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2003-2004 Academic Year Autumn Term IED 141 MYTHOLOGY Instructors 141 (01) Res. Asst. Sinan AKILLI 141 (02) Asst.Prof.Dr. Hande SADUN Course Webpage

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Presentation on theme: "2003-2004 Academic Year Autumn Term IED 141 MYTHOLOGY Instructors 141 (01) Res. Asst. Sinan AKILLI 141 (02) Asst.Prof.Dr. Hande SADUN Course Webpage"— Presentation transcript:

1 2003-2004 Academic Year Autumn Term IED 141 MYTHOLOGY Instructors 141 (01) Res. Asst. Sinan AKILLI 141 (02) Asst.Prof.Dr. Hande SADUN Course Webpage

2 AIM OF THE COURSE The aim of the course is to give basic knowledge of classical Greek and Roman mythology, which is essential for a better understanding, appreciation and interpretation of English literature.

3 COURSE REQUIREMENTS Attendance is compulsory: Absence, without reporting a valid excuse, in more than 1/3 of class-hours (generally 11 class-hours) means a very very sad F1. Mind you!! 11 hours of absence is not your birthright, but the end of the tolerable limit! When in classroom keep your mobile phones turned off for Zeus’s sake!! Every single one of the students is expected to take part in class discussions. Silence is not always gold! Each student is expected to prepare a term-paper, which will be a group work. The topics will be specified by the instructor in due time.

4 EXAMS & GRADING There will be two Mid-term exams, most probably at the two-hour classes in the 6 th and the 10 th weeks. There will also be a Final Examination, the date and hour of which will be announced towards the end of the term. Grading will be as follows: Mid-term I20% Mid-term II20% Term-paper5% Class Participation5% Final Exam50%

5 SUGGESTED SOURCES-1 Coursebook: –Hamilton, Edith. Mythology. Mentor, 1940. Supplementary Reading: –Burn, Lucilla. Greek Myths. Uni. of Texas Press, 1990. –Dowden, Ken. The Uses of Greek Mythology. Routledge, 1992. –Graves, Robert. The Greek Myths. 2 Vols. Penguin Books, 1960. –Martin, Thomas R. Ancient Greece. Yale Uni. Press, 1996.

6 SUGGESTED SOURCES-2 Internet Sources: – – – myths/ – – –

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