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Heat Pumps in Buildings - State of the art Jos W.J. Bouma EC Workshop Malmö, 6-7 Sept. 2001.

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Presentation on theme: "Heat Pumps in Buildings - State of the art Jos W.J. Bouma EC Workshop Malmö, 6-7 Sept. 2001."— Presentation transcript:

1 Heat Pumps in Buildings - State of the art Jos W.J. Bouma EC Workshop Malmö, 6-7 Sept. 2001

2 Presentation outline Market review Technology review International R&D Building-related R&D Conclusions

3 World demand for small air conditioners and heat pumps

4 Heat pump market (2000) Region Residential Commercial/institutional Europe 4.5 million> 1.5 million USA 15 million 4 million Asia 87 million 10 million World110 million 15 million

5 Market characteristics Europe Widely diverse Different maturity Early stage of development (except: SE, ES, I, GR) Relevant factors: climate co-existence cooling/heating demand electricity/fossil fuel price ratio

6 Residential heat pump market Europe CountrySize range (1999) NL, NO, UK, FI500 - 25,000 DK, CH25,000 - 60,000 AT, F60,000 - 150,000 DE. GR, I, ES, SE> 150,000

7 Annual sales residential heat pumps CountrySales (1999) DK, FI, NL, UK500 - 1,000 AT, DE, NO1,000 - 5,000 F, CH5,000 - 10,000 SE20,000 ES, GR90,000 I135,000

8 Heat pump technology Electric compression: virtually all appliances Gas absorption: field test/limited available Refrigerants: HCFC-22, HFC-134a, HFC-407C, HFC- 410A and hydrocarbons (Europe)

9 Heat pump heat sources Air-cooled (Air-to-air): 77% Ground-coupling growing (CH, SE, AT: 40, 65, 82%) Ventilation air (NO, SE: 41, 30%)

10 Heat pump heat sinks Air (Mediterranean countries) Water floor/wall radiators fan coils

11 Heat pump space heating World0 - 10% Japan28% Europe0 - 5%

12 International heat pump R&D EC IEA ASHRAE 21-CR (ARTI) ECO Energy City Project (Japan)

13 Driving forces for R&D Environmental concern and international agreements: MP; KP (governments/societies/industry/utilities) (Lack of) energy resources/energy efficiency (governments/societies) Market share (industry) Retaining customers (utilities) in common: CHANGE

14 Key areas for heat pump R&D Working fluids N.America/Japan (Parts of) Europe Performance improvement Initial cost reduction Proper design and installation Indoor environmental quality Widening of application

15 Main R&D thrust USA/Japan US Energy efficiency and maximising energy productivity New refrigerants (minimum loss), absorption technology; ground source systems, ARTI: 21-CR Japan Ice/water thermal storage heat pumps EEC (recovery, conversion, transport, controls etc.)

16 IEA Framework

17 IEA heat pump R&D Annex 25: Year-round residential space conditioning systems using heat pumps Annex 26: Advanced supermarket refrigeration/heat recovery systems Annex 27: Selected issues on CO 2 as working fluid in compression systems Annex 28: Sorption heat recovery systems - market and environmental impact for cooling and heating

18 21 CR R&D programme - ARTI Alternatives for compression cycles for HVAC&R High-efficiency components (materials, HX etc.) System integration (controls, building elements etc.) Indoor environmental quality Environmentally sound refrigerants

19 ECO Energy City concept - Japan

20 ECO Energy City project Waste heat powered double-effect metal hydrate heat pump for 45ºC and 7ºC (Matsushita) Multi-fuel gas cycle (helium) heat pump system for -10ºC, 7ºC, 45ºC and 80ºC (Kubota) Residential air-source heat pump for heating and cooling using natural refrigerants (Hitachi) Ice making heat pumps (hybrid and absorption)

21 Building-related heat pump R&D (1) Optimised heat pump operation through integral controls (SE) Pulse width modulation controls (CH) Standardised hydronic heat distribution systems (CH) Swiss retrofit heat pump (CH) new cycles/high lift/reduced cost/controls small (natural) refrigerant charge

22 Prototype high temperature lift retrofit heat pump - CH

23 Building-related heat pump R&D (2) Residential CO 2 heat pump (NO) Commercial CO 2 heat pump water heater (70-80°C) Thermophysical properties of supercritical CO 2 in micro-channel tubes (NO) Development of 2-stage semi-hermetic CO 2 compressor (NO) Residential heating-only diffusion absorption heat pump (NL)

24 Residential diffusion absorption heat pump - NL

25 Building-related heat pump R&D (3) Residential solar assisted, ground-coupled integrated heat pump (NL) Integrated heating-only modular heat pump (NL)

26 Solar-assisted residential heat pump - NL

27 Conclusions Building-related heat pump R&D should focus on: improved, standardized equipment retrofit applications building and system integration low temperature heat distribution cost savings (equipment & installation) high indoor air quality and comfort improved deployment

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