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ASD 21ST CENTURY SCHOOL LIBRARIES. A Look at Library 2.0 The library connects us with the insight and knowledge, painfully extracted from Nature, of the.

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2 A Look at Library 2.0 The library connects us with the insight and knowledge, painfully extracted from Nature, of the greatest minds that ever were, with the best teachers, drawn from the entire planet and from all our history, to instruct us without tiring, and to inspire us to make our own contribution to the collective knowledge of the human species. I think the health of our civilization, the depth of our awareness about the underpinnings of our culture and our concern for the future can all be tested by how well we support our libraries. –Carl Sagan, Cosmos

3 School Libraries & Student Achievement The quality of a school library program has a direct impact on student achievement. 19 Studies from 1992 to 2007 show this impact. Effective library programs help reach the goals of NCLB.

4 21st Century Library Qualities Quantity & Variety of Materials Curricular Connections & Alignment Networked Access Staffing Expanded Access & Hours Individual & Class Visits Collaboration Information Literacy Instruction Leadership by Teacher- Librarian Focus on Instructional Priorities Real world problem solving Professional Development

5 ASD Library Mission Intellectual Access Physical Access Selective Use of Information Leadership & Instruction in Information Technology Lifelong Learning Diversity of Experiences, opinions & perspectives / Intellectual Freedom Reflect Needs of Students

6 Accomplishment Requires: Partnership among community, Board of Education, district & school administration, librarians, teachers, parents & students Full integration of the library program into the curriculum Commitment to the value of information skills and access to information


8 Your Questions What are the information needs of 21st Century students? What does a 21st Century Library look like? What are the staffing needs at each level to accomplish the essentials? What is the role of the librarian in enhancing the curriculum and instructional program? What is the best way to insure that all students are using the information on a regular basis so that the substantial investment in square feet, supplies and equipment is justified?

9 Our Research Standards Curriculum Integration and Collaboration Access, Resources and Facilities Professional Development Staffing

10 Standards Our students must be taught the 21st century research skills they need to learn and achieve in school and throughout their lives. There's so much more to school libraries than books! --Linda Williams

11 Why Standards? ICT scores AK State Library / Information Literacy Standards ASD Library Standards, Benchmarks & Indicators

12 Curriculum Integration & Collaboration Information Literacy forms the basis of lifelong learning. It is common to all disciplines, to all learning environments, and to all levels of education. It enables learners to master content and extend their investigations, become self- directed, and to assume greater control over their learning. --Association of College and Research Libraries

13 Information Literacy Skills Relate to Every Content Area Resources Alignment with Subject Area Standards Technology Standards Teachers & Librarians Planning Time

14 Access, Resources & Facilities If you're a student, you take one step into the digital learning center, and you can do all your research, all your packaging, all your copying. When you step out of the library, you're ready to take the next step right into the classroom with a finished product. –Michael Freeman

15 Access Digital Equity Information Equity Hours Scheduling Areas for a variety of activities Services Staff Beyond the Walls: Web pages, blogs, pathfinders, wikis, etc.

16 Resources Print, AV, Electronic ASD Holdings: 1.373 Million Select Organize Display Advertise Circulate Update Inventory Discard

17 Facilities Functional Spaces Study Group Instruction Quiet Reading Small Group Reference Individual Production Display Circulation Infrastructure Equipment & Software

18 Professional Development Library media specialists should be recognized and utilized by principals and teachers as professional colleagues in the teaching and learning enterprise. – Keith Curry Lance

19 School Librarians’ Roles School Leader Program Administrator Information Navigator Technology Integrator Collaborative Teacher & Learner

20 Staffing "In the nonstop tsunami of global information, librarians provide us with floaties and teach us how to swim." --Linton Weeks

21 Staffing Recommendations District Level Library Curriculum Coordinator Library Resources / Tech Services Coordinator School Level Certificated school librarian in every building Library Assistants based on enrollment

22 21st Century ASD Librarians love to find the answers!  What are the information needs of 21st Century students?  What does a 21st Century Library look like?  What is the role of the librarian in enhancing the curriculum and instructional program?  What are the staffing needs at each level to accomplish the essentials?  What is the best way to insure that all students are using the information on a regular basis so that the substantial investment in square feet, supplies and equipment is justified?

23 THANK YOU! Links to our research can be found at:

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