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Annual Financial Report Division of Business Affairs.

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Presentation on theme: "Annual Financial Report Division of Business Affairs."— Presentation transcript:

1 Annual Financial Report Division of Business Affairs

2 1. Financial Position 2. Revenues and Expenditures 3. Specific Financial Activities a.HEAF (Higher Education Assistance Funds) b.Student Service Fees c.University Business Services d.Endowments 4. Major Projects Completed/Current 2 of 46

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5 CFI UTPA Trend Overall CFI score ranges from -4 to 10. Core ratios (and weights): Primary Reserve (35%), Expendable Resources to Debt (35%), Return on Net Assets (20%), and Annual Operating Margin (10%). Composite Financial Index (CFI) measures the overall financial health of an institution by combining four core ratios into a single score. The threshold for good financial health is3.0. 5 of 46 Note: For FY12, UTPA’s adjusted CFI is 4.0 after excluding the Expendable Capital Projects of $35.6M for the Fine Arts Complex. This reporting standard will be in effect consistently in FY2013 for all UT Institutions.

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7 FY2011 FY2012 UT System Academics 7 of 46 UTPA adjusted CFI 4.0

8 Is the institution living within its available resources. FY12 UT System Academics UTPA Trend 8 of 46

9 Number of months an institution can cover future operating expenses FY12 UT System Academics UTPA Trend 9 of 46

10 Must meet 2 out of 3 benchmarks 10 of 46 Only Austin 4.2% and Brownsville 4.8% meet the maximum threshold

11 * Properties funded by TRB debt include the Fine Arts Complex (in progress), Engineering Building, Education Complex, Thermal Energy Plant Expansion, General Classroom Project, New Computer Center, Academic Annex, Campus Entrance/Visitor's Center, Admin Offices Renovation, and the Starr County Upper Level Center. PropertyPayment SourceBalanceFully Paid in… Tuition Revenue Bond (TRB) Projects * E&G (State Appropriation) 54,500,000FY 2022 Wellness-Rec Sports CenterAux (Recreation Fee) 22,875,000FY 2038 Student Housing - Unity HallAux (Housing Rev) 9,350,000FY 2027 Existing Science RenovationE&G (HEAF) 3,550,000FY 2019 Student Housing - Bronc VillageAux (Housing Rev) 2,855,000FY 2022 Student UnionAux (Student Union Fee) 2,790,000FY 2020 LandE&G (HEAF) 2,675,000FY 2036 Student Health ClinicDes (Med Svcs Fee) 1,400,000FY 2038 Academic Service BldgE&G (HEAF) 820,000FY 2016 Equipment FinancingE&G (HEAF) 694,000FY 2015 Total$101,509,000 FY 2012 Debt Service Principal$7,487,052 Interest4,405,599 Total$11,892,651 11 of 46

12 Ratio of institutional support expenses to total expenses (excluding auxiliaries and service departments) UTPA Trend FY2012 UT System Academics 12 of 46

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19 19 of 46 ResearchNon ResearchTotal Expenditures 1College of Health Sciences & Human Services$$2,855,746$ 2College of Engineering & Computer Science3,257,060395,0073,652,067 3College of Science & Mathematics2,328,002624,0672,952,069 4College of Social & Behavioral Sciences441,54830,171471,719 5College of Education775,119197,930973,049 6College of Arts & Humanities72,887202,323275,210 7College of Business Administration13,761405,191418,952 8Division of Academic Affairs61,336510,495571,831 9Division of Student Affairs4,9665,627,5165,632,482 10Division of Business Affairs2,238,417 Total$6,954,679$13,086,863$20,041,542

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23 Support Staff/Other category includes Work-Study, Direct Wage, Special Assignment/Part-Time Staff, Overtime Pay, Accrued Vacation, Longevity. 23 of 46

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26 HEAF (Higher Education Assistance Funds) 26 of 46

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28 Student Service Fees 28 of 46

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30 SSF Revenue Sources*SSF Revenue Distribution Net Increase/Decrease in Fair Market Value of Investments $2,846 0.04% Net Student Service Fees $6,694,363 99.0% Interest Income $61,840 0.9% SSF Reserve - Athletics $105,505 1.6% SSF Reserve - Other Student Activities $825,289 12.2% Other Student Activities $2,914,733 43.2% Athletics $2,907,830 43.1% 30 of 46

31 University Business Services 31 of 46

32 32 of 46 $685,695 $699,245 $662,504 $284,860 $311,130 $297,460 $242,890 $228,288 $168,960* FY 10 FY 11 FY 12 *Food Services revenue does not include $2.25 million paid to the University by Sodexo for improvement/expansion of food service venues.

33 33 of 46 Maintenance and Utilities $202,444 5.4% Operational Support $315,079 8.3% Funding for University Projects and Initiatives $3,257,245 86.3%

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35 Endowments 35 of 46

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39 ◦ Haggar Renovations (Community Engagement & Student Success Building) - Total project cost (as of 8/31/12): $3,636,587 ◦ Annex Renovations (Visual Arts Building) - Total project cost (as of 8/31/12): $3,335,905 39 of 46

40 ◦ Food Services Expansion (Phase I)  Sandella’s  Jazzman’s - Total projected cost: $1,178,630 Expenses as of (8/31/2012): $808,239.70 ◦ Parking Lot Improvements Expansion of Lots T-1 & T-2 (500 new spaces north of Education Building) - Total project cost (as of 8/31/12): $770,055 40 of 46

41 Software Implementation ◦ SciQuest Implementation (iShop Procurement System) - Total project cost (as of 8/31/12): $562,403 41 of 46

42  Projects Underway for FY2013 and beyond ◦ Construction Fine Arts Academic and Performance Complex Projected total cost: $42,696,000 - Expenses (as of 8/31/12): $4,696,947 Academic & Administration Building Addition Projected total cost: $11,900,000 - Expenses (as of 8/31/12): $62,538  University Financial Services Building (previously Land & Title Company building) Projected total cost: $1,800,000 42 of 46

43  Projects Underway for FY2013 and beyond ◦ Construction  Food Services Expansion Phase II Total projected cost: $2,531,378 Total project cost ( as of 8/31/12): $1,245,481 Project A - Taco Poncho’s Remodel Total projected cost: $528,689 Project B – Student Union Food Court -Slice of Life -Chick-fil-A -Mein Bowl Total project cost: $1,130,298 Project C – Game room Conversion to Retail -C Store -Sub-Connection -Starbucks Total projected cost: $872,391 43 of 46

44  Projects Underway for FY2013 and beyond ◦ Safe Room (Shelter Dome) - Projected total cost: $4,950,000 ◦ Physician’s Assistance Program relocation to current Bookstore - Projected total cost: $2,900,000 ◦ Bookstore relocation to Learning Resource Center (Library) - Pending estimate for projected total cost ◦ Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning Projects  Health & Physical Education Bldg & Field house - Projected total cost: $925,000  Physical Science Building - Projected total cost: $550,000  University Cafeteria - Projected total cost: $250,000 ◦ Additional Parking Lots Improvements Projects  LAMAR - Projected total cost: $910,000  International Trade and Technology (ITT) - Projected total cost: $212,505 44 of 46

45  Projects Underway for FY2013 and beyond ◦ Software Implementation Budget & Planning Software (Hyperion) Projected total cost: $852,337 - Expenses (as of 8/31/12): $702,919 Oracle R12 Projected total cost: $ 1,583,197 - Expenses (as of 8/31/12): $ 63,530 45 of 46

46 Contact: On the Web: _home/comptroller_home _home/comptroller_home 46 of 46

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