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Welcome to Kindergarten! Mrs. Doni Fisk Mrs. Sarah Mrs. Paige

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Kindergarten! Mrs. Doni Fisk Mrs. Sarah Mrs. Paige"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Kindergarten! Mrs. Doni Fisk Mrs. Sarah Mrs. Paige Mrs. Wendy

2 Schedule 8:30-9:00 Arrival/Morning Work 9:00-9:05 Community Circle 9:05-10:35 Reader’s Workshop 10:35-11:05 Writer’s Workshop 11:05-11:55 Lunch/Recess 11:55-12:25 Writer’s Workshop 12:35-1:15 Specials (Music, Art, P.E., Computer Lab) 1:20-1:40 Snack/ Discovery Time 1:40-2:10 Intervention 2:10-3:10 Everyday Math Block 3:10-3:20 Pack and Stack

3 Lunch/Snack Time All money must be in an envelope with your child’s name, lunch ID number, and the words ‘lunch money’. Checks must be made out to Noblesville Schools- lunch You can manage your child’s lunch account online with PayPams. This can be found under the food services tab on the district website. Students who wish to purchase a school lunch will have 2 or 3 options each day. Our lunch menu rotates on a 3 week schedule. Green, Red, and Blue weeks. Student lunch $1.85 Adult $2.90 Lunches from home: Names should be clearly marked on your child’s lunch container Milk is available for purchase if your child brings a lunch from home. SNACK: Kindergarten Students will have snack time each day from 1:20-1:40. If you can, please provide your child with a healthy snack each day.

4 Birthdays Within district we cannot celebrate any child's birthday by having a class party. Students can, but are not expected to, bring in a non food item or party invitations for all students to take home. We will Celebrate by singing happy birthday Students may receive a birthday book from peers and receive a birthday sticker and pencil.

5 Parent & Family Volunteers If you would like to volunteer in your child’s classroom, visit for lunch, come to a class party, or attend a field trip you must complete the Noblesville Schools Volunteer application. We strongly suggest doing this at the beginning of the school year to avoid missing out on any of our special events this year. To fill out this form, please visit Click on Departments > Student Services > Volunteer Noblesville (this is on the right side) There is a small fee to process your information.

6 Classroom Parties We have three parties during the school year. Our parties will take place on October 9 th, December 18 th, and February 12 th. Parents may volunteer to help at parties by completing the P.T.O Volunteer Sheet. School background checks MUST be submitted and approved before you are able to volunteer.

7 Medicine and Illness Children may not carry any type of medicine to school. It must be dropped off to the school nurse by a parent. If your child experiences vomiting, fever, or diarrhea they must stay home for a full 24 hours before coming back to school. If your child becomes ill at school, the school nurse will notify you. You may pick up your child at the main office. The emergency card filled out at registration is very important and must contain complete, accurate, and up to date information. If you have any additional and/or corrections to that form, let us know immediately.

8 Field Trips We hope to take 2 field trips this year. One field trip per semester. We will ask for multiple chaperones to accompany us on both trips. Chaperones are required to complete the district background check before joining us. Chaperones can be a grandparent or care-giver, friend, aunt or uncle of the student. Chaperones will have to pay for their admission on the trip and will need to drive separately.

9 Red Folders Each child will be given a red plastic folder. This folder will go back and forth between home and school each day. Communication between parents and teacher will be put into this folder. If you send anything to school, please put it in this folder. Please be gentle with these folders and give your child the responsibility of putting it in their backpack to bring to school each day. It is expected that this folder be in your child’s backpack every morning. This folder will need to last the whole year.

10 Calendar Each month your child will have a calendar in his or her folder. We will use this calendar for parent/teacher communication. Any upcoming events will also be listed on the calendar. Please check this folder daily for any notes about your child's day. If there is nothing written, your child had a GREAT day!

11 Leadership Levels Your child’s behavior will be noted in their red take-home folder. Please sign or initial your child’s calendar nightly. Level 4 Blue- Outstanding! Level 3 Green- Ready to Learn Level 2 Yellow- Think About It Level 1 Red- Teacher’s Choice Each day your child will begin their day ready to learn! (green) based on their choices they may move up or down and always have the ability to move in the right direction. If your child moved up or down they will color that day on their behavioral calendar. If the day has not been colored in then they were a level 3, (green) for the day! Where does it occur? Bus Hallway Restroom Specials Playground Cafeteria Classroom

12 Leadership Levels

13 Reading Levels Reading Levels are assigned based on child performance. Levels start at AA, and then move to A, B, C, D and so on. Your child will be placed in reading small groups based on his or her reading level. We would like to see kindergarteners reading at a Level D by the end of the school year.

14 Project Lead The Way (PLTW) Project Lead The Way is a leading provider of science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) Programs. PLTW offers a different approach to learning and teaching through problem-based curriculum. This year will be Stony Creek’s second year using the PLTW Curriculum for grades K-5. We currently plan to do 2 structure and function modules this year. Both modules will last about 2-3 weeks. For more information please visit: WWW.PLTW.ORG WWW.PLTW.ORG

15 Homework! Throughout the course of the year, your child will bring home the following: Baggie Books and Sight Words – Books at your child’s reading level – Brought home in blue plastic literacy folder – Expected to read each night and returned every Friday – Sight words need to be practiced and are divided and grouped into each quarter Everyday Math Home Links – Newsletter format connecting you to what your child is currently learning in math. – Some Home Links may provide suggestions for you to practice at home and some will be expected to be returned to school. Be sure to read and complete these! Math Books – Your child will receive a math workbook each quarter. These will be sent home and need to be completed within 2 weeks.

16 Dismissal Any child going home in a way other than his/her regular way must have a written note from the parents! As the children are only 5/6 years old, we will not rely on them to inform us of any changes. Students who do not have a note of change will be sent home their regular way. We HIGHLY suggest that you call into the office to let us know about any changes. Wednesday Early Release Days – Once or twice a month we will dismiss at 2:55 PM. As a district we use this time for professional development. Please pay close attention to our school calendar, you don’t want to miss these release days! – Our first early release day will be August 12 th

17 Miscellaneous We will visit the library once a week to check out books. Books need to stay in your child’s backpack when not in use. Please use our district home page ( ) to access school and classroom information. Each teacher has his or her own classroom page. Important information, newsletters, pictures, sight words, class list, etc. will be posted on this site. Star of the Week! – Each child will have a turn to be the STAR of the week. Information will be sent home when it is your child’s turn We love classroom volunteers, but please give us some time to learn our routines. Information about volunteering in the classroom will be sent out later by your child’s teacher. -- Background checks must be approved before you can volunteer. Don’t wait! Please label your child’s personal items with his or her name. (Coat, mittens, hat, backpack, lunch box, etc.)

18 Parent Teacher Conferences Do not forget to sign up for a conference time! Parent Teacher Conferences will be held on Thursday, October 1st and Tuesday, October 6 th. We will dismiss at 12:40 p.m. both days Please bring your child with you!

19 Concerns and Questions We encourage parents to work cooperatively with us to help your child develop to his/her fullest potential. At any time if you have any questions or concerns, please contact us so that we can work together. You are welcome to email or leave a voicemail for your child’s teacher. He or she will get back with you as soon as they can.

20 About Me I am originally from Iowa and have taught full and half day Kindergarten, third grade, fourth grade, EL, and math intervention in Kansas, Iowa, and Virginia. My husband and I moved our family from Virginia to Indiana in 2011 and became Hoosiers! Our two children and two dogs keep us very busy, but we are thrilled to be back in the Midwest. I feel very fortunate to be teaching at Stony Creek this year.

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