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OvidSP Update Andrew Short February, 2008 OHLA AGM.

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Presentation on theme: "OvidSP Update Andrew Short February, 2008 OHLA AGM."— Presentation transcript:

1 OvidSP Update Andrew Short February, 2008 OHLA AGM

2 Quick Agenda  OvidSP Update  Interesting Facts and Figures  Year-end Promotions for Hospital Libraries

3 OvidSP Update Only 3 More Days Until Ovid Gateway is Retired! (Feb 4 th )

4  “Advanced Ovid Search” tab –Experienced or expert searchers – familiar with command line syntax –Searching in controlled vocabulary databases –For a comprehensive search of the literature OvidSP Late Breaking News…. New Ovid Syntax

5 OvidSP: Things to Look Forward To…  Point Release in April (R1.1) –Stop the jumping when results brought back –MARC Records –Annotations for Endnote/Refworks –Localization of the interface + More  New Release in July (R2.0) –New features, same basic interface –Details “Top Secret”

6  The Krafty Librarian: –Online Tutorials and Handouts to OvidSP from Other Libraries – with links to some terrific librarian-created OvidSP materials ovidsp.html ovidsp.html –OvidSP Switch Fast Approaching  MEDLIB-L: –Very active about OvidSP in early January on the subjects of migration and communication to the library community – L&F=&S=&O=T&H=0&D=0&T=1#19 L&F=&S=&O=T&H=0&D=0&T=1#19 –Debate on the time & place for Natural Language searching referencing the OvidSP implementation of Basic Search: L&F=&S=&O=T&H=0&D=0&T=1#94 L&F=&S=&O=T&H=0&D=0&T=1#94 OvidSP Discussion Forums…

7  UBC Academic Search - Google Scholar Blog: –Dean Giustini of the UBC has been especially active posting about OvidSP, posting thought-provoking articles:  New OvidSP Interface – Five (5) Pros & Cons, Part I  Interrogating OvidSP as Paradigm-Shift  Irreproducibility? – OvidSP Basic Search  The Distant Librarian:  The Distant Librarian prepared online tutorial on using EZProxy to customize OvidSP tab names – see

8 OvidSP: Things to Remember…  Basic Search tab –Search preference is for using natural language or entering a full query –Natural Language Processing (NLP) is a ‘quick and relevant’ search - designed to find the relevant results, not all results  Anything less than a 4 star result is probably not relevant so do NOT get caught up in the number or results returned (we only bring back a target of 500) –Beyond a search for the Novice/Google user, view it as another tool you have to help you with your daily job  Great for Validation  Great for Discovery  Better Multi-file Searching  Find More at:

9 OvidSP: Fun with Basic Search…  Library Juice- Amusing Searches: –  “social factors with chocolate chip cookies” {Medline and PsycINFO}  “bovine growth hormone girls” {Biosis Previews}

10 Ovid Facts and Figures Prizes for Participants! Pharmacy & Pharmacology  Journals (increases 19-41%) 1. Anesthesiology 2. Anesthesia & Analgesia 3. Journal of Cardiovascular Pharmacology 4. Drugs 5. Anti-Cancer Drugs Examples: Top Bioscience Database 1. Embase- 13% Increase in Subscriptions

11 Top 5 Lists Nursing  Journals (increases 2-26%) 1. AJN 2. Journal of Advanced Nursing 3. JONA 4. American Journal of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation 5. Nursing Research  Books (increases 5-15%) 1. Lippincott Manual of Nursing Practice 2. Nursing Care Plans & Documentation 3. Lippincott’s Nursing Drug Guide 4. Cardiac Nursing 5. Lippincott’s Manual of Psychiatric Nursing Care Plans Clinical Research  Journals (increases 5-94%) 1. JAMA 2. Circulation 3. Spine 4. AIDS 5. NEJM  Books (increases 0-63%) 1. Harrisons Principles of Internal Medicine 2. Cancer: Principles and Practice of Oncology 3. Diseases of the Kidney and Urinary Tract 4. Oxford Textbook of Medicine 5. Diabetes Mellitus: A Fundamental and Clinical Text

12 Top 5 Lists Neurology & Neurosciences  Journals (increases 23-80%) 1. NeuroReport 2. Neurology 3. Stroke 4. Neurosurgery 5. Current Opinion in Neurology  Books (increases 0-39%) 1. Merritt’s Neurology 2. Adams and Victor’s Principles of Neurology 3. Child Neurology 4. Brain’s Diseases of the Nervous System 5. Manual of Neurologic Therapeutics Psychology  Journals (increases 1-32%) 1. PsycARTICLES 2. Archives of General Psychiatry 3. Current Opinion in Psychiatry 4. Psychosomatic Medicine 5. Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psych  Books (increases 3-5%) 1. Kaplan & Sadock’s Comprehensive Textbook of Psychiatry 2. New Oxford Textbook of Psychiatry 3. Child and Adolescent Psychiatry: A Comprehensive Textbook 4. Substance Abuse 5. Oxford Textbook of Psychotherapy

13 Something to Remember & Last Chance to Win:  Ovid Nursing Full Text Plus –collection of 45 LWW nursing journals and the nursing index broken out of Medline and searchable on its own)  LWW Legacy Archive- Slice and Dice –7 Topical Subsets or –Any Individual Journal  ADIS Journal Archive –Full text backfiles of 31 key biotechnology, pharmacology, pharmaceutical and toxicology journals and newsletters from Adis International, the leading publisher in the field  Did you know that when you subscribe to a journal or journal collection with Ovid you get: –5-10 years of backfiles (in most cases) –Archival rights for 99% of our journals  if you stop subscribing due to budget or usage, as long as you maintain a subscription to Ovid, you don’t lose access to past yrs  Last Question: Name a new journal collection/product that Ovid introduced last year? New

14 Hospital Year-end Promotions Overview of Each Promotion Available at the Front of the Room, Please Grab One Before You Leave!

15 End of Fiscal Year Offers for OHLA Members  eBook Package for Hospital Libraries- 41 eBooks (Purchase a Specific Edition in Perpetuity) –Price is between $2050 USD (small hospital) and $2560 USD (medium hospital) –Ongoing hosting fee of $100-$125 each year after (for the whole collection)  Archive Slice and Dice Package for Hospital Libraries –At least 5 Hospitals must buy the Nursing Archive at $7500 USD each (if more buy, this price will be amortized downwards based on the number of participants) –Once this base is established any other archive slice beyond the Nursing Archive or the High Impact Collection can be bought for $4150/slice –Ongoing hosting fee of $275-$400 each year after for each individual slice purchased

16 Enjoy the Reception!  I Look Forward to Working with Everyone in the Coming Year!!!  Ovid Thanks You for Your Business and Support!!!

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