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HNC in Health and Social Care Unit 1: Communicating in Health and Social Care Organisations SESSION 7.

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Presentation on theme: "HNC in Health and Social Care Unit 1: Communicating in Health and Social Care Organisations SESSION 7."— Presentation transcript:

1 HNC in Health and Social Care Unit 1: Communicating in Health and Social Care Organisations SESSION 7

2 Last Week: Links 1.Confidentiality Policies 2.Values, Cultures, Beliefs and Ethics

3 Today Task 2 of Assignment Legislation, Frameworks, Regulators, P & P etc Identifying good practice

4 Task 2: Presentations race ethnicity culture class gender sexual orientation religion or belief disability age

5 Compare & Contrast LegislationRegulationGuidance

6 Compare & Contrast LegislationRegulationGuidance A proposed or enacted law or group of laws. Guidelines from agencies designed to help implement and interpret laws Guidance to clarify the intent of the regulation To address a social or economic need or problem by changing the law. To lay out rules and procedures to follow when implementing programs to comply with the law To answer questions about the regulation Parliament pass lawsCan either be internally or externally developed A directive that must be complied with to remain within legal boundaries Regulators ensure the law is enforced A set of recommendations or suggestions about things that should be considered Legislation is broader and more general It is specific and details how legislation is enforced. Gives ways the setting can meet the regulation

7 LegislationRegulation Data Protection 1998 Freedom of Information 2000 Equality Act 2010

8 Setting Reflection How far is national legislation reflected in your workplace’s policies and organisational practices? What are the service standards for your area? how far does your workplace practice reflect these standards? Analyse the policies and practices and analyse how far they comply with legislation and follow guidance.

9 Good Practice Considering values, beliefs & cultures and legislation and guidance: What does good practice look like?

10 Good Practice Maintaining Dignity Challenging discrimination Effective internal and external communication systems Strong visionary managers P & P in place, created and revised by all staff to provide belief & understanding

11 Barriers to Good Quality

12 Quality/ Good Practice Inspecting all health and social care services Regulating children and families services Regulating health, psychological and social work professionals

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