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STATE STATISTICAL COMMITTEE REPUBLIC OF AZERBAIJAN WASTE STATISTICS IN AZERBAIJAN Rena Lazimova Environment, Forestry and Fishery Section Head Waste Statistics Workshop Geneva, 4 November 2013
Constitution of Azerbaijan, Art. 94; Official Statistics Law ( , latest amendments dd ); Statute of the State Statistical Committee of the Republic of Azerbaijan. Statistical data are collected in accordance with the Statistics Law. The Law enables obtaining information on the processes in economic and social areas of the country. The Law also sets fundamental principles of data collection, storage, analysis, compilation, presentation and publication. Compliance with the Law is mandatory for all government authorities, entities, organizations and units irrespective of ownership, subordination and locations as well as for individuals.
Azerbaijan has set up a unified classification system which is harmonized with relevant European classifications. 1.Classification of Economic Activities - NACE rev.2; 2.Classification of Products - CPA 2008; 3.List of Industrial Products - PRODKOM 2009; 4.Classification of Economic Sectors; 5.Statistical Waste Classification – LIST of Wastes, EWC-Stat/variant 3; 6.Classification of Environmental Activities and Expenditures – 2011; 7.Classification of Administrative Territorial Division. In 2011, Azerbaijan approved a system of environmental indicators which is based on official statistical reporting templates.
1. Law on Environmental Protection, dd. 8 June 1999, No Q; 2. Law on Environmental Security, dd. 8 June 1999, No Q; 3. Law on Industrial and Household Wastes, dd. 30 June 1998, No Q; 4. Resolution of the Cabinet of the Azerbaijan Republic on the Rules of Temporary Storage, Movements and Disposal of Municipal Wastes in Cities and Other Localities in Accordance with Sanitary, Hygienic and Ecological Standards, dd. 21 April 2005, No. 74; 5. Resolution of the Cabinet of the Azerbaijan Republic on the Rules of Inventory of Wastes Generated in Industry, dd. 28 January 2008, No. 13; 6. Resolution of the Cabinet of the Azerbaijan Republic on Rules of Setting Fees for Waste Collection, Landfilling, Recovery and Disposal, dd. 12 August 2008, No. 185;
7. Resolution of the Cabinet of the Azerbaijan Republic on the Rules of Certification of Hazardous Wastes, dd. 31 March 2003, No. 41; 8. Resolution of the Cabinet of the Azerbaijan Republic on the Government Strategy for Hazardous Waste Management in the Azerbaijan Republic, dd. 25 August 2004, No. 117; 9. Basel Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes and Their Disposal, which Azerbaijan joined in 2001; 10. Resolution of the Cabinet of the Azerbaijan Republic on Rules of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes, dd. 25 July 2008, No. 167; 11.Resolution of the Cabinet of the Azerbaijan Republic on the Requirements to Medical Waste Management, dd. 28 December 2007, No. 213.
2006-2010 Action Plan to Improve Environmental Situation in Azerbaijan (2005)
Azerbaijan attaches importance to environmental issues and therefore has adopted a 5-year Action Plan to address the issue which has become a landmark in the area. The Action Plan includes activities to address issues related to the clean-up of the Baku Bay, Bibi-Aibat zone, area of the International Airport and Absheron Peninsula from oil puddles as well as oil contaminated land and areas under local water containing considerable process waste. One of major projects was the construction and start-up of a plant in Baku to incinerate solid municipal waste. The project was implemented at the level of the European standards.
Azerbaijan 2020: Outlook for the Future (2012)
Concept Paper One of fundamental objectives of the concept paper is to achieve environmentally sustainable social and economic development. Necessary activities will be performed to promote waste recycling, processing and disposal and to implement non-waste and low-waste technologies with a view to save raw materials, to use natural resources in a sound way and to protect the environment. Advanced waste management methods will be applied and entities will be established for industrial and household waste recycling.
Statistical reporting forms: 1. Form 14-Secondary raw materials (wastes), Statement of generation and use of secondary raw materials (wastes); 2. Form 2-TP (wastes), Generation and movements of hazardous wastes; 3. Form 1-Medical wastes, Generation and movements of medical wastes.
New reporting form 2-TP (wastes): Generation and movements of hazardous wastes
Name of hazardous waste Line code H-code by characteristics of hazardous waste Balance at the beginning of a reference year Generated in a reference year Received form third parties Used on site (at the place of generation) Neutralized (disposed) Waste disposal Given to third parties Placed on site (at the place of generation) Balance at the end of a reference year (line ) Operations which do not lead to the possibility of resource recovery, recycling, reclamation, direct re-use or alternative uses Operations which may lead to resource recovery, recycling reclamation, direct re-use or alternative uses Total of which to other countries (export) of which for: Of which from other countries (import) storage landfilling А B C 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Amount of hazardous waste — Total 010 X of which by characteristics of hazardous waste: 020 030
Statistical form 1, Generation and movement of medical wastes
kg Hazard level Line code Waste Code in the Basel Convention Balance at the beginning of a reference year Generation in a reference year Wastes neutralized on site (removed) Wastes disposed for neutralization (removal) to third parties Wastes received from third parties for neutralization (disposal) Wastes disposed on site Balance at the end of a reference year (Column 7 = Columns ) A B C 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Total medical wastes, all classes, (sum of rows 2-5) 01 including: Class A Total non-hazardous medical wastes 02 Class B Total hazardous medical wastes 03 Class С Total especially hazardous wastes, etc. 04 Class Д Total wastes equated to industrial wastes 05
Time series of waste-related indicators for 1990–2010, Table 1
Time series of waste-related indicators for 1990–2010, Table 1. Waste generation: the Republic of Azerbaijan Waste generation by source Unit 1990 1995 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 5 Agriculture, forestry and fishing (ISIC 01-03) 1000 t/ year ... 6,4 6,2 10,4 13,1 19,4 20,9 15,8 8,2 2,7 2,6 2,0 7,0 6 Mining and quarrying (ISIC 05-09) 24,2 10,0 13,8 27,9 39,2 52,7 22,4 33,3 32,6 153,5 246,6 409,3 542,8 7 Manufacturing (ISIC ) 242,9 115,5 145,3 240,3 429,4 573,1 741,7 486,0 393,4 463,2 325,4 391,0 532,3 868,6 8 Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply (ISIC 35) 0,3 0,7 0,5 0,8 26,0 20,3 2,4 3,6 3,2 1,6 4,5 11,2 9 Construction (ISIC ) 0,0 0,003 9,2 0,1 0,4 0,2 0,6 10 Other economic activities excluding ISIC 38 3,8 337,2 316,2 284,1 196,5 5,4 59,8 18,1 11 Municipal waste 1000 m3/year 4600,0 5282,4 7724,2 7868,8 7431,7 7304,5 6554,6 6797,7 6160,0 6677,7 6705,3 7418,7 6862,9 12 Of which ( of 11 ) hazardous waste 13 Of which (of 11 ) from households 14 Total waste generation ( ) … 274,1 132,1 170,3 281,9 489,7 680,103 818,9 867,6 752,1 786,4 681,31 647,8 1008,5 1448,4 15 Of which (of 14) hazardous waste 27,0 26,6 16,4 9,8 26,9 12,8 29,5 24,3 131,8 140,0 185,4 297,0 16 17 Population of the country Million 7,2 7,7 8,1 8,3 8,4 8,6 8,7 8,8 8,9 9,0 9,1 9,4 18 Municipal waste per capita (11/17) kg/per capita 567,9 644,2 930,6 948,0 884,7 849,4 753,4 772,5 692,1 742,0 736,8 806,4 730,1 19 GDP constant prices 2005 Million USD 5352,7 7473,0 7979,3 8369,6 9126,2 9964,5 13238,9 18834,0 24588,5 28437,1 31794,5 33223,7 33161,1 33107,2 20 Industrial (manufacturing) waste per unit GDP (7/19) kg/1000 USD 45,4 15,5 18,2 28,7 47,1 57,5 56,0 25,8 16,0 16,3 10,2 11,8 16,1 26,2 21 Total waste per unit of GDP (14/19) 51,2 17,7 21,3 33,7 53,7 68,3 61,9 46,1 30,6 27,7 21,4 19,5 30,4 43,7 22 Hazardous waste per unit of GDP (15/19) 5,0 2,1 1,2 2,9 1,1 1,0 0,9 4,1 4,2 5,6
Household wastes statistics WASTE DATA COLLECTION AND PROCESSING ISSUES The national environmental legislation requires waste generators to prepare statistical reports for wastes. However, not all waste generators prepare such reports, though non-compliance with the law entails in administrative fines. The collection of data from private businesses and institutions is also complicated. There is no comprehensive reporting for all types of wastes. This is mainly because waste generators are not familiar with laws and bylaws. Even if there is some waste recording, mainly it covers only some types of wastes whereas other wastes are not recorded. For instance, production plants keep records of major production waste, whereas such wastes as used cartridges, fluorescent lamps, accumulators, waste oil, etc. remain unrecorded. There is no consistent system for waste recording. Records are maintained either in cubic meters, or in tones, or in kilograms or in pieces.
OFFICIAL STATISTICAL PUBLICATIONS OF THE AZERI STATE STATISTICAL COMMITTEE ON WASTE STATISTICS Annual publications: Statistical bulletins Hazardous Wastes in Azerbaijan Republic; Recycling. Statistics digests Environment, Forestry, Game Management and Fishery in Azerbaijan; Statistical Indicators of Azerbaijan; Azerbaijan-Russia (2013). Alert service Industrial and household wastes; Generation and movements of hazardous wastes ALL STATISTICS ARE PUBLICLY AVAILABLE
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