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Career and Technology Education (CTE) in Maryland.

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1 Career and Technology Education (CTE) in Maryland

2 Key Themes in CTE: Expansion, Rigor and Access Expand CTE program offerings to ensure responsiveness to economic and workforce development needs and provide career opportunities for all Maryland students Ensure academic and technical Rigor of CTE programs that prepare Maryland high school graduates for successful transition to college and careers. Increase Access to CTE programs so that all of Maryland’s students have opportunities for career preparation and are provided support for successful transition from high school to college and careers.

3 Maryland CTE Today Restructuring Career & Technology Education for a Technologically Advanced Global Society Industry-driven design around Career Clusters Focus on Problem Solving & Critical Thinking in CTE Breadth, Depth, & Value Added in CTE Programs State Programs of Study 3

4 Maryland CTE Programs of Study CTE provides students a planned, sequential program of study including both technical and academic preparation CTE programs are designed to support students in making decisions about their academic and career plans Maryland CTE programs of study are statewide model programs designed to prepare high school students for the 21 st Century global economy – for both College and Careers 4

5 Ten Career Clusters 1.Arts, Media, & Communication 2.Business, Management & Finance 3.Construction & Development 4.Consumer Services, Hospitality, & Tourism 5.Environmental, Agricultural, & Natural Resources 6.Health & Biosciences 7.Human Resource Services 8.Information Technology 9.Manufacturing, Engineering & Technology 10.Transportation Technologies 5

6 Maryland Secondary State CTE Programs of Study Arts, Media, & Communication Business, Management & Finance Construction & Development Consumer Services, Hospitality, & Tourism Environmental, Agricultural, & Natural Resources Systems Health & Biosciences Human Resource Services Information Technology Manufacturing, Engineering & Technology Transportation Technologies

7 Increased Demand for Employees in STEM Careers Employment demand in STEM occupations is increasing at every educational level – Qualified technicians are needed in Transportation, Advanced Manufacturing and technology-driven industries – Second only to Healthcare, STEM is the fastest-growing occupational category in the economy Growing demand for STEM competencies outside traditional STEM occupations requires a more broad- reaching strategy in the American K-16 education system 7 Source:Georgetown Center on Education and the Workforce: STEM

8 STEM and CTE Education By 2018, 92% of traditional STEM jobs will be for those with some postsecondary education Close to two-thirds of STEM job openings will be for those with Bachelor’s degrees and above By 2018, about 35% of the STEM workforce will be comprised of those with sub-baccalaureate training, including:  1 million Associate Degrees  745,000 Certificates and  760,000 Industry-based certifications 8 Source:Georgetown Center on Education and the Workforce: STEM

9 9

10 When you think STEM…Think CTE Showcasing 6 STEM-Related CTE Programs of Study: Automotive Technology Curriculum for Agriculture Science Education (CASE) Graphic Communications (PrintED) Project Lead The Way – Biomedical Sciences Project Lead The Way – Engineering Teacher Academy of Maryland 10

11 High School ProgramCollege Program RequirementsGrade 9Grade 10Grade 11Grade 12English/Lang. Arts (__ Credits) Include AP options English - 4 English 9English 10English 11English 12 AP LanguageAP Literature Social Studies - 3US Govt. World HistoryUS HistoryGovernment Humanities/Social Studies (__ Credits) Include AP options AP EuropeanAP US HistoryAP Government Mathematics - 3Algebra IGeometryAlgebra II Trigonometry or Pre-Calculus or Calculus or Mathematics (__ Credits) Include AP options AP Calculus Science - 3Earth or Physical Sci. Biology orChemistry orPhysics or Science (__Credits) Include AP Options AP BiologyAP ChemistryAP Physics Phys Ed. -.5/ Health Ed. -.5.5 Phys Ed..5 Health Career Program Concentration (__Credits) Include Articulation Options, Dual Enrollment, Credit by Exam and Pre-apprenticeship Fine Arts - 1.5 Fine Arts Tech Ed - 1Foundations To Technology CTE Completer- 4 CTE Program Sequence CTE Course (1) CTE Courses (2) Foreign Lang. – 2 and/or Adv. Tech Ed. - 2 Language Advanced Technology Education 11

12 Maryland CTE 12 Half (50%) of all grade 10-12 high school students enroll in CTE courses (117,341) 19% of the class of 2011 completed a CTE program of study (11,452) 45% of the CTE graduates also completed the coursework for entrance to *USM, this is considered a “Dual Completer” (5,118) *University System of Maryland

13 Rigor/Relevance Framework Evaluation6 High Rigor Low Context High Rigor High Context Synthesis5 Analysis4 Application3 Low Rigor Low Context Low Rigor High Context Understanding2 Awareness1 12345 KnowledgeApply in Discipline Apply Across Disciplines Apply to Predictable Real-World Situations Apply to Unpredictable Real-World Situations Adapted from W. Daggett - International Center for Leadership in Education

14 Benefits to Students Enrolled in the “New” CTE CTE and College Preparatory Academic Curriculum A Sequenced Program of Study – Typically 4 Credits Value-Added Options: – Industry Recognized Credentials and/or – Early College Credit Work-Based Learning Experiences Leadership Skills Through Career Technology Student Organizations 14

15 Student Understandings A CTE Program is a Sequence of Courses that Results in an Industry Certification and/or Early College Credit With Guidance, Students will be able to Identify CTE Programs Aligned with their Interests, Skills Knowledge, and Goals 15

16 Student Expectations Every Student has a Career and Academic Plan Prior to Grade 9 that is Updated Annually Students have Access and Opportunities to Take Higher Level Academic Courses (e.g. Honors and AP) in Conjunction with Their CTE Program of Study Students Can Complete a CTE Program AND Meet the University System of Maryland Admission Requirements A CTE Program is a Sequence of Courses that Results in an Industry Certification and/or Early College Credit With Guidance, Students will be able to Identify CTE Programs Aligned with their Interests, Skills Knowledge, and Goals 16

17 Dr. Vince Bertram, President & Chief Executive Officer Project Lead The Way Keynote Speaker

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