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Patterns of gene expression Drosophila embryogenesis in.

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1 Patterns of gene expression Drosophila embryogenesis in

2 RNA insitu and imaging pipeline Richard Weiszmann 96-well plate RNA insitu DGC1 and DGC2 Elaine Kwan production snapshots Amy Beaton imaging and annotation


4 Status report - to date we captured 25000 high resolution images - we examined approximately 2500 genes - images were captured for over 1200 genes

5 Correlation of microarray and image data

6 Novel insitu pattern – is it real ?

7 Annotation Collaboration with Volker Hartenstein

8 differentiated organ malpighian tubules tracheal system oenocytes fat body

9 anlage in statu nascendi dorsal ectodermmesoderm procephalic ectoderm hindgut

10 primordium malpighian tubules posterior midgut anlage head mesoderm large intestine

11 anlage in statu nascendi anlageprimordiumdifferentiated organ ~~~ stage 4-6 mesectoderm anlage in statu nascendi ~ stage 7-8 mesectoderm anlage ~ stage 9-12 midline primordium ~ Tracing back single-minded stage 13-16 midline glia

12 - allows integration with existing gene expression data - annotation terms can be easily expanded for greater detail Gene ontology -Flybase controlled vocabulary for anatomy (collaboration with Michael Ashburner). - allows sophisticated searches of the dataset

13 http://www.fruitfly.orgComing soon to collaboration with Suzanna Lewis and Shu ShengQiang

14 Three adjacent Brachyury/T-Box genes at 66E4

15 CG7312 - earmuff (encodes a Zinc_Finger_C2H2, EF_hand protein) Drosophila ZebrafishXenopus Yang, Z. Matsuo-Takasaki, M.

16 Acknowledgements Sue Celniker Richard Weiszmann Amy Beaton Elaine Kwan Volker Hartenstein Michael Ashburner Suzanna Lewis Shu ShengQiang Gerry Rubin

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