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Steal this Paper! Plagiarism Workshop Friday, August 22, 2001 Colegio Bolivar.

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1 Steal this Paper! Plagiarism Workshop Friday, August 22, 2001 Colegio Bolivar

2 Did You Know??? 66% of 16,000 students from 31 prestigious U.S. universities have cheated at least once, says 1991 Rutgers University study. 66% of 16,000 students from 31 prestigious U.S. universities have cheated at least once, says 1991 Rutgers University study. 12% of those reported themselves as regular cheaters. 12% of those reported themselves as regular cheaters. This means nearly seven out of ten students cheat, and at least one of those cheats all the time!! This means nearly seven out of ten students cheat, and at least one of those cheats all the time!! 36% of undergraduates have admitted to plagiarizing written material, says 1997 Psychological Record study (2). 36% of undergraduates have admitted to plagiarizing written material, says 1997 Psychological Record study (2). 4 out of 5 high achievers surveyed in 1998 admitted to cheating on school work according to publishers of Who's Who Among American High School Students (9). 4 out of 5 high achievers surveyed in 1998 admitted to cheating on school work according to publishers of Who's Who Among American High School Students (9). More than half of those students said such cheating was "no big deal," and practically none got caught. More than half of those students said such cheating was "no big deal," and practically none got caught. Cheating on campus increased an estimated 744% from 1993 to 1997, says University of California-Berkley officials (9). 30% of a large sampling of Berkeley students were recently caught plagiarizing directly from the Internet. Cheating on campus increased an estimated 744% from 1993 to 1997, says University of California-Berkley officials (9). 30% of a large sampling of Berkeley students were recently caught plagiarizing directly from the Internet. 58.3% of high school students let someone else copy their work in 1969, and 97.5% did so in 1989. 58.3% of high school students let someone else copy their work in 1969, and 97.5% did so in 1989. 90% of students believe that cheaters are either never caught or have never been appropriately disciplined 90% of students believe that cheaters are either never caught or have never been appropriately disciplined According to the Gallup Organization, the top two problems facing the country today are: 1) Education and 2) Decline in Ethics (both were ranked over crime, poverty, drugs, taxes, guns, environment, and racism, to name a few) According to the Gallup Organization, the top two problems facing the country today are: 1) Education and 2) Decline in Ethics (both were ranked over crime, poverty, drugs, taxes, guns, environment, and racism, to name a few)

3 Please write down the following information: Define Plagiarism. Define Plagiarism. What are the school rules against plagiarism? What are the school rules against plagiarism? What are your rules against plagiarism? What are your rules against plagiarism? What do you do to discourage plagiarism in your class? What do you do to discourage plagiarism in your class?

4 Where do students find information to plagiarize Ex Students Ex Students Library Library Papers written for profit Papers written for profit Each other Each other Search engines Search engines Online journals and magazines Online journals and magazines

5 Cheat Sites on the Internet A-1 Term Papers, http:// www.a1- A-1 Term Papers, http:// www.a1- www.a1- www.a1- Academic termpapers Homepage, Academic termpapers Homepage, Jungle Page, Jungle Page, No Sweat, No Sweat, Top 100 Essay Sites, Top 100 Essay Sites, Pink Monkey, me.asp Pink Monkey, me.asp me.asp me.asp School Sucks, School Sucks, Cheat House, Cheat House, http://www.cheathouse.com Cheater, Cheater, http://www.cheater.com

6 What can we do to combat plagiarism in the classroom? Work with your students to make sure they know what plagiarism is. Work with your students to make sure they know what plagiarism is. CB English Department Handout for students on plagiarism CB English Department Handout for students on plagiarism Examples of plagiarism for students Examples of plagiarism for students What do I lose by cheating? What do I lose by cheating? What are the penalties for plagiarism at CB? What are the penalties for plagiarism at CB? Show them you know about the internet sites they may use. Show them you know about the internet sites they may use. Talk about copyright laws AND why they are important. Talk about copyright laws AND why they are important. SHOW THEM how to document their information AND THEN expect them to do so. SHOW THEM how to document their information AND THEN expect them to do so. Discuss the benefits of citing sources. Discuss the benefits of citing sources. Make the penalties clear and ALWAYS follow through. Make the penalties clear and ALWAYS follow through.

7 What can we do to combat plagiarism in the classroom?  Be able to identify it when you see it  “Mixed citation styles.  Lack of references or quotations. Unusual formatting. Unusual formatting.  Off topic.  Signs of datedness.  Anachronisms.  Anomalies of diction.  Anomalies of style.  Smoking guns.

8 What can we do to combat plagiarism in the classroom?  Understand why students cheat Take the shortest route to finish an assignment Take the shortest route to finish an assignment Students are faced with too many choices and can’t organize time well. Students are faced with too many choices and can’t organize time well. Students feel that their writing skills are inadequate. Students feel that their writing skills are inadequate. Students like the thrill of breaking rules. Students like the thrill of breaking rules.

9 What can we do to combat plagiarism in the classroom?  Educate yourself about plagiarism  See what’s available on the internet for the assignments you give; often a simple search will show you.

10 What can we do to combat plagiarism in the classroom?  Assignment strategies for prevention of plagiarism Make the assignment clear Make the assignment clear  Provide a list of specific topics and require students to choose one of them.  Require specific components in the paper.  Require process steps for the paper.  Require oral reports of student papers.  Have students include an annotated bibliography.  Require most references to be up-to-date.  Require a metalearning essay

11 What can we do to combat plagiarism in the classroom?  When all else fails Look for the source of your student’s plagiarized work. Look for the source of your student’s plagiarized work. Plagiarism.Org Plagiarism.Org Plagiarism.Org Digital Integrity Digital Integrity Digital Integrity Digital Integrity IntegriGuard IntegriGuard IntegriGuard Glatt Plagiarism Services, Inc. Glatt Plagiarism Services, Inc. Glatt Plagiarism Services, Inc. Glatt Plagiarism Services, Inc. EVE2.2: Your Best Defence Against Internet Plagiarism EVE2.2: Your Best Defence Against Internet Plagiarism EVE2.2: Your Best Defence Against Internet Plagiarism EVE2.2: Your Best Defence Against Internet Plagiarism WordChecksystems WordChecksystems WordChecksystems WordChecksystems Find Same Find Same

12 What can we do to combat plagiarism in the classroom?  When all else fails Use a simple search engine Use a simple search engine “Identify a unique string of words in the paper. Using a variety of search engines, search for the phrase using quotes " " and the plus sign, +. For example: +austen +"fair share of monsters" turns up only one paper. “Identify a unique string of words in the paper. Using a variety of search engines, search for the phrase using quotes " " and the plus sign, +. For example: +austen +"fair share of monsters" turns up only one paper. Search for the title, again using quotes " ". If the student hasn't had the foresight to change the title, you may find it listed on a term paper site.” (Fain) Search for the title, again using quotes " ". If the student hasn't had the foresight to change the title, you may find it listed on a term paper site.” (Fain) Talk to your librarian Talk to your librarian Talk to your students Talk to your students

13 Plagiarism It’s up to us to make a difference.

14 Bibliography 1. Benning, Victoria; Washington Post; "Computer-aided Cheating is on the Rise at School"; Oct 5, 1998; 2. Connelly Chronicle: Newsletter of La Salle University Library; "Detecting and Preventing Plagiarism Via the Web"; Fall 1998; 3. Evil House of Cheat website. Evil House of Cheat Evil House of Cheat 4. Fain, Margaret. (August 2001), Cheating 101: Paper Mills and You,, accessed August 22, 2001. 5. Galles, Gary M.; Houston Chronicle; "Copy These Strategies to Stop Plagiarism by Students"; Sept 1997; 6. Harris, Robert. (August, 2001), Anti-Plagiarism Strategies,, accessed August 22, 2001. 7. Hinchliffe, Lisa; May 1998; Cut-and-Paste Plagiarism: Preventing, Detecting and Tracking Online Plagiarism. Cut-and-Paste Plagiarism: Preventing, Detecting and Tracking Online PlagiarismCut-and-Paste Plagiarism: Preventing, Detecting and Tracking Online Plagiarism 8. Hricko, Mary; March 2000; Internet Plagiarism: Strategies to Deter Academic Misconduct. Internet Plagiarism: Strategies to Deter Academic MisconductInternet Plagiarism: Strategies to Deter Academic Misconduct 9. Kopytoff, Verne G.; The New York Times; "Brilliant or Exposed? Colleges Use Sites to Expose Cheaters"; Jan 19, 2000; 10. website. 11., (August, 2001),, accessed August 22, 2001. 12. Ryan, Julie. Student Plagiarism in an Online World,(December 1998), Prism Magazine Online, tm, accessed August 22, 2001. tm tm 13. Sandsmark, Fred; TechWeek; "Your Cheatin' Heart Doesn't Stand a Chance"; Jan 2000; 14. School Sucks website. School Sucks School Sucks 15. Vigue, Doreen Iudica; "Educators Fighting a Web of Deceit."; Computer News Daily; March 1998.

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