiting Partnership Science June 21, 2012 Diane E. Wickland Suomi NPP Program Scientist (with inputs from Jim Gleason, Martha Maiden,

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1 Suomi National Polar-orbiting Partnership Science June 21, 2012 Diane E. Wickland Suomi NPP Program Scientist (with inputs from Jim Gleason, Martha Maiden, & the Suomi NPP ST)

2 Suomi NPP provides data continuity for NASA, and NOAA, and risk reduction for JPSS instruments, algorithms, ground system, and archive. Anticipated Benefits Suomi NPP Instruments NASA Suomi NPP Earth-Observing Mission Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite (VIIRS) Cross-track Infrared Sounder (CrIS) Advanced Technology Microwave Sounder (ATMS) Ozone Mapping and Profiler Suite (OMPS), and Clouds and the Earth's Radiant Energy System (CERES)  Only CERES has flown in space before, the other four instruments are new designs. Tracking Our Changing Climate (measurements to understand climate and the health of our planet) A Vigilant Eye on Ozone (daily measurements to assess recovery of the ozone layer) A Sentinel When Disaster Strikes (wildfires, volcanic eruptions, snowstorms, droughts, floods, hurricanes) Watching the Weather (soundings of atmospheric temperature and moisture, cloud cover) HIRS > CrIS AMSU > ATMS AVHRR > VIIRS SBUV2 > OMPS AIRS > CrIS AMSU > ATMS MODIS > VIIRS OMI > OMPS CERES > CERES Suomi NPP will continue critical climate and weather data from polar orbit: Launch: October 28, 2011 NASA EOS NOAA POES

3 Suomi NPP Launched Oct. 28, 2011

4 NPP Re-Named Jan. 2012: Suomi National Polar-orbiting Partnership NASA Renames Earth-Observing Mission in Honor of Satellite Pioneer (01.25.12) NASA has renamed its newest Earth-observing satellite in honor of the late Verner E. Suomi, a meteorologist at the University of Wisconsin who is recognized widely as "the father of satellite meteorology." "Verner Suomi's many scientific and engineering contributions were fundamental to our current ability to learn about Earth's weather and climate from space," said John Grunsfeld, associate administrator of NASA's Science Mission Directorate in Washington. "Suomi NPP not only will extend more than four decades of NASA satellite observations of our planet, it also will usher in a new era of climate change discovery and weather forecasting." Verner E. Suomi Credit: University of Wisconsin News

5 Suomi National Polar-orbiting Partnership The NASA NPP mission will serve as a bridge between the NASA EOS satellites (and NOAA’s POES satellites) and the NOAA Joint Polar Satellite System (JPSS). It has two major goals: To provide a continuation of the EOS record of key Earth observations after EOS Terra, Aqua, and Aura, and To provide risk reduction for JPSS instruments, algorithms, ground data processing, archive, and distribution prior to the launch of the first JPSS spacecraft. A composite of six separate orbits taken on January 23, 2012 by VIIRS on the Suomi NPP satellite. Credit: NASA/NOAA/GSFC/Suomi NPP/VIIRS/Norman Kuring

6 We cannot overstate the importance of the NPP mission for Earth System Science research, long-term environmental trend monitoring and weather prediction in –Continuing the critical long-term observations from EOS and many missions that preceded EOS, –Establishing the performance and cross-calibration relationship between the EOS measurements and those that will be continued by JPSS, and –Providing critical data for NOAA to use operationally to support numerical weather predictions. The recently re-defined NASA-NOAA partnership has successfully brought the NPP mission to completion after many difficult years of development –The partnership has accomplished great things in the past 20 months since the reformulation of the polar satellite program –The partnership follows a long and successful NASA-NOAA model that has delivered POES and GOES satellites for the Nation NPP is needed, and is ready to go.NPP is needed, and is ready to go. The Importance of NPP Chart from Capitol Hill Lunch and Learn, October 6, 2011

7 We cannot overstate the importance of the NPP mission for Earth System Science research, long-term environmental trend monitoring and weather prediction in –Continuing the critical long-term observations from EOS and many missions that preceded EOS, –Establishing the performance and cross-calibration relationship between the EOS measurements and those that will be continued by JPSS, and –Providing critical data for NOAA to use operationally to support numerical weather predictions. The recently re-defined NASA-NOAA partnership has successfully brought the NPP mission to completion after many difficult years of development –The partnership has accomplished great things in the past 20 months since the reformulation of the polar satellite program –The partnership follows a long and successful NASA-NOAA model that has delivered POES and GOES satellites for the Nation NPP is needed, and is ready to go.NPP is needed, and is ready to go. The Importance of NPP but this does not begin to address all of the potential new applications...

8 Suomi NPP is a is a little different from other NASA missions and other NOAA-NASA partnerships... Credit: NASA/NOAA/GSFC/Suomi NPP/VIIRS/Norman Kuring

9 Suomi NPP – On Orbit Mission Phases and JPSS Ground System Evolution NPP LRD Commissioning LEO S/C Activation Instrument Activation Sat Maneuver Verification Sat On-orbit Perf Evaluation Operations Nominal Operations Security Monitoring / Maintenance Ops Sustainment Long Term Monitoring & Trending Routine Cal Updates Periodic Cal Maneuvers De-commissioning Sat Health & Propellant Monitoring De-orbit Planning / Script Controlled De-orbit L+3 mosL+24 mosL+15 mosL+30 mosL+7 mosLaunchL+5 yrs NPP EOL Risk Reduction Fixes / Enhancements Intensive Cal/Val Algorithm Fixes Cal / Characterization Maneuvers Operations Team Integration CGS PerformanceTuning CGS Performance Eval Tech Refresh Security Updates Separate Operating Environs Risk Reduction Block 1.2.2 Block 1.2.3 Block 1.3 Operations Block 1.5 Commissioning De-Commissioning Block 1.2.1 Transition to Routine Ops

10 Suomi NPP: Development, Launch and Activation Phases JPSS Program VIIRS CrIS OMPS Ground System Mission Operations NASA NPP Project Project Management Spacecraft & Integration ATMS CERES Launch Vehicle Science Data Segment Mission Systems Engineering Mission Integration NOAA Archive & Distribution Segment (ADS) NPOESS Data Exploitation (NDE)

11 Suomi NPP: Responsibilities Post Commissioning JPSS Ground Project Mission Management Mission Systems Integration C3S Sustainment/Enhancement IDPS Sustainment/Enhancement FVS Sustainment/Enhancement Cal/Val and Algorithm Updates Mission Operations JPSS Flight Project S/C Post Delivery Support (PDS) VIIRS, CrIS, ATMS, OMPS PDS NOAA Archive & Distribution Segment (ADS) / CLASS Operations Management (post on-orbit risk reduction) NASA GSFC, LaRC CERES PDS & Product Generation OMPS Limb Product Generation Science Data Segment Ops/Sustainment Science Support

12 12 NOAA and NASA Data Activities for Suomi NPP NOAA JPSS Algorithm Cal/Val Teams and Comprehensive Large Array-data Stewardship System (CLASS) Scientific support for operational generation of NPP/JPSS sensor data records (SDRs) and Environmental Data Records (EDRs) Cal/val of the Interface Data Processing Segment (IDPS) generated SDRs and EDRs and ownership of the algorithms for future upgrades, and provides long-term science maintenance (validation and improvements). Infrastructure: GRAVITE (mini – IDPS, local archive, subscription services to cal/val teams) and CLASS for permanent archive. NASA Suomi NPP Project Office, Science Team, and Science Data Segment (SDS) Evaluation of the IDPS-generated SDRs and EDRs as to their suitability as Earth system / climate data records. If warranted, the Suomi NPP Science Team will develop, test, and recommend algorithm improvements. Infrastructure: SDS includes mini-IDPS, local archive, and Product Evaluation and Analysis Tool Elements (PEATEs).

13 NOAA leading cal/val and algorithm improvements as part of support to the JPSS Ground Segment development. NOAA is archiving Suomi NPP data in CLASS NASA has Suomi NPP Science Team by way of PEATEs (Product Evaluation and Analysis Tool Elements) to assess the quality of the IDPS SDRs and EDRs for Earth system science and the continuity of climate change data records NOAA will develop multi-decadal multi-sensor climate data records from POES and JPSS as part of the NOAA CDR program NASA routinely reprocesses mission datasets as algorithms improve and sensor performance and calibration/validation change (generally single sensors, e.g., MODIS collection x); NASA is only reprocessing Suomi NPP data as needed to evaluate the IDPS SDRs and EDRs NOAA Ground Segment JPSS level 1 requirements do not include reprocessing. NOAA and NASA scientists participate in each other’s programs Current Landscape of Responsibilities

14 14 Suomi NPP: NASA PEATES As part of its Science Data Segment (SDS), NASA has developed several disciplinary Earth science Product Evaluation and Analysis Tool Elements (PEATEs) to support Suomi NPP Science Team members and the NPP Project staff in their evaluation of the EDRs and SDRs The PEATEs provide functions for the Suomi NPP Science Team and the NPP Instrument Calibration Support Element (NICSE) in support of their goals to evaluate SDR and EDR performance and to assess the suitability of operational EDRs for use in climate analyses. The PEATEs also support development and testing of improvements to the operational algorithms which generate SDR and EDR products in the IDPS.

15 NASA SDS Element Architecture Overview Science Data Segment Land Product Evaluation & Analysis Tool Element (PEATE) Land Product Evaluation & Analysis Tool Element (PEATE) SDS Data Distribution & Depository Element (SD3E) SDS Data Distribution & Depository Element (SD3E) Interface Data Processing Segment (IDPS) Interface Data Processing Segment (IDPS) Archive & Distribution Segment (ADS) / CLASS Archive & Distribution Segment (ADS) / CLASS Ocean Product Evaluation & Analysis Tool Element (PEATE) Ocean Product Evaluation & Analysis Tool Element (PEATE) Atmosphere Product Evaluation & Analysis Tool Element (PEATE) Atmosphere Product Evaluation & Analysis Tool Element (PEATE) Sounder Product Evaluation & Analysis Tool Element (PEATE) Sounder Product Evaluation & Analysis Tool Element (PEATE) Ozone Product Evaluation & Analysis Tool Element (PEATE) Ozone Product Evaluation & Analysis Tool Element (PEATE) NPP Instrument Calibration Support Element (NICSE) Government Resource for Algorithm Verification Independent Testing & Evaluation (GRAVITE) Government Resource for Algorithm Verification Independent Testing & Evaluation (GRAVITE) Data flow OMPS Limb Data Flow EDR assessment Earth Radiation Budget Climate Analysis Research System (ERBCARS) Earth Radiation Budget Climate Analysis Research System (ERBCARS) CERES RDR, VIIRS SDR, AOT NPP Science Team Ozone Limb Community OMPS Limb RDRs VIIRS Cal/Val Interaction LaRC DAAC CERES Science Community Limb SDR (EV+CAL) and EDR The Suomi NPP Science Data Segment is a System of Systems distributed amongst: 9 facilities located at GSFC, JPL, U of Wisconsin, & LaRC 15

16 16 Suomi NPP Data Coordination: Summary Initial NASA and NOAA roles and responsibilities are fairly clear. NOAA: Suomi NPP data processing, production, distribution, and archive of SDRs and EDRs; cal/val; consideration of recommended algorithm improvements (this is not anticipated to change through mission life) NASA: SDR & EDR evaluation; recommend algorithm improvements; scientific support of cal/val (in support of EOS time series climate-quality data continuity) For NASA, mid-term (L + 18 mos.) responsibility is assessment of EDRs and recommendations for improvements and decision(s) on next steps for NASA during prime mission

17 17 Suomi NPP Data Coordination: Summary For NASA, longer term roles and responsibilities are “tbd;” what we will do and how it will be done are to be decided once the Suomi NPP Science Teams’ evaluations, product recommendations, and follow-on interactions with JPSS/NOAA are completed. What you should know: NASA Suomi NPP mission responsibilities continue (and funds are planned) through prime mission (5 years) and can extend into an extended operations period. The work is expected to evolve over the course of the mission. Funding for Suomi NPP Project Science, Science Team, and data product support is reserved/available, but “tbd” in budget plans for future years. In our future decision making we plan to take into account the initial Suomi NPP ST evaluations and recommendations, NASA’s knowledge of best practices and approaches for data support, NASA Earth Science community priorities, and national needs.

18 Suomi NPP Current Status Credit: NASA/NOAA/GSFC/Suomi NPP/VIIRS/Norman Kuring

19 NPP Overall Status (as of May 2012) Spacecraft in normal Mission Mode, all systems nominal Ground System performance nominal with data flowing to NESDIS and AFWA Centrals and to CLASS archive All Instruments are in normal operational mode –ATMS SDR data declared provisional (ready for broader use) –ATMS SDR/TDR to be used operationally by NOAA NCEP in Spring of 2012 –VIIRS, CrIS, OMPS SDRSs have reached beta status Public Access through NOAA CLASS –Product Validation work ongoing. Instrument/spacecraft performance anomalies/issues are being worked –VIIRS degradation in several bands is understood and is being monitored closely (affect is expected to remain within instrument requirements)

20 Suomi NPP Science Team Credit: NASA/NOAA/GSFC/Suomi NPP/VIIRS/Norman Kuring

21 The Suomi NPP Science Team was re-competed in ROSES-2010; its research is focused on supporting work to ensure the continuity of scientific data records started in the EOS era. The Suomi NPP Science Team’s work on data products will focus on SDR and EDR evaluation and, if needed, improvement.* Science Team recommendations for algorithm improvement will forwarded to JPSS/NOAA through the NPP Project Science Office. The Suomi NPP Science Team has 5 subgroups working together: -- VIIRS Cloud/Aerosol/Atmosphere-- Ozone -- VIIRS Land-- Sounder -- VIIRS Ocean A few Suomi NPP Science Team members are working on cal/val support activities or the conceptual basis for new products. * Exceptions: CERES data products will be produced and archived by existing CERES team and OMPS Limb data products will be developed, produced, and archived by NASA/NOAA Ozone Team. Suomi NPP: NASA Science Team (36 members)

22 22 Suomi NPP Science Team Activities  New and successor investigations to continue the evaluation of NPP/NPOESS Environmental Data Records (EDRs) – also SDRs and IPs, to demonstrate the suitability of these data sets for use as Earth system/climate data records, and to develop and evaluate improvements to EDR algorithms that could make them more suitable. Support for calibration/validation was included.  New investigations to develop and demonstrate innovative and practical applications of Suomi NPP data. Three were selected: global agricultural monitoring, air quality and public health, and TOPS for ecological forecasting.  The emphasis for all types of investigations is on evaluation towards securing continuous, well-characterized, long time series measurements of sufficient quality to answer critical Earth system science, global change, and/or applied sciences questions.

23 NPP Science Team members will be expected to:  Participate in technical interchange meetings, NPP science team meetings, and relevant measurement team meetings and more frequent teleconference calls  Review sensor and algorithm documents, algorithm code, and system descriptions as appropriate;  Conduct data simulation studies as appropriate  Prepare an algorithm analysis report and recommend algorithm improvement activities  Participate in the planning for science operations  Participate in NPP calibration and validation planning as appropriate; and  Provide information to NASA on a variety of technical matters associated with NPP instruments and algorithms. Suomi NPP Science Team Membership 23

24 24 NASA Data Policy NASA promotes the full and open sharing of all data with the research and applications communities, private industry, academia, and the general public (the term 'data' includes observation data, metadata, products, information, algorithms, including scientific source code, documentation, models, images, and research results). Relevant information excerpted from NASA’s statement at: information-policy/ information-policy/ Full and open sharing of Earth science data obtained from NASA Earth observing satellites, sub-orbital platforms and field campaigns with all users as soon as such data become available. [NOTE: This applies to any type of product!] No period of exclusive access to NASA Earth science data. NASA will enforce a principle of non-discriminatory data access so that all users will be treated equally. NASA will make available all NASA-generated standard products along with the source code for algorithm software, coefficients, and ancillary data used to generate these products. [NOTE: At present, NASA has no commitment to produce any Suomi NPP standard products.]

25 25 Data-Sharing Responsibilities of Suomi NPP Science Team Members NASA expects Suomi NPP Science Team members to comply with NASA data policies; i.e., to make the results of their team member research and their data products publicly available, and, to the extent possible within exiting team member funding, to freely share these products with the external community. There is no period of exclusive access or restriction on sharing of Suomi NPP ST results or data products Data products should be made available with the clear understanding that they are PI data products (experimental) and not NASA standard products – a marking should appear on websites and product documentation so stating. The level of “user support” to be provided is up to the team member, but there is no requirement to provide a high level of support – just access User feedback on quality and issues of such experimental products may be helpful to ST Members. External persons contacting Suomi ST members for access to SDRs and EDRs should be referred to CLASS Issues regarding data access or user interest/support should be brought to the attention of the Project Scientist (for referral to NASA HQ, JPSS, or NOAA, as appropriate)

26 Suomi NPP: May 2012 Science Team Meeting Credit: NASA/NOAA/GSFC/Suomi NPP/VIIRS/Norman Kuring

27 Suomi NPP ST Meeting Goals & Objectives Our primary goals:  Discuss Suomi NPP Science Team responsibilities (SDR/EDR/IP evaluation, cal/val support, preparatory work toward new data products) and progress to date  Identify in some detail near-term activities/actions and schedules. We should all leave the meeting very clear on the:  Process for EDR evaluation  Reporting on EDR evaluation results  Schedule for initial/complete evaluations  Steps to follow (recommend improvements, alternative products, etc.)  NASA data policy and data sharing expectations / processes

28 28 Suomi NPP ST Evaluation Research Reports Evaluating Sensor Data Records (SDR), Environmental Data Records (EDR), and Intermediate Products (IP) Emphasizing SDR and calibration evaluation Looking at time series data as well as regional and seasonal patterns Comparing against airborne and surface-based observations Cross-product evaluation (w/EOS and international sensor data) Identifying and prioritizing performance issues and concerns for further investigation Identifying needed supporting data and information (e.g., updated DEM and water mask for the land) Evaluating potential changes to the IDPS products Recommending/evaluating new products Schedule for reporting on evaluations of products: Preliminary reports are anticipated summer 2012 - November 2013 Final reports are anticipated May 2013 - June 2014

29 29 Top-Level ST Findings and Recommendations Review of existing and new products is needed (ATBDs were useful, perhaps new focus should move to experimental products and peer reviewed publications) It is not just the data products that need to be evaluated and secured, it is also the data services (e.g., LANCE-like services) At a minimum, data record continuity requires algorithm continuity; NASA should consider re-focusing the team on designing consistent EOS / Suomi NPP Level-2 algorithms Once SDR evaluation is complete, NASA should begin generating test products for those current EOS products without a Suomi NPP EDR equivalent The ST is seeking opportunities to engage the broader research community

30 Suomi National Polar-orbiting Partnership Questions?

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