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2 nd CARICOM Workshop on Environment Statistics. Report on Inter- Agency Activities  Dates of Inter-Agency Meeting(s): Meetings were held in early 2013.

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1 2 nd CARICOM Workshop on Environment Statistics

2 Report on Inter- Agency Activities  Dates of Inter-Agency Meeting(s): Meetings were held in early 2013 to coincide with preparation for the publication of the 2012 Compendium  Stakeholders/Organizations: The ESO had separate meetings with the Department of Environment and the Department of Environmental Health

3 On-going informal discussions as part of data collection for 2013 Compendium. Content of discussion: The ESO outlined – the data that had been provided for the Compendium of Statistics. – and made enquiries as to what additional data they had available. Follow-up meetings were held to clarify data 9/11/2015 3

4 Data Obtained for Environment Statistics Department of Environment: – Cayman Islands Land Coverage Land cover category outlines Protected area: Wetland, Xerophytic shrubland, Dry forest, Man-modified areas – Current Marine Parks Percent of Shelf Area Protected Grand Cayman and Sister Islands – Cayman Brac and Little Cayman Environmental zone Spawning Aggregation Site Marine Park No Dive Zone Prohibited Scuba Diving Zone Replenishment Zone Wildlife Interaction Zone

5 Data obtained – Annual Greenhouse Gas Emissions MT CO 2 equivalent for: Carbon Dioxide (CO 2 ) Hydro fluorocarbons (HFCs) Methane (CH 4 ) Nitrous Oxide (N 2 O) Perfluorocarbons (PFCs) Sulfur Hexafluoride (SF 6 ) – Conch Density (per 24 square meters)

6 Data Obtained … cont’d National Weather Service – Weather Synopsis Highest daily temperature\Lowest daily temperature Annual average temperature Total precipitation Most rain in 24 hour period – Average Monthly Temperature – Monthly Total Rainfall – Average Monthly Relative Humidity – Annual Rainfall – Number of days Rain (a day with at least 0.01 inch), No rain, clear, partly cloudy and cloudy

7 Data Obtained…cont’d Department of Environmental Health: – Waste Disposal (tons): Number of landfills managed Total waste managed at the landfills – Collection of Solid Waste and Litter Control: Waste collected from commercial and residential (tons) Number of container or grab truck services provided

8 Data obtained…cont’d – Waste Reduction and Recycling: Processing of contaminated used oil (gallons) Processing of uncontaminated used oil (gallons) Processing of recyclable paper products (tons) Processing of recyclable used batteries(tons) Processing of recyclable aluminum products (tons) Processing of other recyclable products (tons) Tons of recyclable collected Processing of Derelict Vehicles

9 Data obtained…cont’d – Hazardous Waste and Emergency Management: Number of response to all hazardous material incidents Number of disaster management response Number of inspections and reports of potentially hazardous sites Shipment of hazardous waste products (gallons) Number of identification of Unknown Chemicals (containers)

10 Data obtained…cont’d Food Safety and Hygiene Surveillance: Food handlers trained Inspections of food establishments Special food condemnation inspections Local meat slaughter inspection Food related complaints investigated Food-borne illness investigations Food recall surveillance

11 Data obtained…cont’d – Environmental Health Laboratory Services: Potable water samples Swimming pool samples analyzed Sewage samples analyzed Dialysis water samples analyzed Disinfections samples analyzed Food samples analyzed Special projects samples analyzed Training and Seminars delivered and presented Indoor air quality assessments conducted and reported Noise assessments conducted and reported Used oil samples conducted

12 Data obtained…cont’d – Mosquito Densities: As measured by the islandwide network of New Jersey light traps (average catch per trap) – Rodent Control: Commercial and institutional properties baited Responses to rodent control requests/complaints De-ratting certificates/inspections

13 Challenges which were overcome in completing the activities: – Both the Department of Environment and the Department of Environmental Health are members of the newly established National Statistical Coordination Committee (NSCC). – They also participated in the first ever Statistics Fair that was held in October 2013. They were involved in the Planning for the Fair. They also had booths at the Fair.

14 Review of Statistics, Indicators and Metadata

15 Overview This is a new area of statistics for the ESO. The work on Environment Statistics is scheduled as part of NSCC Work Program for fiscal year 2014-15. The ESO is trying to network with other government ministries and departments that produce relevant environment statistics. Information on waste disposal, waste reduction and recycling, Hazardous waste, Food Safety and Hygiene Surveillance among other topical issues

16 The ESO publishes the data or statistics – no indicators The main sources of data are: – Department of Environment – Department of Environmental Health

17 Method of data collection The ESO sends a letter with table templates to each of the departments. Departments are required to respond within two months.

18 Data Sources for Environment Statistics Department of Environment: – Current Marine Parks Percent of Shelf Area Protected (Grand Cayman, Sister Islands – Cayman Brac and Little Cayman) – Greenhouse Emissions – CI Conch Density

19 Data Sources … cont’d National Weather Service – Weather Synopsis Highest daily temperature\Lowest daily temperature Annual average temperature Total precipitation Most rain in 24 hour period Weather Synopsis – Average Monthly Temperature – Monthly Total Rainfall – Average Monthly Relative Humidity – Annual Rainfall

20 Data Sources…cont’d Department of Environmental Health – Waste Disposal – Total Waste Managed at the Landfills – Collection of Solid Waste and Litter Control – Waste Reduction and Recycling – Hazardous Waste and Emergency Management – Food Safety and Hygiene Surveillance – Environmental Health Monitoring Services – Rodent and Mosquito Control






26 Recommendations and areas for improvement One officer was assigned the duties of collecting and compiling environment statistics. That Officer has received some on-the-job training but needs formal training.

27 Recommendations…cont’d The Department of Environmental Health does not have a dedicated staff for compiling data. Data are presented for budget year (July to June) while, tables are per calendar year so adjustments have to be made to the data.

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