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DSU Commissioning and Testing Process

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1 DSU Commissioning and Testing Process
DSU Joint Grid Code Working Group 2nd September 2014

2 Content Review DSU feedback DSU Capacity Certified
DSU signals and testing process Purpose of Grid Code Testing Roles of the DSU & TSO Tests, scheduling & witness requirements Operational Certificate Known Issues

3 DSU Commissioning and Testing Process – Feedback from industry
DSU said It took time to get up to speed with the process. Going forward it should be easier Templates beneficial Site witness isn’t an issue so long as there isn’t a significant lead time scheduling Needs to be more flexibility allowing additional sites to be added to live application Propose cut-off point Scaling of IDS to be considered within the process i.e. sites <100kW to be considered differently Will this process be adopted for larger scale roll out of DSM?(long term)

4 DSU Commissioning and Testing Process – Feedback from industry
TSO response Use of existing process’ and systems within TSO for DSU application TSO flexibility to work with new entrants to address comments or queries TSO transparent in relation to testing requirements and timelines. DSU to make decisions on application based on TSO requirements Testing should be scheduled on the basis that an EirGrid witness will be onsite which will be confirmed D-1 On site TSO witness experience has benefited feedback to Grid Code Modification proposals as applicable TSO decision making process highlighted should applications be revised, the process begins for which the timelines reapply. DSU’s to be more decisive at application stage Existing process including scalability factor applied can be reviewed again in the future

5 DSU Capacity Certified

6 DSU Market Participants (by capacity)
~80 IDS

7 DSU Connection Process
Status Update 1-2 slides

8 Signals and Testing Process
Status Update 1-2 slides

9 Purpose of Grid Code Testing
Ensure SAFE, SECURE and ECONOMIC operation of the Power System Demonstrate COMPLIANCE with the Grid Code Issue Operations Certificate. Test TRUE capabilities of the unit at Commissioning stage and throughout lifetime of unit Contract for future Ancillary Services. Address non-compliance via remedy and/or derogation. Assess the level of IMPACT on other users and the PERFORMANCE of the Power System

10 Role of a DSU (1) Submit complete application form
New DSU connections. New Individual Demand Sites (IDS) being included within an existing DSU. Changes in operating characteristics of any IDS or DSU. IDS switching DSU. (Switchover form to be submitted in addition). Each application is built on the last Operational Certificate issued. One application processed at a time. Notify the DSO of application and testing agenda Complete Market Registration (60 BD) For new connections, the DSU will propose location of TSO RTU. Arrange with OSP site survey and installation (allow 10 weeks)

11 Role of a DSU (2) For new connections, DSU control centre will install and organise training for EDIL. (allow 6 weeks) Complete signalling requirements and submit relevant RTU Cert (wiring / pre-grid code check) Submit test procedures and agree with TSO at least 10 BD in advance of testing Organise Grid Code Testing 9. Completion of Test Reports with Test data

12 DSU Information Requirements
All connection application information Operational and Registered Data based on tested values IDS with Generators synchronised to system Data Sheet. Picture of Name Plate Rating of Generator. Statement from OEM regarding frequency capability. Specification of method of aggregation of SCADA for each IDS addressing CC.12.6 of Grid Code Signal Completion Certs (wiring / pre grid code checks) Signed Test Procedures & SCADA data for tests (1BD) Test reports (10BD) Submit derogations as appropriate (10BD) Obtain Operational Certificate.

13 Role of EirGrid OSP team
Assess DSU application Develop Signal Lists requirements Arrange RTU Installation, EDIL Registration and Training, EMS Database setup Co-ordination of Grid Code Compliance testing. Agree Test Procedures Approve Test reports Recommend for Operational Certificate Handover to Performance Monitoring and Customer Relations Signal List Template available at

14 Site Tests IDS communications check to NCC Aggregate MW capacity Test
Typically 15 minute test Real values used for signal check end to end from IDS-DSU-RTU-NCC Communications issues are addressed in advance of aggregate test EirGrid Witness attends site Aggregate MW capacity Test Existing Certified IDS are not included within this test Carried out when all IDS are tested and proved back to NCC IDS should test to max capability Completed for IDS changing Operating Characteristics Demand 1 hour in advance of test and during test will account for IDS MW response values Total IDS MW response values are added to get DSU MW response values Minimum MW sustained during Max Down time ≥120mins to be demonstrated Minimum off time (≤120mins), and Minimum down time (≤30mins) are demonstrated after ≥ 120min test Ramping (≥ 1.67% DSU cap) demonstrated during this test Test Procedure Templates available at:

15 Test Scheduling Calendar used to schedule testing (Mon-Fri 9am-5pm)
First come first served with one DSU/unit test per day. IDS scheduled regionally to allow travel between sites (can be done over series of days). Aggregate test after all IDS tests are carried out. Possible to complete over 2 week period. Grid Code Tests conducted with normal site settings applied Compliance must be demonstrated while operating within EPA licence and operating limits

16 Test Timelines DSU submits Test profiles 10 BD in advance of the proposed test date and notifies DSO as appropriate DSU submits Signed test procedures and test data files 1BD after the test DSU submits Test report 10BD after the test EirGrid receive MRSO data 11BD after test EirGrid review MRSO data and test report (10BD) EirGrid coordinate effective date for market, EDIL changes and TOD validation Should there be no further issues after GCCT has been successfully carried out, an Operational Certificate will be issued Test Profile Template:

17 Witness Requirements Reserve the right to attend site on any day of testing Site audit to verify application information. Analyse any time delays. Communication with NCC as required. One witness will travel between sites on the day of the test IDS testing are grouped regionally to allow travel between sites. It is possible to travel to all IDS sites and carry out aggregate test within 2 weeks. The Witness may not attend all sites No impact to schedule or testing. DSU representative is on site to complete the IDS site test. Status Update 1-2 slides

18 Operational Certificate
Issued on successful completion of Grid Code Compliance testing Statement on tests completed successfully Table of the DSU Technical Offer Data Effective date of DSU Registered Capacity Derogations to address known non-compliances Statement regarding Performance Monitoring Conditions for revoking of Ops Cert Appendix of Operating Characteristics for DSU and IDS For DSU changing operating characteristics i.e. IDS increasing DSU capacity – DSU to submit application form and complete Aggregate MW capacity test.

19 Known Issues DSU market and TSO process in effect since 2012
Amount of new Market entrants increasing in 2014. Quality of DSU applications and provision of information ~70% of applications are submitted to EirGrid speculatively and are incomplete. Indecision of DSU at application stage DSU to drive the process respecting TSO timelines Application process and form to change in near future Level of information from DSU to reduce. DSO assessment and feedback to be considered. Milestones for RTU, signal lists and testing to be considered. Performance Monitoring and dispatch instructions

20 Known Issues Frequency requirements of IDS with Generators synchronised to system Confirmation of G10 settings or setting changes as applicable. Confirmation from Generator OEM on frequency thresholds. ROCOF changed from 0.5Hz/s to 1Hz/s. Issues identified through testing DSU to rectify issues in advance of Op Cert i.e. DSU decides to remove an IDS from application. IDS not being informed of DSU testing or application issues and requesting update directly from EirGrid. RTU and signal changes Timeframe for signal changes. ICCP project being trialled. Appreciation of TSOs role to test multiple units in parallel Increasing level of connections expected in near future.

21 Contacts Or

22 Reference Material Signal List Grid Code Requirements Grid Code Tests
Operating Characteristics

23 Signal List Signal list includes information on the signal requirements for the RTU and the completion certificates to be submitted as part of this process. Wiring Completion Cert – DSU Pre Grid Code Check Cert – DSU, ESBTS and EMS After successful application, the signal list is amended and circulated to all parties for comment. Other information on process including testing requirements also included. All parties to work from Major versions only. Status Update 1-2 slides Template available at

24 Grid Code Requirements
Status Update 1-2 slides Graph subject to approval of Grid Code Review Panel and CER -

25 Grid Code Tests Status Update 1-2 slides Test No.
Grid Code Testing Requirements  Grid Code Reference 1 DSU Specification of Aggregation CC.12.6 2 Demonstration of Signals as defined in the EirGrid Signal List including specification of aggregation CC.12.2, CC.12.6 3 Demonstration of capability to provide Demand Side Unit MW Response from 0MW to the Demand Side Unit MW Capacity CC.7.4 (a) 4 Demonstration of capability to ramp up and down between defined load points with a rate of not less than 1.67% of Demand Side Unit MW Capacity per minute. The DSU should demonstrate stable operation for some period following ramp up CC.7.4 (b, c) Status Update 1-2 slides

26 Grid Code Testing Requirements
Grid Code Tests  Test No. Grid Code Testing Requirements  Grid Code Reference 5 Minimum Down-Time being not greater than 30 minutes CC.7.4 (d) 6 Maximum down-time being not less than 2 hours CC.7.4 (e) 7 Minimum Off time not greater than 2 hours CC.7.4 (f) 8 Demand Side Unit MW response time of not greater than 1 hour CC.7.4 (g) 9 Demonstration of operation of plant on house load at high frequency and low frequency limits of operation for 60 minutes (statement from the OEM required) ROCOF Grid Code Modification - changing the requirement from 0.5Hz/s to 1Hz/s CC.7.4 (h, I, j, k) 10 Demonstration of amber, red and blue alerts OC.9 11 Demand Side Unit Control Centre Audit OC.7 Status Update 1-2 slides

27 Operating Characteristics (1)
Status Update 1-2 slides

28 Operating Characteristics (2)
Status Update 1-2 slides Mode of Operation for the Generator:


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