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BIOTECHNOLOGY The manipulation of organisms or their components to perform tasks Genetic Engineering – manipulation of genes Gene cloning – making identical copies of a specific gene (a specific nucleotide sequence)
Techniques we will use in our labs
Transformation – putting a gene into bacteria (Luc gene into E. coli to make them glow) Isolation of DNA – from cheek cells PCR – used to amplify a section of DNA (taster gene now and later mtDNA) Restriction Enzyme Digest – use of enzymes to cut DNA (plasmid mapping and taster gene) Gel electrophoresis – used to separate different sizes of DNA fragments (plasmid mapping, taster gene, and later mtDNA) Sequencing – determine exact base sequence of a section of DNA (later with mtDNA)
Figure 20.1 An overview of how bacterial plasmids are used to clone genes
Isolation of plasmid DNA and gene to be cloned Restriction enzyme digest Gene inserted into plasmid Plasmid put into bacteria Cells cloned with gene as part of plasmid Identification of desired clone Various applications Copies of protein product isolated Copies of gene transferred to another cell
Cutting DNA In nature, bacteria cut intruding (foreign) DNA with restriction enzymes Enzymes cut at specific nucleotide sequences. Recognize their own DNA by methyl (-CH3) groups added to adenines and cytosines Restriction Site – specific sequence that is recognized by a specific restriction enzyme Cuts the phosphodiester bonds (breaks backbone) Most sites are symmetrical: GAATTC CTTAAG
Figure 20.2 Using a restriction enzyme and DNA ligase to make recombinant DNA
Most restriction enzymes cut in a staggered manner
G AATTC CTTAA G The ends are called “sticky” because they are complementary and would stick together Additional DNA with same sticky ends (cut with same restriction enzyme) can be inserted. Ligase added to make the needed phosphodiester bonds GAATTC………..GAATTC CTTAAG………..CTTAAG
Cloning vector – original plasmid used to carry foreign DNA into a cell and replicate there
Bacteria most commonly used host cells
Figure 20.3 Cloning a human gene in a bacterial plasmid: a closer look (Layer 3)
Identification of cells with clones of the right DNA gene done by using radioactive nucleic probes.
Probes are complements to part of the gene’s sequence DNA must be denatured (H-bonds broken) for probe to have access to unwound DNA
Figure 20.4 Using a nucleic acid probe to identify a cloned gene
Problem: expressing eukaryotic genes in prokaryotic cells Solution: expression vector – cloning vector that contains the prokaryotic promoter just upstream of restriction site and inserted gene
Problem: Introns and noncoding regions in eukaryotes
Solution: use RNA and reverse transcriptase to make cDNA (complementary DNA or cDNA which has no introns) Problem: differences between eukaryotes and prokaryotes Solution: use yeast and some fungi
Figure 20.5 Making complementary DNA (cDNA) for a eukaryotic gene
Problem: Getting DNA into eukaryotic cells
Solutions: Electroporation – shock to make holes in cell membrane and microscopically thin needles
Figure 20.x2 Injecting DNA
PCR Polymerase chain reaction – technique used to quickly copy (amplify) DNA and without cells Used when DNA source is scarce or impure Use heat resistant DNA polymerase, specific primers, and nucleotides to make many copies Used to amplify a smaller section of DNA
Figure 20.7 The polymerase chain reaction (PCR)
GEL ELECTROPHORESIS Gel electrophoresis – used to separate macromolecules based upon their size, charge, and other physical properties DNA sample is cut with restriction enzymes Different individuals produce different sized fragments which move through gel at different rates Different alleles for same gene produce different sized fragments
GEL ELECTROPHORESIS Restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLP) – differences in DNA sequences on homologous chromosomes that result in different restriction fragment patterns RFLP’s used as genetic markers for making linkage maps (distance between genes)
Figure 20.8 Gel electrophoresis of macromolecules
Figure 20.9 Using restriction fragment patterns to distinguish DNA from different alleles
Figure 20.9 Using restriction fragment patterns to distinguish DNA from different alleles
SOUTHERN BLOTTING Southern Blotting – hybridization technique used to determine presence of specific sequences within DNA After gel electrophoresis is done, gel is blotted with nitrocellulose paper DNA is transferred to paper in the banding pattern Paper blot is exposed to radioactively labeled probes and then rinsed Photographic film is laid over paper and radioactive probes that are attached to complements expose film
Figure 20.10 Restriction fragment analysis by Southern blotting
Figure 20.17 DNA fingerprints from a murder case
Figure 20.x1a Laboratory worker reviewing DNA band pattern
Figure 20.x1b DNA study in CDC laboratory
DNA SEQUENCING DNA sequencing – uses dideoxy chain termination
Each copied strand starts with same primer and ends with a dideoxyribonucleotide (ddNTP) ddNTPs terminate strand because they do not have 3’ OH Each ddNTP is fluorescently labeled differently (A, T, C, and G) Labeled strands are sorted by size in a gel Light source reads fluorescence, which determines base (A, T, C, or G)
DNA sequencing
DNA Microarrays DNA microarrays – numerous amounts of small DNA strands of known sequences fixed to a glass slide or chip Unknown DNA is labeled with fluorescent tags Labeled DNA is washed over array and complementary strands bond and glow
DNA Microarrays
Cloning Cloning plants: single-cell cultures
Works because plant cells can de-differentiate Cloning animals: Nuclear transplantation First successful cloned mammal, Dolly, in 1997 Procedure does not have high success rate Often clones have problems Probably due to gene regulation differences in adult and embryo DNA
CC the cat (carbon copy); calico pattern different based on X inactivation
Cloned on 2002 at Texas A&M Almost 10 years later CC, aka Copy Cat, is still in the College Station area. She has a mate, Smokey, and they live with their three offspring in a cat mansion built by Dr. Duane C. Kraemer, an A&M researcher who helped bring CC into the world.
Stem cells – relatively unspecialized cells that can both reproduce itself independently and, under appropriate conditions, differentiate into specialized cells Found in embryos, skin, hair, eyes, dental pulp Potentially used to treat many diseases like Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, Huntington’s etc.
Gene therapy – replacing defective genes with a normal gene In bone marrow cells, embryonic cells, and gametes Problems: Even if gene expressed, activity diminishes Appropriate amounts expressed/ right time/ right place Ex. SCID (severe combined immuno deficiency) lacks protein Attempts to insert gene into bone marrow cells of 10 children worked in 9 patients, but caused leukemia in 2 (inserted into cell division gene)
Figure 20.16 One type of gene therapy procedure
Pharmaceutical products
Insulin Human growth hormone Tissue plasminogen activator (TPA) Helps dissolve clots after heart attack/stroke Make genetically engineered proteins to block or mimic cell receptors Experimental drug that mimics receptor protein that HIV binds to so it attaches to drug instead of entering T-cells
Forensic Science – DNA fingerprinting
Environmental – using bacteria to clean up toxic wastes (extract heavy metals) Agricultural – vaccines, antibodies, and growth hormones Bovine growth hormone to make produce more milk Genetically modified organisms (GMO) Transgenic organisms – organisms that are given gene(s) from another species Plants –genes for resistance to herbicides, less spoilage, larger fruits etc. Medicine – using SNPs (single nucleotide polymorphisms) as markers; helps to identify disease causing alleles
Figure 20.19 Using the Ti plasmid as a vector for genetic engineering in plants
Figure 20.20 “Golden” rice contrasted with ordinary rice
Genes from daffodils and a bacterium that is inserted into rice plants so that rice can make beta-carotene
Sheep with gene for human blood protein
Figure “Pharm” animals Sheep with gene for human blood protein Protein is in sheep milk and isolated Helps inhibit enzyme that destroys lungs in CF patients
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