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Blood Pressure Is measured in arteries where it is highest Is measured in arteries where it is highest Pressure decreases with distance from heart Pressure.

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Presentation on theme: "Blood Pressure Is measured in arteries where it is highest Is measured in arteries where it is highest Pressure decreases with distance from heart Pressure."— Presentation transcript:

1 Blood Pressure Is measured in arteries where it is highest Is measured in arteries where it is highest Pressure decreases with distance from heart Pressure decreases with distance from heart

2 Blood Pressure Measured with a sphygmomanometer Measured with a sphygmomanometer

3 Blood Pressure Two numbers: Two numbers: –Systolic –pressure as heart beats – under 120 mmHg considered healthy  Measures pressure when the Ventricles contract –Diastolic – pressure as heart relaxes – under 80 mmHg considered healthy  Measures pressure when the heart is relaxed before atrial contraction

4 Blood Pressure Chronic high blood pressure is hypertension Chronic high blood pressure is hypertension Puts strain on heart, symptom of arteriosclerosis Puts strain on heart, symptom of arteriosclerosis

5 Blood Pressure Artery deposits such as cholesterol hardens arteries – less elasticity=higher pressure

6 Blood Pressure –Viscosity of blood : thicker blood requires more pressure to circulate –Blood volume : more blood = higher pressure –Heart rate : faster heart beat = higher pressure

7 Cardiac Output amount of blood that flow from each side of the heart/minute amount of blood that flow from each side of the heart/minute Cardiac Output = heart rate x stroke volume Cardiac Output = heart rate x stroke volume Heart rate: beats per minute Heart rate: beats per minute Stroke volume: amount of blood pumped per beat (should be equal amount from both sides) Stroke volume: amount of blood pumped per beat (should be equal amount from both sides)

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