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Cup der Privaten NIT FC. What is it all about? Gals & Guys Fun, Partying, Relaxing after Spring School Playing football (10 min) Get to know Berlin and.

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Presentation on theme: "Cup der Privaten NIT FC. What is it all about? Gals & Guys Fun, Partying, Relaxing after Spring School Playing football (10 min) Get to know Berlin and."— Presentation transcript:

1 Cup der Privaten NIT FC

2 What is it all about? Gals & Guys Fun, Partying, Relaxing after Spring School Playing football (10 min) Get to know Berlin and other European Universities students --->

3 What is it all about? --->

4 …but Evenings and Food Accomodation Trip (> 15 persons) Inscription … And, indeed, it turned out to be great fun! (NIT Newsletter,2010, Cup der Privaten --->

5 Soooo…. Registration 30 November 2011 Contribution for Trip and Accomodations c.a. March 2012 Lets Play Ball !! 19-22 April 2012 --->

6 Ana Lucia Cavazos ( MVFP 2010) --->

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