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Liz Dole-Izzo, LCSW Director of Field Education 307-766-2710

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1 Liz Dole-Izzo, LCSW Director of Field Education 307-766-2710

2  Write down two question you want to have answered.  If they are not addressed during this orientation – we will address them at the end.  Follow up questions can be addressed to Shontay at 2

3  Develop and maintain field sites; recruit and support field instructors and on-site supervisors  Match students and placements  Coordinate faculty liaison activities  Support field instructor through orientation and instruction of field seminar (MSW and BSW)  Develop curricula  Manage and oversee all administrative needs of the field program 3

4  Field Education is “an experiential form of teaching and learning (where) the social work student is helped to: consciously bring selected knowledge to the practice situation; develop competence in performing practice skills; learn to practice within the framework of social work values and ethics; develop a professional commitment to social work practice; evolve a practice style consistent with personal strengths and capacities; and develop the ability to work effectively within an agency.”

5  CSWE requires 900 practicum hours for an MSW degree  Foundation year: 400 hours (Oct – May) supervised by an MSW Field Instructor  Advanced Year: 500 hours ( Sept – May) supervised by an MSW Field Instructor ▪ A BSW field placement “counts” towards the CSWE requirement for Advanced Standing Students. ▪ Advanced Year placement must be in a different agency/ setting with a different Field Instuctor

6  4o0 supervised hours  Concurrent over two semesters  Approx. 16-18 per week, per semester  Must meet a minimum of 1 hour per week with the MSW Field Instructor for supervision  Hours are individually scheduled with the agency and MSW Field Instructor  Students are responsible for keeping track of all hours and documentation related to the field practicum

7  500 supervised hours  Concurrent over two semesters  Approx. 18-20 per week, per semester  Must meet a minimum of 1 hour per week with the MSW Field Instructor for supervision  Hours are individually scheduled with the agency and MSW Field Instructor  Students are responsible for keeping track of all hours and documentation related to the field practicum 7

8  Check in time/Connection  Learn about agencies, resources, and other experiences  Process time  Support  Guidance  Develop competencies  Co-requisite with all field practicums  (must receive passing grades in both courses to stay in Field!) 8

9  Complete the Field Application  Schedule time to meet/talk with a field coordinator  Research possible placements in the Intern Placement Tracking (IPT) database  Coordinate with UW Field personnel to interview with agency  Finalize placement  confirmation paperwork  May include additional background checks, immunizations, etc. (typically at students expense)

10 Typical Exception Requests: Workplace Out of State Summer** Duplicate Anything out of the ordinary /


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