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TRW Code Updates Planned for ERD Activity in Windchill CRS User Help Guide for New System Changes October, 2005 TRW Automotive September, 2005 TRW Automotive.

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Presentation on theme: "TRW Code Updates Planned for ERD Activity in Windchill CRS User Help Guide for New System Changes October, 2005 TRW Automotive September, 2005 TRW Automotive."— Presentation transcript:

1 TRW Code Updates Planned for ERD Activity in Windchill CRS User Help Guide for New System Changes October, 2005 TRW Automotive September, 2005 TRW Automotive September, 2005

2 2 TRW Overview of Updates for WCRS User Community  Each page has a single Help Guide for all fields, Select “?” at the top of the screen.  Process to create an ERD; fill out the Request page, Save, Add attachments, on the Part Detail page select ‘Add New Details’ to add brief part or drawing number information, from your Task send to PRA when ready to advance the process from create to in-process state.  On the ERD Request page, “document summary” field, will maintain its text formatting and display in a large window after a double click in that field.  On the ERD Request page, the “view affected platforms” button will display the full part number and revision levels as shown on the ERD.  On the ERD Part Detail page, you can select one or many parts and select the View Detail or View Part Master options. These selected parts will launch in new windows that can be individually closed after viewing.  On the ERD Part Detail page, Under the existing part details section, the full part number and new revision levels for that ERD will be displayed.  On the ERD Part Detail page, the View Drawings and Documents link has been moved to the top of the screen  The Part Submission page has been incorporated into the Part Detail Page. When creating an ERD, after the Request page is saved, goto the Part Detail page and select the “Add New Details” button. This will allow you to add your parts and reserve your revision level (mandatory for global drawings) for the next CAD update required.  The part detail wizard is now a two step process, formerly three in the old part submission page. The same field entry and access still applies, distinguished by red text.  The Commodity Code Search has been improved, and accurate data is necessary for NA processing, see last slide. There are new system updates for the creation and viewing of ERD’s within the WCRS system that bring improved system performance and functionality. They are summarized below and further described on the following slides for your reference. Please review now and see your local engineering change management group with any questions.

3 3 TRW ERD Request Page Upgrades ERD Upgrades on the Request Page All the individual field help icons (?) have been eliminated. Now there is one (?) at the top of each page for all fields. Double click on Document Summary and a pop up window will appear displaying additional lines of text where the created format will be maintained for both viewing and printing. The Platform Affected will now show the part suffix and revision level. Help guide New Help Guide

4 4 TRW ERD View Part Detail Upgrades New Part Detail in View Mode All the individual field help icons (?) have been eliminated. Now there is one (?) at the top of each page for all fields. The links located in the center of Part Details have been rearranged and shortened. The View Drawings/Documents has now moved to the upper left hand top of the document. On the ERD Part Detail page, you can select one or many parts and select the View Detail or View Part Master options. These selected parts will launch in new windows that can be individually closed after viewing. With View Detail, each window overlays the next number so as you close each window the new part number displays. You can select all (20 maximum recommended) or deselect any of the selected items and they will not be included in the pop up display. Note: If only (1) part number is selected it will appear in the same window. New Help Guide Select All Toggle Part Details now show the Part/Doc suffix & revision, Type and Change Type. Select One or Many

5 5 TRW ERD Part Detail Upgrades For “Creator” Part Detail in ‘Create’ Status - Update Mode New Add New Details, Update Details, View Detail, View Part Master and Remove Detail buttons have been added. Update Details will allow modification of already supplied field information in RED text and the Shown-On field. Also displayed, are the pending ERD’s and the revision levels. Remove Details will eliminate a part and its information from the ERD. Both depend upon the individual parts selected. Add New Details will open up the part detail wizard (like part submission), See next slide New Help Guide

6 6 TRW Part Detail Wizard for Creator *Change Summary: *Stock Disposition: *Up Assembly Impact: *DFMEA Req’d; *SVC Interchangeable: *Hazardous Materials: New 2 Step Add Part Detail Change Item Type now has only (2) selections “Part” and “Document”. Source Selection ‘Select From Submissions Made’ will only be useful for documents started prior to the upgrade. Later to be removed. Supersedes section located at the top of the second page automatically defaults to the latest revision level. Change Type selections are still Major, Minor, NDI, PAD, Initial Release. The sections displayed in Red on the second step of the Create Part Details are mandatory fields for the creator to fill out. Finish button takes you back to the Update Part Details page. Defaults to most common selections so you can usually go directly to adding in your Part Number. Change Item Type is PART Source Selection is SELECT FROM WCRS

7 7 TRW The Commodity Code page is primarily used by NA to ensure the correct notification to the buyer on ERD’s. It is critical that the correct information be supplied to enable PO initiation and drawing distribution to our supply base. Displayed are the Commodity, Buyer, Manager and product Examples, to aide you in the correct choice. Click on the Search button and the entire scrollable list will appear within a few seconds. European users should select Europe as shown in green. Select a circle next to the correct commodity and it will be added into the field in your Part Generator. You can view CC info from the ERD Part Detail Page Aluminum Extru Reaction Can Extruded Aluminum Extruded Reinaldo Ferraz Marlo Verschure Link Opens

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