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Getting started with essay writing in EC120 Topics What’s your target mark? Getting organised Writing your paper Citations and References Sources Layout.

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Presentation on theme: "Getting started with essay writing in EC120 Topics What’s your target mark? Getting organised Writing your paper Citations and References Sources Layout."— Presentation transcript:

1 Getting started with essay writing in EC120 Topics What’s your target mark? Getting organised Writing your paper Citations and References Sources Layout Submission EC120 Getting started with essay writing, slide 0

2 What’s Your Target Mark? What mark are you trying to achieve? Marking is not “Pass/Fail” Grade classes (for pass marks): –Third class (40−49.9%): the lowest pass grade –Lower-second class (50−59.9%): serious flaws –Upper-second class (60−69.9%): good honours –First class (70+%): outstanding Details: u/g Economics Handbook, pp. 43−45 The Appendix is particularly helpful: Guidance assumes target of 60+% EC120 Getting started with essay writing, slide 1

3 Getting Organised Check the question (title of the listed topic) –What’s it about? –Identify some relevant readings (from EC120 Reading list) Make a start with reading (and lecture notes) –Read ahead if needed Identify some “sub-questions” (you do this) –Your reading should suggest sub-questions Sketch out a plan –Organise a list of headings and sub-headings EC120 Getting started with essay writing, slide 2

4 Writing the Paper Write coherently: clearly, concisely and to the point. Avoid ambiguity. Don’t waffle. Write with a purpose: connected, logical arguments, not just reproducing lists of “facts” Focus on answering a question, e.g. one at a time of your sub-questions Write in sentences Punctuate! (Full stops, commas − even colons and semi-colons) Write in paragraphs − not just one long splurge Group paragraphs together, to form a connected argument Carelessness costs marks EC120 Getting started with essay writing, slide 3

5 Citations and References BEWARE Plagiarism is an Academic Offence What you must never do: copy material from any source without making clear that it has been copied, and citing the source (such that the reader can find it). Copied material must be enclosed in quotation marks “ … Quoted stuff …” followed by the citation. Citations point to items in the Bibliography (List of references at the end). Citation example: “(Landes, 1998, p. 59)” The reference: “Landes, D.S. The Wealth and Poverty of Nations, 1998, Little, Brown & Co.” Every citation points to exactly one reference. Every reference identifies at least one citation. Details: u/g Economics Handbook, Appendix. EC120 Getting started with essay writing, slide 4

6 Sources In principle: use whatever you like –But must be properly referenced Some sources are more reliable than others –Identify academic sources – beware the internet Reliable sources: –Albert Sloman Library: anything here or accessible via the Library website is worth your attention: academic journals are now accessible electronically –Internet: a vast resource but avoid the trash Searches: restrict yourself to Google Scholar; the results are likely to be reliable. Other sources, e.g. Wikipedia: handy for checking facts, but that’s all. Don’t just copy chunks (of anything) into essays. EC120 Getting started with essay writing, slide 5

7 Layout Presentation is very important. Why? –Because systematic organisation reflects a coherent argument –You are not writing a mystery story to puzzle the reader Organise into sections, each with its own heading (title) Introduction: brief, where you inform the reader of what follows Sections, normally 3 or 4, which comprise the paper’s “body” –Could have sub-sections too! Conclusion, where you remind the reader of what you have done Bibliography, a list of references to the cited sources An Appendix? Almost never needed for an essay/term paper Footnotes? Include them if you wish but use with restraint EC120 Getting started with essay writing, slide 6

8 Submission Submit electronically via FASer well before 12:00 noon on the day of the deadline. Allow yourself ample time. Include your name, registration number and the title of the question at the start of your essay Don’t forget to: –Number the pages –Use a 12pt font –Double space the lines What happens to late submissions ? –I’ll still mark your essay and give you feedback, BUT –For assessed papers a zero will be recorded as your mark unless you justify the late submission, in writing, on a late submission form. I have no authority to grant “extensions”. EC120 Getting started with essay writing, slide 7

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